New to Disneyworld


New Member
Original Poster
Hello everyone! We are getting ready to take our first trip to Disneyworld August 6-12 and I didn't know if anyone had any information on making our trip easy going. I have a family of four, two adults and two children ages 6 and 8. We are going to Magic Kingdom, Epcot and MGM. We are also going to Universal and Sea World the last few days of our trip. I would like some experienced insiders tips on making things go smooth. If anyone could help I would appreciate it. Thanks!


New Member
There are so many helpful threads on here. Go to the trip planning, resorts and restaurants forum (2 down from this one). There are probably already some threads that will give you lots of good advice. Also, try THis is a GREAT website. You can find tons of info including pics of the resorts and menus from the restaurants.


Well-Known Member
Planning and Preperation are the keys to a successful Disney trip - plus - don't try and do too much (esp with young kids).
I suggest settling down with a good guide booke BEFORE you go - The Unofficial Guide is about as good as they get.
Finally - Enjoy it !


New Member
I would not skip Animal Kingdom if I was you,as many people on the forum can tell you it's one of the favorites with people in the know.Also bring a couple of pairs of comfortable shoes as to give your shoes a chance to dry.Do not buy new shoes and discover that the shoes are uncomfortable while your on vacation,break them in before you get to Orlando.Also Berkenstocks may be cool in Europe but with our tropical humid heat they are not a good idea as we see tourist with leather sandals and there feet covered in band-aids from blisters.Do not bring jeans for a day in the park as you will be miserably hot and end up with a rash.Black shirts may be cool up north but will make you hotter then you really need to be.Soda will not hydrate but actually dehydrate you so make sure you drink lots of water and bringing powdered gatorade to mix with your bottled water is a good idea as there is no Gatorade on Disney property and the Powerade they sell is nothing more than corn syrup fruit punch.Also remember that if you miss a ride you may never be able to see it again as rides close for new attractions so take your time and try not to miss a thing.4 Disney parks take about 5 days to properly see everything and paying the upgrade for the park hopper is not a bad idea as if you finish a park early you can hop to another park and finished what you missed.This is my collection of experience and I hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
try the animal kingdom your kids will love seeing the animals. if i where you i would visit epcot and do the rides and all that then another day go back to epcot and visit the countries unless you want to tire the children out then do all of epcot in one day. but i guarantee if you tried the animal kingdom you would enjoy it. have a fab trip!


If you're low on time, Animal Kingdom is definitely the park to cut. I strongly recommend seeing Universal Studios and Sea World over Animal Kingdom. There is plenty more to do at those parks, and more to see. Of course, if you are able to fit it in, then try and make it over to AK.
My 12 year old advice

Have a relaxing trip and take your time Disney World is a very big place. Always follow The Unificial Guide and dont make your kids go on anything they dont want to, that frequently happens with my dad trying to get me on ToT. If they are boys do Buzz Lightyear Ride and some characters if they are interested. THey will luv MK and like the shows at MGM and maybe the animals if thwer into that at the AK. Epcot may be boring for them. If they are girls do princess breakfasts and many if not all of the FantasyLand attractions and will probably want to meet characters. If a boy and a girl do the best of both worlds. It is also important to stay on site at a Disney Hotel even Pop Century and the all stars are clean and have a wonderful shuttle to and from the parks every 15 mins. Keyword RELAX and TAKE YOUR TIME! If they are tired go back to the hotel. You will get more of your moneys worth if you relax then if you try to do too many things in one day and shoot the whole vacation. Have fun and smile!:wave: :sohappy: William 12 yrs old

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
If you're looking for some honest advice --- I think you've scheduled WAY WAY WAY too much... especially for a first-time visitor.

Walt Disney World is WAY larger than any first time visitor could imagine. For example, it can easily take an HOUR to park your car in the Magic Kingdom lot, buy tickets, take the ferry or monorail to the park, go through security, and get your bearings. (The same goes for driving to Universal or Sea World)

All of the parks are HUGE. A good majority of your day is spent just WALKING from attraction to attraction.

Also, it's summer here in Orlando... and it is hot, humid, and MISERABLE. The crowds are HUGE. Unless you pace yourself (in other words, "slow down"), you're gonna burn out by mid-day from the heat and the crowds.

I'm assuming you're staying ON Disney property. If you're not-- based on your schedule-- I think you're in for additional frustration.

Unless you've got amazing stamina and energy, I do NOT recommend doing 5 straight days of theme parks. You and your kids run the risk of getting grumpy, and yelling at each other instead of having fun.

