Nice Cast Members


Well-Known Member
We've never come across a rude cast member, at least non that I can recall. Rude guests but not rude cast members. We're always really nice to the cast members. I guess cause we're nice to them, they're nice back. I know what it's like to work customer service so I know what it's like in their shoes. But I also don't get overly upset when things don't go as planned as I almost always have a back up plan floating around in my head or I can think on my feet and make the best of it.


Well-Known Member
I don't recall ever meeting one either....Im sure they are there but sometimes they are probably just tired and stressed and may not realize what they are doing..just like anyone else who works.

Just because you work at the Happiest Place on Earth does not mean you will be happy all the time..real life does sometimes interfere.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I've never had anything less than magic when I'm at WDW. The cast members are, by far, what make WDW so magical.

I've worked in the service industry long enough to know that everyone has bad days and it's hard not to wear your emotions on your sleeve, but I've never had any complaints when it comes to cast members.

Thank you to all of them who have helped make WDW my favorite place in the world. :wave:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I have never had a CM be rude to me or DS. I've seen one snap at my Ex once, but that was after my Ex had been unrealistically demanding of the CM's attention.

I tend to assume that when I see posters here complaining about how a given CM was rude to them that, perhaps, they brought it on themselves.

I'm unwaveringly polite to all CMs I come in contact with and get treated unfailingly well by them all in return. I get exemplary service in restaurants, get treated very well by CMs in lines for attractions and have never had any difficulty getting excellent answers to what may often seem stupid guest questions.

Of course, no-one posting complaints here would ever suggest that perhaps they had been less than perfect, so obviously the CM was rude! :rolleyes:

[The last time I suggested such a possibility, I got flamed rather loudly by someone for whom the suggestion perhaps struck a little close to home... so if you're offended, look in the mirror for a moment.]


Well-Known Member
Never come across one. I know that they are there doing a difficult job, so a little bit of kindness going back their way goes a long way. I try to engage them with a smile, a "how ya doing?" comment or may strike up a small conversation with them. I take the "rude CM" comments here with a grain of salt, as in, how nasty was the guest to the CM in the incident at-hand? It's a two-way street.


Well-Known Member
I can remember meeting only one very rude cast member while at WDW...the hostess at Spoodles on the Boardwalk; not bad considering all of the CMs we have dealt with over the years.


Well-Known Member
Never come across one. I know that they are there doing a difficult job, so a little bit of kindness going back their way goes a long way. I try to engage them with a smile, a "how ya doing?" comment or may strike up a small conversation with them. I take the "rude CM" comments here with a grain of salt, as in, how nasty was the guest to the CM in the incident at-hand? It's a two-way street.

You hit that nail right on the head!

And I always try to give a smile too, after all it doesn't cost a thing! :D


Active Member
:wave: I have done customer service both on the phone and in person and I KNOW how rude people can be. I have never run into a CM that wasnt friendly to us. How they keep their cool is a mystery to me!!!!:lol:

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
The cast members at Disney are sooooooo nice!! I have never had a rude cast member and I have been 17+ times. They complete the whole Disney experience for me. I have encountered some that cant speak english but they were also nice.

14 Days till DIS:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Never come across one. I know that they are there doing a difficult job, so a little bit of kindness going back their way goes a long way. I try to engage them with a smile, a "how ya doing?" comment or may strike up a small conversation with them. I take the "rude CM" comments here with a grain of salt, as in, how nasty was the guest to the CM in the incident at-hand? It's a two-way street.

You cant help but be nice to them. They always put me in a good mood so I try to do the same for them. I know exactly what your saying


Active Member
In all my visits to WDW and the thousands of Cast Members I've encountered, they hold THE BEST record of anywhere in the world. Mostly every cast member has been great and made the overall experience so extra-ordinary that is why we all go back. I have encountered a few (see "rude cast members" post). But most are great.

I live on Cape Cod Massachusettes, one of the tourist capitals of our country and I've only worked in customer service my whole like. My brother, mother, sister, wife, and friends all work in customer service too. So all we do is tell horror stories all day long. I can ONLY imagine a WDW cast members stories, but they do a great job keeping it to themselves. We always try to be nice to all the employees there, which helps I'm sure. I think because everyone is generally in a good mood at WDW that exchanges between guests and cast members is usually a good one.


