Obviously this is not a new opinion but I would love to see more monorails going up. I think there is a real need for a transportation overhaul since the buses can take so long and be so confusing. I've had an idea cooking for a long time now that involves having five monorail stops (like, TTC, MK, Epcot/MGM with walking paths to each park, AK, and Downtown). Each of the stops would be connected to the TTC and to each other by a big circular loop. Disney can thus keep its buses by assigning each bus stop to a monorail stop "area" and having buses going from the monorail stations closest to them to those stops. It seems to me that this would save customers a lot of time and Disney a lot of gas money.
Regardless.....there are a few reasons why such a monorail expansion will not happen anytime soon. One, it does cost quite a bit of money, money that could be spent on creating new attractions that nobody wants (to replace old classics like the original JIA and CoP--so sue me, i'm bitter :brick: ). Two, it's a bit of an unsightly procedure to put up all of those monorail beams and stations--construction sites are generally not pretty and do not contribute to the magical atmosphere (Horizons cough cough --still bitter) Three, Disney doesn't really want to see all these people riding a free and convenient bus to a free and convenient monorail station to ride to a park when they can have you park in the parking lot and pay six bucks. Six bucks times fifty thousand during the high season is a lot of moolah.
So, sorry to build you guys up and shoot ya down, but I don't think it's going to happen (they should have just built the dadgum things in the FIRST PLACE!!!)