My opinion of the future of fastpass plus


Original Poster
Stay offsite-3 fastpasses/day--can preschedule fastpasses day of visit and I believe they will eventually get everyone smartphone access so the kiosks become supplementary for those without smartphones

Stay at a Disney value hotel-4 fastpasses/day
Stay at a Disney moderate hotel-5 fastpasses/day
Stay at a Disney luxury hotel-unlimited fastpasses but you can only scheudle each ride once

AND FOR THE LOW, LOW PRICE OF ________, you can purchase unlimited fastpasses with the abulity to schedule each ride once. I figure that number changes depending on the crowd level, much as Universal shifts its prices on Express Pass.

I've read other posts postualting similar ideas. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I can't see anything happening along that scale. Even with FP+ having been unnecessarily added to dozens of attractions, I don't believe WDW has the attraction/FP+ capacity multiple levels of onsite guest to have 5 or more FP+ in a day...


Original Poster
I disagree. For every person who is on these forums and very much on top of being prepared before they go, there are 10 people who come in naive and jsut going with the flow. When I was on that fastpass plus kiosk line in Animal Kingdom I heard at least 5 people list the Nemo show as one of their fastpasses. People don't know any better much of the time. The CM's were encouraging people to FP the Bug show which also never needs a fastpass. Perhaps FP guests will start getting priority seating to shows. Or maybe what happened to me at DHS will start happening at all shows. I showed up at 11:05 to get on line for the 11:30 Little Mermaid show. I was told that show is fully taken up by FP+ guests and the standby line was now only for the 12:00 show. Perhaps the shows we're used to being easy to get into will start becoming reservation only, and it will become neccesary to start fastpassing them.


Well-Known Member
I could see that but change it to 4/5/6. With the only addition that if you buy a park hopper you get 2 more FPs at a second park. I don't see them doing 3 parks though. I also don't see any unlimited FP option occurring.


Premium Member
A tiered system is likely. It's highly unlikely they will offer unlimited for deluxe guests. There are almost 9,000 deluxe rooms. If you assume an average of 3 guests per room that almost 30,000 people walking around with unlimited FP. Contrast that with 1,800 rooms at Universal. Even MK doesn't have the capacity of FP attractions and EPCOT and DHS already have tier 1 and tier 2 rides due to lack of attractions. This would make it way worse.

What I could see them doing is this:
  • All on property guests start with 3 FP reservations, at EC and DHS they get 1 tier 1 and 2 tier 2s.
  • Deluxe and DVC guests get 1 bonus tier 1 and 1 bonus tier 2 FP for a total of 5 FP reservations.
  • Moderate guests get 1 bonus tier 2 FP for a total of 4 reservations.
  • Value guests do not get bonus FPs
  • Off property guests will continue to have access to FP reservations day of via kiosk and maybe smartphone too but will not receive magic bands or have the ability to book advance reservations.
  • For a nominal fee (maybe $20 to $30 per day, possibly variable depending on crowd levels?) if availability allows guests will have the ability to go up 1 level. This will be offered "while supplies last" so during Christmas week or Spring Break it may not be available at all or will sell out fast. In value season it may be thrown in with free dining as a perk to encourage bookings.
    • Off property guests can pay to upgrade to the Value guests level and receive a magic band and an opportunity to book advance FP reservations. This would require that they buy park tickets in advance and paying the extra $20 would lock in their park date - no ability to cancel and switch to another date.
    • Value guests could pay to bump up to the moderate level of 4 FP reservations
    • Moderate guests could pay to bump up to the Deluxe level for a total of 5.
  • Another likely addition to the system is they will begin offering spontaneous bonus FP reservations based on your profile, your current set plans and your spending level. The more you spend while at WDW the more you will be "rewarded". Bonus FPs could be for things like parades, fireworks shows, restaurants like BOG for lunch or rides that are well below expected FP bookings. They will also be used to help spread crowds. If lines in Fantasyland are getting long bonus FPs in Frontierland could be issued to push crowds that way.


Well-Known Member
I agree a tiered system is likely, but all of these seem overly complicated--and unsupported by the infrastructure of existing rides. Far easier--and equally effective for the bottom line--to limit FP+ to resort guests, maybe APs, and anyone willing to pay (probably for a pre-set touring plan of FPs).


Original Poster
They would never give fastpass to only resort guests. Waaaaaay too many people stay offsite. You'd risk abandoning a HUGE part of their customer base.


Well-Known Member
Stay offsite-3 fastpasses/day--can preschedule fastpasses day of visit and I believe they will eventually get everyone smartphone access so the kiosks become supplementary for those without smartphones

Stay at a Disney value hotel-4 fastpasses/day
Stay at a Disney moderate hotel-5 fastpasses/day
Stay at a Disney luxury hotel-unlimited fastpasses but you can only scheudle each ride once

AND FOR THE LOW, LOW PRICE OF ________, you can purchase unlimited fastpasses with the abulity to schedule each ride once. I figure that number changes depending on the crowd level, much as Universal shifts its prices on Express Pass.

I'm not so sure on the pre-scheduling features for off-site or tickets bought elsewhere, at least not for free. I would see this as an add-on ticket feature, kind of like Park Hoppers or Never expiring tickets and priced very similar.

Buy a 4-day base ticket @ $xxx that comes with 3FP/day per park for use/reservation on day of visit via kiosks
add-on 48hr advanced reservation capability and access via smartphone for $xx (let's say $25) per ticket.

