New Ride for Camp Minnie-Mickey


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Got an idea for a new ride for Camp Minnie-Mickey at AK, but I'm not sure if it would work or not. I havn't gone that far past brain-storming, but I was wondering what some of you guys thought.

The basic plot would be that it would be an indor boat ride through a wooded setting with Ranger Woodloore (the ranger from the Donald Duck and Hunphry the Bears Cartoons). My thought was maybe every boat in the boat would have a "camera" similar to the lasers on Buzz Lightyear. Throughout the ride, guests are encouraged to take pictures of the scenes though the rides. At the end, they will see the pictures they took in the post show areas and possibly be able to buy them at the end. Anyone have any thoughts?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Interesting ideas. Maybe instead of boats, you could be in jeep-like cars. I don't think it would be a good idea to go on a ride that you need to pay for somthing on it afterward. I've got an idea for this idea that you've got. Your goal is to "take pictures" ( not really ) of different animals and wild life. Actually, you cameras are laser cannons in discuise ( they'll be attached to your car by a cable ). The different animals you see are targets and the rarer the animal, the more points you get. But the michivouse bear Humphry keeps poping out all over the place trying to pose for photos. The ranger tells you to ignor Humphry, because if you shoot him, you loose points. How's that?
Both of you have interesting ideas

I don't like the idea of using AA animals at AK though if they are real animals though

So I would say either do the boat or jeep both would be fine and stay with the camera idea, it would be no differnt then paying for ride photos, you would first have the option to take the pictures, and you would have the option of buying them after words. It would be up to the guest whether to use this as a photo op or as a leasurly ride thorugh( I am assuming) North American wildlife.

Maybe if you stick with the boat ride theme it after Pochontas....

Then the isssue of why use these cameras and not guests on would be resolved as the following, 1 the cameras would be top line digital which would tramist the pictures to the photo pick up station where they could use high quality printers for a picture quality not normably attanable. Also there could be some sort of a sensor system set up through out the park that would signal the cameras(wich woudl be on some sort of a pole a swiwel system) on where to to find the wildlife and again thorugh the sensor system aut-focus on the animals, again providing the guests with better pictures then they could take themselves.


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imagineer boy- I like the jeep idea. It would really make the ride scenes less constricted than just animals that would be near water. As for the photos for sale, it would really be no different than the on-ride photos they sell. Since it wouldn't be a major attraction, though, maybe it could be cheeper, maybe around $5 like the Create Zone attractions at DisneyQuest. There would also be an ineteractive area where you could see your photos even if you don't plan of buying them, so you won't be forced to buy it if you don't want to.

FigmentDream- I've got to diagree that having the animals being "cartoony" would probably work well for the ride. Besides, if it were real animals, it would be less predictable and probably wouln't stick around to be photographed. Other than that, sounds pretty good.
The whole point of AK is too have real if possible, anamatroinc animals belong at MK, hence how they have justified keeping the jungle cruise alive, even with AK being open.

Now this does not mean that AK is a zoo, it is a theme park with the theme of animals, just for the first time the mojority of the themeing is alive, this just requires a little more creative thinking in the design process.

As far as animal activity there are a number of zoological ways of keeeping them near the water, in the same fashion in which they keep animals visible for the Safari, here the animals would be smaller they they would require less room aswell, again making them more visible, still the sensor system would help keep an eye on them so too speak, it woould really not be that technologically diffiult either.

But these are just sugestions do with them what you like

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
But the Humphry cartoons take place in an animated forest. It wouldn't look right to have real looking animals. Also, what's the point of taking pictures of AA animals and buying them. You could pretend to take pictures of them with you camera, the camera would serve as a lasre cannon, and if you get an animal, you get points. But if you get Humphry, you loose points.


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Original Poster
I still think it would work better as animatronic characters insteed of real characters. First because this wouldn't be a major attraction like Kilamanjaro Safaris or Maharajah Jungle Treck so having the live animals would be somewhat of a waste. Also, since Camp Minnie-Mickey represents the imaginary creatures and animated characters in the park, it fits well in the theming.

