New Style Passes?????


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I don't know if anyone esle has brought this up, but I can't find it abywhere so I thought I'd mention it.

Looks like WDW has dropped the paper/card passes in favour of new style plastic ones, similar to the all-in-one door keycard/park passes given to resort guests.

I assume this is a recent thing as last year we had card passes but the 10 day passes we bought this year are plastic, as are the passes for MNSSHP that I have just recieved.


Well-Known Member
I had my PAP replaced May 31st just after renewing it a month before and it was paper. If they did have those plastic ones now I would ask to get it replaced. I have to get my annual replaced 5 or 6 times a year. I remember around 1999 when they had the plastic coat on them they would last the whole year.


New Member
I really want a plastic pass. Wouldn't it make sense? Why give someone a plastic exchange certificate for a PAP and then give them a paper ticket?


New Member
When we got tickets last year for MNSSHP they were plastic cards. But the 4-day park hopper I got last weekend for trading in a world passport from 1986 was paper.

So have no idea which way they are going.


New Member
Were the plastic tickets you're refering to purchased at a hotel? The hotels use the room key system for just about everything. Length of stay passes are recorded to your room key. If you buy an e-Ride ticket, it will be printed on the outside of a new key card. I wouldn't be surprised if you bought your admission tickets separate at a resort that they wouldn't just print them onto a plastic card as well.


New Member
Originally posted by Sherm00
you can still get the plastic tickets at the disney store.

The Park Hoppers and Park Hopper Plus sold at the Disney Store are plastic tickets. The AP's and the PAP's sold at the Disney Store are plastic exchange certificates which you turn in at WDW and in return you get a paper AP or PAP.


New Member
I just got a 5 day park hopper plus by I orderd it online and they sent it fedex and it is a plastic card like a hotel key card


New Member
I hope Disney is switching to plastic cards. I have an annual pass and go several times a year. My pass begins to look worn after just about 2 trips to Disney World. One year I got the pass a little wet from going on Kali River Rapids at Animal Kingdom; I had to go to guests services afterwards to have them reissue me a new pass because the paper was starting to bubble. I don't think it's too much of an investment to switch from the paper cards to plastic. I do think that Disney will one day switch to plastic passes. Hopefully it will be sometime soon.


Account Suspended
If they would sell liifetime passes I would let them tattoo a bar code onto the back of my hand. As long as there was some reference to Disney or WDW.


New Member
We received our MVMCP tickets and they are also plastic cards so hopefully parkhoppers will be also much easier that way just slip it in your pocket our your wallet and off you go and also no fear of getting it wet when at the water parks
One of the goals of WDW Ticketing is to switch to all plastic media. The tickets are actually mostly plastic but the thin ones have a thin layer of plastic with a layer of paper on either side. Ticket media that comes from the stores, online, and from most travel agencies come fromt the WDW ticketing offices which uses the all plastic media. The resorts use their ID stock and the parks still use the thinner media. The project will take place either gradually or all at once depending on budgeting. They will have to replace all the ticket encoders in order to complete this project (a major expense). Please ask if you have any more ticketing questions.


New Member
Actually the real goal is to go totally "Biometric". The finger scans (actually bone scans) for AP users is only the first step toward this goal. Disney is working hard in this emerging field of technology devoted to identification of individuals using biological traits, such as those based on retinal or iris scanning, fingerprints, or face recognition and body chemistry. In reality, the AP "paper" tickets are way ahead of the plastic media, technologically speaking. :animwink:


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Originally posted by Budke
Were the plastic tickets you're refering to purchased at a hotel? The hotels use the room key system for just about everything. Length of stay passes are recorded to your room key. If you buy an e-Ride ticket, it will be printed on the outside of a new key card. I wouldn't be surprised if you bought your admission tickets separate at a resort that they wouldn't just print them onto a plastic card as well.
No, but I do not what you mean.

We purchased our 10 day passes from the Disney Dtore in the UK and our MNSSHP passes were purchased over the phone and sent to us by Disney Ticketing via DHL.

Both sets of passes are identical plastic type, the only visible difference being the rear of the passes where one says 10 Day Pass and the Others Says Mickey's Not So Scaryt.... etc.

The new plastic passes are made of the same kind of plastic as the Resort Key Cards you refer to as we had those last year at POR, , but they're ever so slightly thinner.

Incidently Disney Land Paris has been issuing this type of plastic pass for some time now as we had them in 1999 when we went there.

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