I think on-site and package ticket FP options will probably remain as-is for the time being, but eventually I would expect to see them add extra Fastpasses as Special Package offers, kind of like they do with "Free Dining", and then offer the additional on top of the 3 on a tiered basis.

Book a 4-7 day package at a Value Resort, get an extra FP/day, plus a RapidFill mug
Book a 4-7 day package at a Moderate, get 2 extra FP/day, plus a RapidFill mug
Book a 4-7 day pacakge at a Deluxe, get 3 extra FP/day, plus a RapidFill mug

I don't ever see them adding an unlimited option though, as this is something that will likely be kept for VIPs and special guest access. However, I could see them adding an option to buy up to 3 more per park/day for both resort guests/packages and third party/off-site tickets.

In short, I think Disney's Sales and Marketing departments are probably chomping at the bit, waiting for the opportunity to start tweaking this system for extra revenue. What I'm really hoping to see though, is base ticket prices to stay close to the price range they're in (lower would be even better), and then see them leverage money making opportunities off of FP+ add-on options like the ones I've mentioned here.


Well-Known Member
They would never give fastpass to only resort guests. Waaaaaay too many people stay offsite. You'd risk abandoning a HUGE part of their customer base.

How are Extra Magic Hours any different? As the Spirit and others have illustrated numerous times, these didn't "add" anything, they simply took hours that were traditionally available to all guests and limited them to resort guests. And, of course, Universal took a similar approach and suffered no more than a couple months of backlash.

But I agree, I think a pay-to-play option would likely be added for offsite guests.


Well-Known Member
I think they're going to tier it if it's successful. So many people know nothing about it that offering more FPs for those in Deluxe hotels won't push people toward them. If it catches on (so unlikely), they might decide to tier it.

It's already confusing people, too. I've heard many people being told by the staff that they had to pre-arrange their FP. A lot of people are under the impression that these bands work like Uni's system - ride what you want, when you want.

Offering unlimited FPs to Deluxe hotel people would just create more confusion. But like a PP said, why stop now? ;)

I don't know what they're going to do to AP people, but I think other offsite guests will have to buy it, if they get any access at all.


Premium Member
How are Extra Magic Hours any different? As the Spirit and others have illustrated numerous times, these didn't "add" anything, they simply took hours that were traditionally available to all guests and limited them to resort guests. And, of course, Universal took a similar approach and suffered no more than a couple months of backlash.

But I agree, I think a pay-to-play option would likely be added for offsite guests.
There are a few knowledgeable posters around here that have speculated that advance FP reservations could replace EMHs as the main on property park perk. This would cut labor and operating costs and provide a benefit that has no operating costs associated with it. Opening the full system to all guests would prevent them from doing this.


Premium Member
I don't know what they're going to do to AP people, but I think other offsite guests will have to buy it, if they get any access at all.
I think the AP holders will eventually be included. This is pure speculation, but if they offer bands and advance reservations to off property guests for an additional fee I could see them making you lock in a firm date when you book your FP reservations. In other words you wouldn't be able to switch dates or parks once you book. If they allow anyone with a ticket to book reservations whenever they want it could cause a lot of issues.


Well-Known Member
I think the AP holders will eventually be included. This is pure speculation, but if they offer bands and advance reservations to off property guests for an additional fee I could see them making you lock in a firm date when you book your FP reservations. In other words you wouldn't be able to switch dates or parks once you book. If they allow anyone with a ticket to book reservations whenever they want it could cause a lot of issues.
I don't know. They may say, "Stay in our hotels or wait in all the new, extra-long lines!"

If they were planning to include non-hotel guests, wouldn't they have done it by now, don't you think?

We will see.


Premium Member
I don't know. They may say, "Stay in our hotels or wait in all the new, extra-long lines!"

If they were planning to include non-hotel guests, wouldn't they have done it by now, don't you think?

We will see.
I agree that it's unlikely that off property guests will get full access to the system (at least not for free). I could see them rolling out the full system for on property guests only and then at a later time offering a pay to play option for off property guests. I think in one of Steve's updates on the main page he said that off property guests would eventually have the option to buy a magic band at the front gate to replace their card for that day.


Well-Known Member
The whole system is overly complicated. Why stop now;)

...I could have un-complicated it for you .....$2.5 BILLION DOLLARS ago. How many new attractions would $2.5 Billion Dollars have built?

...(first person to say "3" ...gets beaten with a pointy stick....twice ...and I won't feel bad!!):p


Well-Known Member
I agree that it's unlikely that off property guests will get full access to the system (at least not for free). I could see them rolling out the full system for on property guests only and then at a later time offering a pay to play option for off property guests. I think in one of Steve's updates on the main page he said that off property guests would eventually have the option to buy a magic band at the front gate to replace their card for that day.
I didn't see it, but agree.

I've thought from the start that hotel people would get it and others would be able to buy it...if they were lucky.

That's how Uni did it and Disney copies them, to the best of Disney's ability, every time. So, it stands to reason.

Uni has an AP where you can go though the EP lines (once a day per ride, not including Forbidden Journey) if you go after 4:00. You also get some free water and free valet parking. It's the most expensive of the APs, but it exists.


Premium Member
I didn't see it, but agree.

I've thought from the start that hotel people would get it and others would be able to buy it...if they were lucky.

That's how Uni did it and Disney copies them, to the best of Disney's ability, every time. So, it stands to reason.

Uni has an AP where you can go though the EP lines (once a day per ride, not including Forbidden Journey) if you go after 4:00. You also get some free water and free valet parking. It's the most expensive of the APs, but it exists.
Here's the post I was referring to:

I agree that Disney will try to copy the Universal model. Makes sense.

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