I think a first-time visitor can do Epcot and MGM each in one day (get FastPasses for Rock-n-Roller Coaster and Soarin' AS SOON AS YOU GET THERE!). Universal and Sea World can also be one-day trips.
However--- it is IMPOSSIBLE to do the Magic Kingdom in one day-- especially in the summer. And with a 6-and-8-year old... I think most would agree... this is the park your family will likely enjoy the most. (I also think Universal would be the LEAST favorite. It's a great park, but the attractions are not very kid-oriented.)

If I were you, I would take ONE day off in the middle of the week. Go to the pool, visit a restaurant, or do one of the many recreational activities at Disney--- like renting a small speedboat, playing mini golf, exploring a different hotel, catching a dinner show, or even a water park. More importantly, SLEEP LATE. You'll thank me later!

My recommendation if I were in your shoes--- Do Magic Kingdom on Day 1, MGM and Epcot on Days 2 and 3, Rest/Pool on Day 4, and Magic Kingdom on Day 5 (or, if you felt like you saw enough on Day 1, go to Sea World)

I know its probably disappointing to hear my advice. You want to do it ALL. But trust me, you'll have more FUN if you take it slow.

It's kinda like an all-you-can-eat buffet. You can try to cram it all in, but you leave feeling sick. Or you can savor a handfull of things... and try others on your next visit!


Dr Albert Falls said:
If you're looking for some honest advice --- I think you've scheduled WAY WAY WAY too much... especially for a first-time visitor.

Walt Disney World is WAY larger than any first time visitor could imagine. For example, it can easily take an HOUR to park your car in the Magic Kingdom lot, buy tickets, take the ferry or monorail to the park, go through security, and get your bearings. (The same goes for driving to Universal or Sea World)

All of the parks are HUGE. A good majority of your day is spent just WALKING from attraction to attraction.

Also, it's summer here in Orlando... and it is hot, humid, and MISERABLE. The crowds are HUGE. Unless you pace yourself (in other words, "slow down"), you're gonna burn out by mid-day from the heat and the crowds.

I'm assuming you're staying ON Disney property. If you're not-- based on your schedule-- I think you're in for additional frustration.

Unless you've got amazing stamina and energy, I do NOT recommend doing 5 straight days of theme parks. You and your kids run the risk of getting grumpy, and yelling at each other instead of having fun.

I think a first-time visitor can do Epcot and MGM each in one day (get FastPasses for Rock-n-Roller Coaster and Soarin' AS SOON AS YOU GET THERE!). Universal and Sea World can also be one-day trips.
However--- it is IMPOSSIBLE to do the Magic Kingdom in one day-- especially in the summer. And with a 6-and-8-year old... I think most would agree... this is the park your family will likely enjoy the most. (I also think Universal would be the LEAST favorite. It's a great park, but the attractions are not very kid-oriented.)

If I were you, I would take ONE day off in the middle of the week. Go to the pool, visit a restaurant, or do one of the many recreational activities at Disney--- like renting a small speedboat, playing mini golf, exploring a different hotel, catching a dinner show, or even a water park. More importantly, SLEEP LATE. You'll thank me later!

My recommendation if I were in your shoes--- Do Magic Kingdom on Day 1, MGM and Epcot on Days 2 and 3, Rest/Pool on Day 4, and Magic Kingdom on Day 5 (or, if you felt like you saw enough on Day 1, go to Sea World)

I know its probably disappointing to hear my advice. You want to do it ALL. But trust me, you'll have more FUN if you take it slow.

It's kinda like an all-you-can-eat buffet. You can try to cram it all in, but you leave feeling sick. Or you can savor a handfull of things... and try others on your next visit!

I disagree.
It's not impossible to do all of this in a week. Magic Kingdom can EASILY be done in a day. As long as you get there at opening, take advantage of Fast Pass, and enjoy your day. During the busy times, see a show, or grab a Fast Pass. In the early morning and towards closing hit the major attractions and/or get Fast Pass.
Mainly, if you are a resort guest, take advantage of Extra Magic Hours or Extra Evening Hours. If you are staying off property, make sure you don't go to whatever park opens early to resort guests only that day.

Yes, it will be busy, but it will be worth it and you'll have a blast. Just make sure you allow time to relax and enjoy an ice cream or something, but if you're up to it, and put your mind to it you can accomplish what you want without going overboard.

Take advantage of transportation, and plan your day out ahead of time.


Well-Known Member
Don't cut out Animal Kingdom. IMO, it's #2 on the list for kid-friendly parks at Disney (right behind MK, of course). There are awesome shows, a cool dino playground, and animals and characters galore.