New Member
I was in teh Canada gift shop in Epcot and I bought this husky plushie and me and my mom were cuddilign it and the lady behind the counter was like "omg how cute!" so she started chatting with us, and she gave us a "Magical Moment" certificate for "adopting a husky" she even named it for us

Then on the same night me and my mom rode spaceship earth like really late, we were the last people of the night to ride and we got to the end and were chatting with the castmember doing the unload console and the ride just stopped and extra lights went on, then we met some lady who i think was like some manager of spaceship earth adn she was chattin with us about classic epcot and stuff


Active Member
the segway guys get my vote......! infact ive never had a mishap with a cm - infact they irritated me because they were always 'too happy'...

must be a british thing :p


New Member
A big Thank You to all of you kind guest that are posting here. As a Cast member at WDW it is with GREAT Pleasure that I read this thread.

We all try in our own way to make some type of magic for each and every guest. However...there are times and days where it becomes trying. Take for example this last week. The last week of Dec is the busiest of the year and we see crowds that you can not even imagin. For example on 12/29/06 our one attraction had almost 30,000 guest come and ride. Now since our attraction is only open from 8:00am-4:30pm you can do the math. Moving this amount of people thru and trying to keep every one happy and not fustrated is what we do!!

I have read a few negative post on here about rude cast members and yes there are a few. However, I will say when you think of a Cast member being rude think about the time and the place that you are seeing this. Some times Cast members do have to be loud with there voices and you may think they are rude but we do try to use the words please and thank you when we have to project like that. keep in mind If you are hearing a Cast Member with a loud tone Saying "move all the way down" or "PLEASRE STAY SEATED" they are just looking out for your safty and trying to get you onto your attraction and make your day move along. We do get screamed at alot and sometimes get pushed and shoved but those of us that beleave in Magic try to make it happen every day for all of you guest out there.

For those of you that have posted such nice stories about Cast Members I would like to Thank You!!! Please keep the positive stories comming... I am sure they out number the negative ones.

Thank you all again!!!
I agree 100% with these posts. We've never met a rude CM either. They have always been friendly, helpful and polite and will go out of their way to help with anything. THANK YOU for being such wonderful CM's!!


New Member
I have never met a rude CM either....

But even more, I have met so many CM that go beyond the extra mile, truly making my trip magical.

From last trip, some quick examples:

The CM who rang me up in Canada ( some Christmas decorations of course!) and who not only asked if I would like my package delivered to my resort, told me she could also send the bag I was already carrying with that purchase. Wow! Really helped me not totting that the rest of the night. (PS It wasn't even a Disney Bag, it was a Mousefest bag!)

The many, many CM I spoke with at AK....all so informative about the park and animals. Especially a big thank you to Brian at Rafiki's PW, he was a blast talking to while he cut up fruit and veggies for the fruit bats. You all made me want to work there.....

All of the Santas I saw with the kids in Epcot, you brought smiles to everyones faces.

Sleeping Beauty in France, I watched her make many little girls smile and dance while I ate my lunch.

The CM at TTA who shot me with the air canyon and did a "yessssssssssssssss" afterwards, made me laugh out loud.

All of the CM I saw being very patient and polite with some not so much guests.

Can't forget Off Kilter, for always putting on a fun show and posing for pictures.

I could go on and on, but you all know what I mean and have similar stories.

Thank you everyone!


Well-Known Member
We had finished dinner at the California Grill and were heading back to our resort but the DTD buses were taking forever to get to the Contemp. So we decided well, let's just take the monorail to the TTC then catch a bus. As we waited on the bench we saw a train coming in and the front spot was full with a large family. We were going to get on the train anyway, but it got very full very fast with lots of strollers and people.

I said "let's wait for the next train." The station cleared out and soon another train showed up. A CM came out and asked us if we'd like to ride up front! :sohappy: We agreed and were very grateful! Eventhough the ride was only to the TTC, we still were given monorail co-pilot cards and it was fun to ride up front. This put us in a better mood on the way to DTD. :D

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