Bit the bullet last Sunday 3/22. The wife and I got a card in the mail (we are AP holders) about the DVC (we have been looking into buying for little over a year now). They were offering a special come listen to the offering and get a $50 Disney Gift card for free. We were staying for the week and Sunday was a downtime day so we dropped the kids off at the kid area @ DVC listened what it was about (we have herd bits and pieces over the past year). We sat and figured out what we are spending a year on Disney trips ($3500-$4200 on average) this year we will spend approx. $4k for our 5 Disney trips so for us it just made sense. We opted for the GFV over the Polly and Aulani the maintenance fees were cheaper as well as points. We opted for 200 a year plus because we purchased the promo Disney was offering was an additional 200 points starting 3/22 and our yearly points kick in 8/1/15. For us we will pay it off in 5 years or less and take advantage of or next 50 years of vacations at WDW with the little ones. We have already booked our 1st 2 trips using points for both July 4th Weekend as well as Labor day weekend.