Noooo please don't say this is staying


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On Friday I was lucky enough to go to MVMCP and to my complete surprise on the way back from Magic Kingdom towards the TTC on the monorail it hit me that "Please Stand Clear Of The Doors" spiel had been completely removed and the narrator was a completely different voice, the voice sounded like a computer generated voice and was absolutely horrendous! The only noticable difference in the spiel was the beginning where it was talking about WDW during the holiday season other that that everything was exactly the same as before. So my question is has disney just made these changes for the holiday season or are they planning on keeping this new narrator and have actually axed the famous "Please Stand Clear Of The Doors" by Jack Wagner? Those voice always symbolised a large piece of the beginning part of my vacation I really hope they are not gone forever.


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Here is another question,
If they have removed the Please Stand Clear Of The Door's spiel, all of the toy monorails with the TTC feature are now incorrect because they have a built in loud speaker that says please stand clear of the doors.


Account Suspended
Ok. I belive that the change is only temp. for the holidays. but you never know with Disney. As for the toy models. IF the change is perm. then the toy models are now worht more as they are "classic".


Active Member
I noticed on my recent trip that there were 2 monorail voices. The original Jack Wagner voice still said please stand clear of the doors. The rest of the recording was a new voice, almost sounding like the voice in the monorail at MCO.


New Member
Same. When i was on it, the old voice was used for the "please stand clear of the doors", the rest was a different voice.

Please tell me they didn't remove the last remains of the original spiel!


New Member
:lol: :lol: Does it really matter that much? It's a couple of minutes of travel time. Did anyone have a problem when they added the Spanish version? Like someone posted in another thread, some changes aren't that big a deal.

Personally, since the monorail is suppose to be futuristic, why wouldn't it have a computer generated voice? It does fit the theme Hal. What are you doing Hal? :lookaroun

:wave: ACE


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PhotoDave219 said:
Somehow i doubt come Eastertime, that they'll still be running a monorail spiel that includes advertisments for MVMCP.....

What I ment was the removal of "Please stand clear of the doors."

rogerrabbitfan9 said:
They also did a part where when you get to the MK Stitch says "Welcome to Stitch Kingdom."


Say it isn't so. :eek: :(

ACE said:
:lol: :lol: Does it really matter that much? It's a couple of minutes of travel time.

Yes. but it's a classic part of dinsey that is as memorible as Mickey Mouse.

ACE said:
Did anyone have a problem when they added the Spanish version?

Sorta- yes I was suprised it wasnt done in Japanise(sp).

ACE said:
Like someone posted in another thread, some changes aren't that big a deal.Personally, since the monorail is suppose to be futuristic, why wouldn't it have a computer generated voice? It does fit the theme Hal. What are you doing Hal? :lookaroun :wave: ACE

Yes. but it is not a "spaceship".

Just rember, everyone has their own special memories of Disney and things they never want to change.


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PhotoDave219: Somehow i doubt come Eastertime, that they'll still be running a monorail spiel that includes advertisments for MVMCP.....

Yer I know obiously that they will not still be advertising the Holiday events after Christmas but I can't understand why they couldn't get the other person who narates to just fill that bit in.

Stitchfan712: Same. When i was on it, the old voice was used for the "please stand clear of the doors", the rest was a different voice.

If I am not mistaken for the last how ever many years it was only the Please Stand Clear Of The Doors that was still narrated by Jack Wagner, I thought the rest of the Spiel was somebody els. Does anybody know the name of that Narrator if I am correct in what I believe?



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jddjcfc said:
Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor, mantenganse alejado de las puertas
Welcome aboard the Walt Disney World Express Monorail, our Highway in the Sky to the Magic Kingdom. For those of you standing, please hold on to the handrails throughout our journey and stay clear of the doors. For the comfort of others, no smoking please. Thank you.

Nice sig.

I have the entire 7 min wav file.


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monorail_man said:
Nice sig.

I have the entire 7 min wav file.

Hehe thanks vey much, it's been that for absolutely ages

Yer it's great isn't it, I have got it aswell, I'm not sure what year it is from but it has Animal Kingdom in the Spiel and also mentions Discovery Island and River Country. The version I have got is from TTC to MK then MK back to TTC.

I have uploaded it to my Cellphone so if some one here's the Monorail Spiel whilst walking round one of the Disney parks you will know its me :lol:

Ohh yer i have also got the Please Stand Clear of the Doors and the Spanish version as a seperate file and i use it as the startup sound for my PC lol.



Well-Known Member
jddjcfc said:
Yer I know obiously that they will not still be advertising the Holiday events after Christmas but I can't understand why they couldn't get the other person who narates to just fill that bit in.
From what i hear its either that they changed departments OR there's a new manager around that wanted to change things, IE that ghwadawful new illuminations preshow music.

Either way its change, and probably this change is just for the sake of change. I highly doubt this is one of those things that the research people will notice us complaining about....


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jddjcfc said:
Ohh yer i have also got the Please Stand Clear of the Doors and the Spanish version as a seperate file and i use it as the startup sound for my PC lol. :)

Me too. I also got the TTC version seperate.

I have edited and cut the 7 Min and set it up when my Windows opens and closes and I have the air brake soud for my recycleing bin and the air horn for "critical stop".


New Member
It´s not that it matters that much, but that voice and monorail phrase is a classic.
I don´t like that the Spanish version has mistakes, and would like to hear it correctly, although in the same voice... ;)
It´s like when the Illuminations announcement was made by a female voice... it certainly didn´t have the same impact that the man´s voice had on people. :)


New Member
monorail_man said:
Just rember, everyone has their own special memories of Disney and things they never want to change.

Just would like to mention to all the "WDW experts" here that Walt never wanted WDW or DL to get stale. He was always looking to improve things and make changes. Heck, at one time Disney was the leader in animation technology. Now they contract it out. But I believe if Walt was still around, Disney would have lead the way in CGI technology and 2D animation would have been gone long before now.

Just my opinion.
:wave: ACE

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