No More Heelys at the Parks


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For those that don't know, Heelys are a new special sneaker for kids that have a single wheel at the back of the heels. A little forward movement and resting back on the heels and kids roll on the ground.

We just completed our trip to Disney and we're resting at my father's house at Hilton Head before driving back to NJ. I thought I'd let people know who might be heading down and plan on letting their kids bring their Heelys.

We arrived at Saratoga last Thursday (June 22) and our daughter wore her heelys to the parks for the first four days and all she got was curious looks, and CM's glances and smiles. By our last day there, she was asked by a CM to not skate in the park. With the Heelys you can just walk because the roller pushes back into the sneaker, so that's what my daughter did until one time when she (I think it was force of habit for her) skated a short distance on a ramp and a CM came running "Princess, please no skating in the park."

We didn't have the wheel key with us, so we had to yank them out by hand (which isn't easy).

It was working out great for us because she kept a little ahead of us and was very careful not to skate in crowds or around people. At one point she went past a family and the elderly mother commented "what a nice way to get around," to which (I imagine) her son commented "a nice way to crack open your head."

Now I'm sure there will always be people who will frown upon such things, but I can tell you that my daughter has not fallen down once using the Heelies, even when she was learning how to use them. They're much easier to use than regular skates, and much easier to stop.

I don't have a problem with them not being allowed in the parks, but I wonder if Disney just caught on to them and decided to make a ruling because for the first four days, nobody said a thing the whole day, and then on the fifth day the Heely police were out in force.


Well-Known Member
I by no means intend for this to be offensive, but WDW doesn't allow Tony Hawk to Skateboard in the park, no matter how good he is, unless it's in a show, even He can't skate in the parks. Heelez are a safety concern for the resort for many reasons. There is an ongoing thread on this issue found in the General Disscussion Catagory.


Well-Known Member
So that's what those are, huh? I've had a few doubletakes where I could have sworn a kid was floating over the ground past me!


Well-Known Member
I dont know how anyone would think those things in the park would be a good idea. Its jsut an accident waiting to happen. And then you have kids walking on them but not putting the wheels back in i can only imagine the strain that puts on their backs. Such a bad invention.


New Member
It's about time they banned those things, I can't tell you how many times I was run into by kids wearing those and countless times where they almost ran into other people.
I'm glad the CMs instructed your daughter not to use her skates in the park. With as busy and crowded as WDW can be, it's not the best of ideas, IMHO.

And, to be quite honest, if someone chooses to use such shoes I could care less if they split their head open on cement. But, I certainly don't want others hurt in the process.

And the "crack down" isn't new. An individual next to us was told to remove theirs by a Disney Security member in Dec. at Epcot.


New Member
A couple of years ago I was playing in the parks before having to go into work and I saw a man with roller blades skating around Town Square. Before I could even think to myself (how did he get in with those on??) Security and a Park Manager were sitting him down and told him to take them off. I remember they asked him how he got in with those on and he said he skated right through the turnstyles. From what I remember Guest Relations held onto his blades until he was leaving the park.

In terms of the heelys.... it isn't ( I think) so much an inconvenience for some child to be wearing them but it's that what if someone to fall and hurt themselves and we all know in today's society that just because someone with wheels on their shoes falls inside Disney and gets hurt.... then it must be Disney's fault (sarcasm).


Well-Known Member
Heelys are dangerous. I'm going to preface my post with a warning: I am telling my story about how I was injured by Heelys, and it's not pretty. Those with a weak stomach or those that would rather not hear it, please skip the next paragraph. I've tried to make it blend in a little bit. For those that want to read it, highlight it.

I bought a pair back when they were first introduced. 2 days later, standing still on smooth flat pavement (not even rolling), I lost my balance, my toes came up, and I was just on the wheels. My legs flew out from beneath me, but in trying to stay upright, my left toes stayed in contact with the ground. When my legs flew up, my foot rotated around my toes on the ground. I landed on my back and looked down to see my foot hanging down backwards. In the end, I ended up with a broken and dislocated ankle (both on the same ankle), ended up having to have surgury to fix ligaments, remove bone chips and insert 2 pins and a screw. I was in a cast and on crutches for 5 weeks and in a walking boot for another month. It sucked.

Heelys are dangerous. I know mine was probably a freak accident, but I know lots of others happen with those shoes. I just want to warn parents about them. There's no way I'd ever let my kids get a pair. I'm really glad that Disney is cracking down on these things.. hopefully we'll see more enforcement in the parks.


New Member
yeah, Im not a fan of them at all! First off, I always see kids running into people or running into the backs of ankles, which oww! that hurts! I also saw one kid in a store riding around on them, went to make turn around a display, slipped, and in the process of trying to stop his fall, brought an entire glass shelf full of snowglobes down with him :eek: yikes! i would not want to be working in that store then! Lastly, I know Im going to get ragged on for this, but really, I see this as another example of how lazy kids are these days! Im not one to talk really, b/c Ill admit Im the laziest of them all, but why cant they just walk the parks instead of wheeling around? I dont know, thats just what I think, please dont hate on me too much for saying that!:lookaroun


New Member
allabtbrdway said:
Lastly, I know Im going to get ragged on for this, but really, I see this as another example of how lazy kids are these days! Im not one to talk really, b/c Ill admit Im the laziest of them all, but why cant they just walk the parks instead of wheeling around? I dont know, thats just what I think, please dont hate on me too much for saying that!:lookaroun

Wow. I never really thought of it as being lazy but I can see where you're coming from. I really don't think Heelys in public places are a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Just for FYI...Heelys or skate shoes of any kind are not permitted at the San Diego zoo or Wild animal park. Its posted clearly


Active Member
Japhy said:
For those that don't know, Heelys are a new special sneaker for kids that have a single wheel at the back of the heels.

Actually Heelys have been around for atleast 3-4 years. They were marketed as a shoe and kids had them for a while in the parks, then the fad died out. Now they are being advertised more as a toy for kids, and now more than ever are kids using them. Because of the numbers, I think that is why Disney is putting a stop to it.

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