I own at SSR but has anyone else heard about the Old Key West DVC lease extension. From what I saw they are voting on it soon(9/24 I think) and it most likely will be approved. What it means if I understand it correct is that they will be offering those who own at OKW the option to extend their purchase by 15 years for $25/pt(currently expiring in 2042 and extending to 2057) I understand you will have the option to buy/extend based on the number of points you own. I don't know if you have to pay for the extension on all your points or if a portion is allowed. This money will need to be paid in full with next years dues. If you don't renew, I saw that they are considering lowering the current resale value by $10/pt. Just thought I'd pass it along if you didn't know about it and wondered your thoughts on this. :wave: