I have restricted re-hire status with the company right now. Not sure if there's a particular reason, I was never terminated or anything of that nature, I guess it's just policy when you leave the company? I want to attend an entertainment audition in Atlanta. I know that if I was to attend an audition in Orlando I would need to go to casting first and do the paperwork to have my rehire status lifted, bring in something on letterhead confirming my current employment, etc. But what about for an offsite audition? Obviously going to casting first isn't an option in this case. I'm guessing the casting agents there would be able to do this for me if I came prepared? In the past I've asked about being able to fax the paperwork and I was told this couldn't be done.
I'm going to call casting but I wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiances or knew firsthand what they actually do.
I'm going to call casting but I wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiances or knew firsthand what they actually do.