Still not completly sure how to handle the camras. Another thought, but insteed of actually taking photographs of what would most likely be an indoor black-lit room, maybe it would be better for each room to have diferent areas where when the laser hits it, it gives you not an actual photo but a drawing of the scene. That way it after the ride while looking through the photos you took it would be artistic interpretations of the ride scenes insteed of what would probably be blury and dark pictures.


Well-Known Member
Not bad guys,

I want to add the fact that guests arent going to want pictures of AA or moving robots....... I say scratch that idea and add a target game instead..

Imagineer Jer

New Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
Got an idea for a new ride for Camp Minnie-Mickey at AK, but I'm not sure if it would work or not. I havn't gone that far past brain-storming, but I was wondering what some of you guys thought.

The basic plot would be that it would be an indor boat ride through a wooded setting with Ranger Woodloore (the ranger from the Donald Duck and Hunphry the Bears Cartoons). My thought was maybe every boat in the boat would have a "camera" similar to the lasers on Buzz Lightyear. Throughout the ride, guests are encouraged to take pictures of the scenes though the rides. At the end, they will see the pictures they took in the post show areas and possibly be able to buy them at the end. Anyone have any thoughts?

I really like that idea! Except for the part with all the pictures. I can see where you can get the idea of getting them involved in the attraction, but that would be a mess cause the "cameras" can break, take to many photos and etc. But the water ride idea , like the pirates of the carribeean with the DuckTales guy would be awsome. You would have to theme it around "Animal Kingdom" though.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: New Ride for Camp Minnie-Mickey

Originally posted by Imagineer Jer
I really like that idea! Except for the part with all the pictures. I can see where you can get the idea of getting them involved in the attraction, but that would be a mess cause the "cameras" can break, take to many photos and etc. But the water ride idea , like the pirates of the carribeean with the DuckTales guy would be awsome. You would have to theme it around "Animal Kingdom" though.

Ranger Woodlore is not from Duck Tales. He's the ranger in the Humphry Bear cartoons. Donald Duck made appearences in those cartoons also. In the cartoon shorts, Ranger Woodlore would try to keep all of the bears in the national park to look good for the tourists. But Humphry always ignored him and tried to steal honey, fish, etc. from Donald Duck who lived next to the national park.


Well-Known Member
Another Cool idea!
Keep up the good work!
Imaginations like those here will eventually shape the way things are done in the real world if we continue to apply them in the right direction! :)

I'd like to add the following thought....

The "cameras" could actually be in the shape of Binoculars, but house the same laser technology that BuzzLightyear has.

Every time you see the animal in the binoculars and click the sideof them, your "animal spotting" is recorded. In the post-ride you could enter your "Safari Spotter" bnoculars number into a computer and get printed out list of all the animals you "spotted" on your trip. They wouldn't be actual "photos" you shot, but encyclopedia-type pictures of them with some educational info about the animals you saw (where they live, what they eat, etc)that you could then EMAIL home to yourself. This would cut out the need ( and cost) to print out the pictures.

Both fun AND educational...HUH????

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Another Cool idea!
Keep up the good work!
Imaginations like those here will eventually shape the way things are done in the real world if we continue to apply them in the right direction! :)

I'd like to add the following thought....

The "cameras" could actually be in the shape of Binoculars, but house the same laser technology that BuzzLightyear has.

Every time you see the animal in the binoculars and click the sideof them, your "animal spotting" is recorded. In the post-ride you could enter your "Safari Spotter" bnoculars number into a computer and get printed out list of all the animals you "spotted" on your trip. They wouldn't be actual "photos" you shot, but encyclopedia-type pictures of them with some educational info about the animals you saw (where they live, what they eat, etc)that you could then EMAIL home to yourself. This would cut out the need ( and cost) to print out the pictures.

Both fun AND educational...HUH????

