Alo everybody! Ok, so I was thinking that with superstar limo gone(for now) dca really should install another dark ride. One for families. I have not been there(3 months to go!), but I think a ride should be installed next to or on(?) paradise pier. It should be themed to the little mermaid. It could be a trackless system like winnie the pooh at tds. The facade of this attraction would look like a regular junky carnival dark ride. The cars would all be themed to wacky fish(this could also go by 20,000 leagues in dl or mk) The beginning scene would take you by eric's castle and the ship scene. A little rocking would happen and water would be squirt on you as you see ariel go down under water. You then "follow her". They use lighting and effects to make it seem as if you are diving. the cars( a few at a time travek together) would tilt forward to help the effect. You are immediately immersed in"Under the Sea". similar to the heffalump area, the cars would separate and whiz around. Fish would be singing and dancing to make this a great section. You see king triton and family. Suddenly lights flash as u travel into urala's cave where she convinces ariel to change voice for feet. a startling effect makes it happen before you. Then you go back above water as Ariel and eric are about to kiss. Ursala comes out and it follows the storyline. I don't know how to finish the ride. suggestions? thanks