One Week


Well-Known Member
Sorry about starting a thread about this, but I'm too excited to sleep. I leave in less than one week, and can't wait to ride EE, and POTC. Remember I'm at All-star Sports April 26 to May 2, If you happen to spot me running around, don't forget to say Hi MITCH.

See ya at Disney :wave:


Well-Known Member

Have a fantastic time! I'll be there that same time, so I'll say hi if I see you! :)

I know, I'm excited too! Have bought everything I need, I hope, with the exception of PopTarts for my little guy and some snacks for the room and a box of cereal for breakfast. We're staying at the Boardwalk, and its always a great money saver to have breakfast in the room.
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Well-Known Member
haha...too excited to sleep a WEEK early...this could be a long week for you........ but I get the same way, and I almost NEVER sleep the night before leaving. Have a great trip!
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New Member
Our trip is exactly 1 month away and I'm already getting too excited to sleep. I've been spending these sleepless nights perusing these boards till all hours of the night. I've even started packing. I can't wait. Have fun on your trip! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
We're already here and having a GREAT time. (What a LOOOOOOOONG day yesterday -- MK was open till midnight!) But we still can't sleep, b/c we board our Disney Cruise on Saturday. We're so excited!!!!
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Well-Known Member
I leave in... 14 days, and I CAN NOT STAND THE WAIT! I'm so stoked. I'm visiting my sister who lives in Mt. Dora, and we're hitting AK for the first time in three years. I may also talk her into DS, since we haven't been there in many, many years.

How odd is this: I'm really excited to see the Florida haze... You know that haze that hovers on the horizon? I love that. It speaks of heat and light and WDW!
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New Member
Don't be sorry we have 13 days to go and I and my entire family have been too excited too sleep since we got back from our trip last May. We cannot wait!!!!!!!!
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Active Member
We have 13 days til we leave....

And I keep having Fantasia Dreams. The brooms at All Star Movies keep coming to life.....:eek: that's not a bad thing right????:D
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Only 14 more days!!!:D :D

Time sure flew by fast. Going on Monday to pick up a few items and then we will have everything for our trip.

May 7-12th
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