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Good ideas, but cameras discuised as laser cannons is better because you baisicly have to aim w/ cameras. By the way, the cameras would look like cartoony flash photography.


Well-Known Member
Do you not understand? Raise your hand if you want to buy a 5$ picture of a animal thats fake? Uh Noone really. Why dont you

have laser guns disquised as cameras. So you can go " hunting" or etc.


Well-Known Member
But when the ranger appears you cant shoot because he would see you using the animals to get points and he doesnt approve of it. So if you hit him with your laser gun.. All your points get erased and you start from 0 again!! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Another Cool idea!
Keep up the good work!
Imaginations like those here will eventually shape the way things are done in the real world if we continue to apply them in the right direction! :)

I'd like to add the following thought....

The "cameras" could actually be in the shape of Binoculars, but house the same laser technology that BuzzLightyear has.

Every time you see the animal in the binoculars and click the sideof them, your "animal spotting" is recorded. In the post-ride you could enter your "Safari Spotter" bnoculars number into a computer and get printed out list of all the animals you "spotted" on your trip. They wouldn't be actual "photos" you shot, but encyclopedia-type pictures of them with some educational info about the animals you saw (where they live, what they eat, etc)that you could then EMAIL home to yourself. This would cut out the need ( and cost) to print out the pictures.

Both fun AND educational...HUH????

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I like the email idea- that's much better than selling them as "photos" to guests. I also like the idea of also making it educational. That would be great. I think I'll keep them as fake cameras though, not as binoculars. That way when you type your number into the computer in the post show it would be like you're looking through a photo albulm of the animals you saw. Besides, it would make more sense why would you need to press the button that would shoot the laser if it where a camera (which also has a button that press to take the picture) than binoculars which you just look through.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw
Do you not understand? Raise your hand if you want to buy a 5$ picture of a animal thats fake? Uh Noone really. Why dont you

have laser guns disquised as cameras. So you can go " hunting" or etc.

I'm not saying you really are taking pictures of animals. The fake cameras are laser guns in discuise. You press the button, and you stoot at somthing. The fake animals are targets them selves. You have to get an animal to get points. The fake animals are like this ride's version of Z targets like in the Buzz Lightyear ride. If you shoot an AA Humphry, who pops out all over the place, you loose points. You do not take any actual pictures of the animals.
Originally posted by meeko_33785
Also, since Camp Minnie-Mickey represents the imaginary creatures and animated characters in the park, it fits well in the theming.

Well, Okay I guess I was looking at trying to make this the North American area of the park, but if you stick to cartoon animal theme then yes that would work.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, I've looked at the sugestions so here's my current idea for the ride based on the other posts on this thread.

Guests enter the attraction by walking through the "Brownstone National Park Welcome Center", which acts as the attraction's queue. Along the way, guests pass a slide show of photos of the park's wildlife, nairrated by Ranger Woodlore. He explains what you will be doing at the park and how to use your "camera" and the rules of the park. Guests then board their Jeeps for the actual ride portion of the attraction. Woodlore instructs guests to take pictures of as many different animals as possible. The ride begins by passing the bears cave where we see Humphrey. The Ranger says to ignore him, explaining that he's just a camera hog. Throughout the rest of the scenes of the ride, Humphry pops up in every one much to the dismay of the Ranger. At the end of the ride the Ranger stands outside his Ranger Station, taking many pictures of Humpry, explaining that this is the only way that we'll ever get any shots without him. He also invites us to enter the Ranger Station after the ride. Once inside, guests find rows of "photo albulms" (actually photo screens similar to those at DCA's Animation Exhibit). There, they can browse through their "photos" complete with information about the animals in the photos. Guests can them email pictures to themselves on their home computer from the albulms. After the ride guests exit back into Camp Minnie-Mickey (but not through a gift shop, I know how unpopular it is to have an attraction that empties into a gift shop on this board ;) )

So, how does this sound? Oppinions? Thanks.

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