Pack your bag imagineers as our seventh challenge is about to take off at the One Sentence Competition: Summer Fun! For this challenge you're all tasked with charting a whole new Adventures by Disney journey to any destination not currently offered by them.
Pitch a new Adventures by Disney journey.
- You may use between 1 to 2 sentences and up to 1 image.
- If you breach any of these rules your project will be disqualified, and will not be counted for rankings nor will it receive a review from me.
- The deadline is Wednesday, July 20th at 10:00 PM EST.
K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple, silly. Try not to complicate or overthink things too much. It’s a simple, casual competition – there are no eliminations. Propose as you please, let your imagination soar!
-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it (generally) realistic?
Does it heavily rely on runon sentences?
Does it fit thematically/visually?
BONUS: Holiday Spirit
For this bonus challenge explain how your destination makes for the perfect holiday while only utilizing up to one additional sentence and image.
Good luck everyone! If you have questions, please feel free to ask! Enjoy!