Need Cp Help!!!!!


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I have a friend who just got accepted into the college program, her GPA when she applied was in good standing, but the last week of finals, she had a killer final. THe last final that she took knocked her GPA down to like a 1.755, she is really scared and dissappointed because she really wanted to be with me in the program. What should she do? Anyone have any advice?


New Member
So, she got kicked out of the CP?

If so there's unfortunately nothing she can do, she'll just have to get her GPA back up and hopefully try again next semester.


New Member
You've got to bring your last semester's transcript, so unfortunately she's out of luck. She could call someone I guess and maybe they could work something out, but that probably won't work.


New Member
I didn't know that transcripts had to be brought. Do you know if high school transcripts need to be if you are in career start? Just curious!



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
When did this start? I was CP in 2003 and never had to bring any school paperwork.


Solace17 said:
You've got to bring your last semester's transcript, so unfortunately she's out of luck. She could call someone I guess and maybe they could work something out, but that probably won't work.


As I understand it, Disney requires a 2.0 GPA for the CP program. This is probably handled by your college liasion behind the scenes. You may remember how happy we were that my son had been accepted, and how I was scheming to bring him and make lots of visits.... well, his GPA was not up to snuff and he'll be back at school trying to bring it up for next year.

In addition to the Disney requirement, his college had a GPA requirement that was higher. They don't let you participate in co-op or internship type programs if your GPA is under 2.25. So he was out two ways.

Sniff :(


New Member
The best advice to your friend is to contact the College Program offices and your recruiter and ask around.

Now on the CP you have to bring an official or unofficial transcript at check-in, to verify you are in good academic standing.


New Member
Original Poster
Well thankyou guys for your help in this matter, but my friend has it all taken care of. One of her teachers posted the wrong final grade, but it is all fixed now and ready to go. Cant wait to see you all.:wave:


New Member
From an official WDWCP e-mail I and everyone else doing the program got:

Don't forget your Transcript!
You will be required to provide an official or unofficial copy of your most recent college transcript upon arrival to verify that you meet our program requirement of good academic standing. This transcript must include grades from the semester immediately prior to your arrival.

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