orlpassholder New Member Original Poster May 19, 2002 #1 For those of you who did not make the Passholder Event at Animal Kingdom on 5.18.02 here is the lithograph they handed out Attachments lithosmall.jpg 35.6 KB · Views: 163
For those of you who did not make the Passholder Event at Animal Kingdom on 5.18.02 here is the lithograph they handed out
orlpassholder New Member Original Poster May 19, 2002 #2 Here is the above lithograph in a high res scan . Please dont hammer my server Image size is alittle over 2megs and is presented in 1578x1212
Here is the above lithograph in a high res scan . Please dont hammer my server Image size is alittle over 2megs and is presented in 1578x1212
DanStat Well-Known Member May 19, 2002 #3 Cool! That is so cool! I hope I can find one on eBay <~~ that isn't too expensive! :sohappy:
Bdis86 Account Suspended May 20, 2002 #4 Anyone notice the reference to The Haunted Mansion? The hitch hiking dinos. lol
orlpassholder New Member Original Poster May 20, 2002 #5 server is back online sorry my providers backend had some hardware issue's over the weekend.
orlpassholder New Member Original Poster May 21, 2002 #7 Nope atleast I dont think it did. I didnt mess with it to much I dont want to ruin it. They gave a certifcate with it that as a ton of info on it
Nope atleast I dont think it did. I didnt mess with it to much I dont want to ruin it. They gave a certifcate with it that as a ton of info on it
Invero Well-Known Member May 21, 2002 #8 Anyone notice that the car isn't spinning, and they're all getting slammed into the side? LOL
orlpassholder New Member Original Poster May 21, 2002 #9 hehe ya but they added the little whitish motions on the side to look like it is
ToTBellHop Well-Known Member May 25, 2002 #10 Mickey and Minnie don't look right...Mickey looks about four...