I hate to burst your bubble, but you will NOT see and do everything Disney World has to offer in less than a week. You can try, but you WILL get burnt out... which results in irritable kids AND parents. You need to plan enough so that you know where you will be each day and a general order of what you will be doing, but not so much that if you get off schedule it ruins your day (or even worse, your vacation). You need to find a healthy balance of planning and spontenaity.

I'd recommend picking up the 'Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World' by Bob Sehlinger. It's a good read and will tell you just about anything you need to know and has some really good tips.


New Member
Honestly, the only way to ensure that you see as much as you can and have the best time is to pay for someone knowledgable in Disney stuff to go with you.

I know it's a hard sacrafice, but I'd be willing to let you pay for me to join you!


(Just kidding around! You'll have a blast no matter what you do. Realize that you won't see everything you want and enjoy what you do see. Make a note of the things you most want to see on a future visit!


New Member
One non-Disney but heat-related thing---If you decide to go with Gatorade, don't chug it and only drink 1 or 2 per day otherwise you will dehydrate yourself. It is scary.

Also it WILL rain in Florida for about an hour each afternoon.


Active Member
As someone else said, it's not impossible to do that many parks in one week but you will find yourself rushing very likely. It's a good idea to have a plan but leave yourself enough flexibility in case something you hadn't planned on doing catches your eye, a meal runs longer than expected or you get caught up somewhere. I've been in late August before and the heat wasn't all that bad, least not for someone from Texas, and it only wound up raining one day that we were there. But I have also been in July and the heat and humidity were unbearable, slowed us down quite a bit. Hard to say what parks you should or shouldn't do because some kids are into thrill rides and others are not. If your kids are not into thrill rides, then you honestly should consider dropping one of the non-Disney parks and adding Animal Kingdon. If you need to drop another Disney park to add AK, consider dropping Epcot. I love Epcot but have had co-workers who hated it and said it was boring. Otherwise, if you've been to another Seaworld, consider dropping Seaworld, it's a great park, but I would not miss out on another Disney park because of it. Universal is great, but if you plan on doing Islands of Adventure, there's not that much there for kids who aren't into thrill rides. Definitely use Fastpass when at the Disney parks, it can really help in allowing you to see and do more. If you're not familar with it, post on here and someone can explain it to you or you can always ask a cast member at the park. Disney's employees are some of the friendliest at any park you're likely to visit and most are very knowledgeable about the parks.

Being a first time visitor, I'm sure your instincts will be to rush rush rush and try and cram everything in possible. It's a good idea to slow down and take a breath, allow yourself time to enjoy the little details. Allow yourself a nice sit down meal if possible, always a great idea if you got kids to take them to a character meal. They are expensive but it's a great way for you to enjoy some time with the characters, and they always make for great picture taking opportunities. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself no matter what though.


I think we all can't stress enough that you will need more time or you will miss things and be in a constant rush. MK takes a minimum of a full day if there are no crowds. Epcot is a full day and MGM is a full or 3/4 day. Even if you did taht you will have experienced a third of what the parks have to offer. If you only want to see those 3 parks, though I recomend doing AK too I think your kids will have a blast (my daughter does). To do the 3 parks I would alot at least 4 days and I have been 15 times.

To whoever said that they could do the parks in that amount of time, yes that is true but that is now after having experienced many things and being willing to skip things, ie. I skip teh parades and sneak in more rides, I haven't waste dmy time on the Tommorrowland Speedway since my first trip. New visitors will not be able to do what the experienced people here can and I think you mislead a new visitor when you tell them that they can.


One other thing, keep in mind that part of the magic for your kids will be in meeting the characters (which takes time) and you may find it frustrating to be "wasting" 2 hours a day to get a picture or autograph from some kid in a costume, but keep in mind that this is a BIG part of the magic.


tazhughes said:
One other thing, keep in mind that part of the magic for your kids will be in meeting the characters (which takes time) and you may find it frustrating to be "wasting" 2 hours a day to get a picture or autograph from some kid in a costume, but keep in mind that this is a BIG part of the magic.

Great Advise!

Our Last trip in Jan, my wife planned a little to much and when the kids and Grandma did not keep up, she was getting upset. We decided to plan very little to allow for the unknown. Like lines for attractions or characters, or parades which are great but if you are trying to move through a park during one, it is not easy. Take the time to "smell the roses" and see what other miss that rush through. Plan meals if you want sit down, get a PS, it cuts the waiting time for sit down to nothing most of the time.

Your children, or your inner child guild you through The Most Wonderful Place on Earth!


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