Opinions on 'Keys to the Kingdom' tour?


New Member
Has anyone been on the four hour, behind the scenes tour of the Magic Kingdom called "Keys to the Kingdom"? What were your experiences? We have heard it is very enjoyable yet takes a great deal of stamina?


Well-Known Member
my wife and i did it back in february. we both really enjoyed it a lot and it is cool even for the WDW "know-it-all's" like us.

stamina can be an issue, though. except for lunch it is pretty much all walking or standing and ours was closer to six hours, not four (though i think it is advertised as a 5 hour tour, not four.)

i highly reccomend it!

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New Member
I am a huge Disney fan and I don't recommend it. I printed my comments about this on another thread but apparently the tour has changed a great deal in the past year due to security concerns. My biggest problem with the tour was the amount of disney trivia, most of which people on this board already know. For ex., the names on the windows above main street, the question about how many bricks did it take to build cinderella's castle, etc. There were some highlights, such as we rode Pirates and jungle cruise and they pointed out some hidden mickeys and we got to see parade floats. The rest of the trivia on those rides i forgot cuz the amount was overwhelming. They also tell you alot about Walt, most of which is already known or covered over at the studios walt exhibit. The following two points are my biggest problems with the tour: 1 - they sell this tour precisely because you get to go down into the utilidors (and frankly that was one of the main reasons i did the tour)...well prior to going down there, they took us to a room above a store in main street, with a glass wall exhibit - showing us examples of make up, wardrobe, etc. ..the tour guide then tells us that prior to 9/11 those sections of the utilidor were part of the tour but are no longer. I almost walked out at that point. But i stuck with it cuz i knew we were going down there anyway. So finally the moment comes, we go down we' re shown the payroll dept., the employee cafeteria, and the garbage chutes, and back up we went. That sucked. 2- My biggest problem with the tour was that so much of it involved discussing cast member rules and employee philosophy which includes the keys' safety, show, efficiency and i forget the other one. It was sooooooo dull.
I read on Deb Will's site that even after 9/11 some ppl seemed to enjoy the tour, but i can tell you no one enjoyed it when i went. I truly hope things have changed cuz the comments i read about this tour that pre-date 9/11 seem like it was alot of fun.
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New Member
I did the tour before 9/11 and it was great. Yes I did know some of the facts and things but we did a lot of other things that were cool. It was a long day but well worth it. I think a good amount of people take the tour so they can 1: obvisoulsy go behind the scenes and 2: go underground into the tunnel.
The whole thing about the tunnel is, yes you are only going to see the employee cafeteria and a couple of other offices and the garbage chuts. That is because if you go any further into the tunnel you will see characters getting dressed and that could ruin the "magic" for you. I worked in the magic kingdom for about 6 months and I was in that tunnel everyday. I know how it works. Even though its a very short trip dpwn there, its awesome to just get an idea of what it is like.
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Well-Known Member
We're taking the "Backstage Magic" Tour next month.
I'll let you know how it is.

I never took the "Keys" tour, but I hope the longer "Backstage" tour is more than just trivia as was mentioned above.

We're really excited about it and sure it will be a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience.

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New Member
I have been, and I have said in many a post on this subject that I don't reccomend it at all. Big waste of money, time, and energy. Your feet get tired since you walk the WHOLE time. You basically get treated like a kindergartener the whole time. They tell you not to talk or ask too many questions during the tour, they make you stand in a tight little group, and no cameras are allowed. It's such a waste, you don't see all that much. Don't go, save your money.
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New Member
Years ago I my parents sent me to the Disney education programs for kids. I think there were three different programs at the time...Entertainment, Art, and Nature. I did the entertainment and the art ones. One or the other (I think the entertainment one) part of the program was going down in the utilidors under MK and we got to see the wardrobe dept, the makeup dept, the parade floats, etc. It was pretty cool! You wouldn't believe how big the wardrobe dept is! At the time I kinda figured that the only reason they let us down there was that we were kids and much less likely to take pictures, wanter off, steal stuff, whatever than an adult...that we just truly would enjoy it for the sake of being able to say that we had gone down there and it was cool and it was something adults weren't allowed to do. Anyway, back to the topic of this thread....when the Keys tou came out, I was quite interested in going for the sake of going down under MK again to see how it looks now/if it's changed/etc. But now hearing that they removed all the cool stuff from the tour and that you just see the cafeteria and stuff, I can't see spending all that $ to go. If they are worried about 9-11 security and a terrorist of something getting into certain areas, then fine. But why not put it back as part of the kids programs?
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Active Member
Originally posted by dox
...employee philosophy which includes the keys...
Safety, Courtesy, Show, Efficiency
I didn't realize they taught that on the tour. Sorry to hear it didn't include all you'd hoped to see. There used to be a day-long tour (maybe still is?) that went to multiple parks and covered more... but I think at about twice the cost as well.
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Well-Known Member
I would highly recommend the Keys to the Kingdom tour to any fan of Disney & the parks. I have commented about this topic many times, try a search for it.
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New Member
Brer Stitch: Please let me know about your backstage magic tour. I've heard that is the better, but longer tour. I've read a few reviews about that tour here and in Deb Will's site and it sounds interesting.

With respect to Jeluvsmickey's comments about the utilidor's, I'm sorry to disagree with you but the reason they did not take us deeper into the corridors has absolutely nothing to do with their not wanting to destroy the magic. As a matter of fact, when we were taken backstage to see the parade floats and the rear of splash mountain, we actually saw the country bear costumed characters putting on their costumes and taking them off, as they were performing near splash mountain. The tour guide even pointed out the exact spot where the costumed character cast members can take off their "heads" as they walk backstage. Again that was one of the few highlights.

cm1988: thanks for reminding me about the 4 keys. I will never forget how our tour guide would stop somewhere and have us point out examples of the four keys. UGH!!
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I would not recommend taking the Keys To The Kingdom Tour in the hot months. It's very tiring without the added misery of heat. I don't regret taking it, but there were painfully dull stretches. Ours was 5 hrs. & 15 min. The worst part was the other people taking the tour who insisted on telling us all how every detail of MK compared to Tokyo Disney or Paris Disney. Ho hum!
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Original Poster
Overall we have heard more positive than negative opinions on the tour. The negative comments about not seeing as much of the utildors after 9/11 are dissapointing though!! We are leaving Friday! and I still would like to go on the tour however I dont think I will be able to talk the rest of my group in to doing it so we shall see!
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I hope you can get on the tour last minute. They usually require advance reservations with a credit card. Also, they limit each tour group to 20 people. When I went in January, they did an 8:30, 9:00 & 9:30 a.m. tour. If you do it alone, you won't be lonely, it becomes a pretty friendly group since there are only a few people.
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Backstage Magic Tour

Never went on Keys to the Kingdom tour but would love to someday. We did the Backstage Magic tour for 7 hours and we LOVED it. It was so interesting. Seeing American Adventure from the back of the pavilion, star tours from the back. Seeing where they grow the topiaries. Seeing where they build the rides and attractions from (we saw they building Primeval Whirl!!! It was just great!!! We would recommend it to everyone!
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The wife & I did "Keys" on our honeymoon last July, and we thoughly enjoyed it. It was fun and informative, and we'd do it again with a different guide for the different experience.

Even though I know some of the things discussed, I didn't feel like it was a waste of my time. Also, being a big guy, I can say that I didn't have any major issues with all of the walking or the heat.

I can see how the group that you're in could effect the tour, I guess we were lucky having a small group (like 7 including the 2 of us) and no one was an annoyance.

I would recommend it.....
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