Osbourne Lights


New Member
:mad: Its a little disturbing that the Osbourne Lights start after Thanksgiving this year first time...The Disney DVD states the lights are up middle of Nov. My family is going to be devastated that they wont see them because we are going Nov16-21.cant something be done maybe show them a few times before Nov 28 :shrug:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Sorry? :shrug:

But I prefer my Christmas decorations up after Thanksgiving and certainly not before Halloween!

I'm with WDW Monorail on this one. The lights are up for Christmas (that's right, I used the C-word), so I personally have no problem with the lights going on until after Thanksgiving. I'm sorry if you were looking forward to them and you're disappointed, but there is nothing that can really be done.
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:mad: Its a little disturbing that the Osbourne Lights start after Thanksgiving this year first time...The Disney DVD states the lights are up middle of Nov. My family is going to be devastated that they wont see them because we are going Nov16-21.cant something be done maybe show them a few times before Nov 28 :shrug:

Disney's Hollywood Studios begins in August putting up the lights but usually not displayed until Nov. 28 (07). They are fantastic:sohappy:
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New Member
:mad: Its a little disturbing that the Osbourne Lights start after Thanksgiving this year first time...The Disney DVD states the lights are up middle of Nov. My family is going to be devastated that they wont see them because we are going Nov16-21.cant something be done maybe show them a few times before Nov 28 :shrug:
I totally agree with You! We too are going nov. 16th-21st. I am sorry that people think that it is too early for them, but some times we can't get to WDW after thanksgiving and were happy that the lights were up early. If You like them after thanksgiving, then You can wait till then to see them, but for those of Us who need to come earlier, it was great to be able to see them.
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Well-Known Member
Well I am not sure why they made this change. I am sorry you will miss this. They really are a site to see. Considering that the Halloween events are in Sept. and Halloween isn't until the last day in Oct. I don't think Nov. 20 is too early. Personally we don't do our own home decorating until the day after Thanksgiving but thats just me. For something like this where people have planned vacations around this, a few days earlier doesn't seem like too much.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry? :shrug:

But I prefer my Christmas decorations up after Thanksgiving and certainly not before Halloween!

If you read the original post, this is a change from how it has been done in the past.

Last year, for example, they began around the 12th, about the same time they have for years.

I really feel bad for any families that planned their trips around the usual schedule. It's a sure bet that the MK will still be all X-mased up because the parties still start that early, but of course you don't have to pay extra to see the lights...

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Well-Known Member
If you read the original post, this is a change from how it has been done in the past.

Last year, for example, they began around the 12th, about the same time they have for years.

I really feel bad for any families that planned their trips around the usual schedule. It's a sure bet that the MK will still be all X-mased up because the parties still start that early, but of course you don't have to pay extra to see the lights...


Exactly! If I had made my reservations well in advance based on prior years dates I would be really upset. Perhaps ticket sales are not where they wanted them to be, so they decided to keep the lights off a bit longer to entice people over to the parties.???? Just a thought.
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I totally agree with You! We too are going nov. 16th-21st. I am sorry that people think that it is too early for them, but some times we can't get to WDW after thanksgiving and were happy that the lights were up early. If You like them after thanksgiving, then You can wait till then to see them, but for those of Us who need to come earlier, it was great to be able to see them.

So if my family is only going in July they should be up then since that's the only time we can go? Personally I like them after Thanksgiving since Christmas is a month later and that's more than enough time for the poor CMs who work back there to have to listen to the music and go insane.
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Well-Known Member
So if my family is only going in July they should be up then since that's the only time we can go? Personally I like them after Thanksgiving since Christmas is a month later and that's more than enough time for the poor CMs who work back there to have to listen to the music and go insane.

The original poster's complaint was the change in the schedule. If you have the 2008 planning dvd it states 'mid Nov."...well, Nov. 28th is far from mid Nov. Most people must plan their vacations nearly a year in advance..due to bidding on vacation time. This poster planned their vacation in advance and expected..according to what they heard/read in the 2008 planning dvd that they would be able to see and view the lights. I can imagine their disappointment. I have to wonder what Disney's motive is in suddenly changing the light display dates. They have previously turned the lights on in mid-Nov. Now they are only offering 27 days of lights. Yet, they are still starting Halloween parties Sept. 1st. They charge for adults anywhere between $45-$55 and for children $40-$50 for these parties.

If they don't want to start the lights too soon then why on earth start Halloween before summer is even over???

We have been to the lights numerous times and have enjoyed them. It is doubtful we will be down to see them this year no matter when they turn them on or off.
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