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I think taking something from a toddler is subtly different than waiting in a line. And anecdotally, I've never known a toddler who wasn't really weird about cups, lol! It has to be this color cup, this type of cup, or they want to carry the cup around constantly - I feel like it's this whole thing.

My son (probably neurodivergent in some way but we're not sure what his deal is) went through a brief period where he really couldn't wait in a line. It was probably around 16-months to 2-and-a-half. I used to have this weird jealousy observing other toddlers hanging out with their parents in line and not trying with every breath in their body to escape and ram past everyone they saw, so I know it is possible! Granted a parent might have to hold them the whole time, but they would calmly let a parent hold them.

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