Since the parks need more original rides without movie-tie-ins I thought up a concept for an original Tomorrowland ride replacing the speedway.
Tomorrowland will be celebrating the _____ anniversary of being in tomorrow and they are holding a festival. But an alien goes lose and is going to ruin the festival, so you must go out and catch that alien before it ruins the festivities.
And this would take a page from the former Alien Encounter ride except on a track. What do you think of the premise? (The whole festival part isn't set in stone so give criticism!)
Tomorrowland will be celebrating the _____ anniversary of being in tomorrow and they are holding a festival. But an alien goes lose and is going to ruin the festival, so you must go out and catch that alien before it ruins the festivities.
And this would take a page from the former Alien Encounter ride except on a track. What do you think of the premise? (The whole festival part isn't set in stone so give criticism!)