unkadug Follower of "Saget"The Cult Original Poster Feb 1, 2006 #1 just noticed these fancy icons. how long have they been available?
Monty Brilliant...and Canadian In the Parks No Feb 1, 2006 #2 I noticed them for the first time today.
wdwishes2005 New Member Feb 1, 2006 #3 me too. I had a thread discussing whats going in 20k. then today it had the Discuss icon on it. maybe steve aded them to existing threads too?
me too. I had a thread discussing whats going in 20k. then today it had the Discuss icon on it. maybe steve aded them to existing threads too?
Uponastar Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2006 #4 I just noticed them yesterday. They're a nice touch. Thanks Steve.