My Magic Band and FastPass+ Experience...


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I've been trying to keep up with all the threads and posts but wanted to share my 2 cents and experience so far with the process...

I'm an AP holders and live in Orlando so at this point, FastPass+ is only available day of in the park at MK and AK. Friends of mine and I are staying at a Disney resort later this month so we linked our AP to the reservation to get a Magic Band. So far...

1. The process to link all of our Disney Experience accounts was a pain. We were on with Disney for almost 45 minutes and they could not even get everyone together without tons of changes. When all was said and done, I noticed I now have a Magic Band and 2 AP cards showing in my profile. Not sure where the other card came from but the person from Disney couldn't even tell and just told me not to worry about it..hmmm.

2. My friends who made the hotel reservation received a flash drive in some nice elaborate packaging a few weeks ago to learn more about the system - is that necessary to send as opposed to an email or even a card in the mail with a web address to say the same stuff? With the project so over budget, why send these out to begin with?

3. The hotel reservation is not until Jan 25th, however, Disney sent the bands, again in their elaborate packaging, overnight. Again I ask, if the project is so over budget, why are they even mailing these in advance anyway and if they are going to, why overnight for a stay in more than 2 weeks and why in expensive packaging? It''s just one more thing for someone to forget before their trip and I don't see any reason why someone couldn't pick up the bands when they check-in.

4. Even though our stay is for one night, the website is giving us the option to book FastPass+ into Mar, more than one month after we check-out. What's the point of that? As with all AP holders, I am eager to see what we are going to get especially without a resort stay but in reality, I don't see them letting us book FastPass in advance if there is no way to tell if we would really show up like someone with a reservation would. I think we will really get screwed on this. It's bad enough that people staying in a resort can book in advance and take all that space up, but they can even book way after the stay is over. I can easily see a lot of unused FP times just tying up the system.

5. We went to the MK last night and decided to bring the bands to see if they work. They did to get in and we went to a kiosk to see if we could get a FP+ (it was 5:30p and they closed at 8p). We were able to get a FP+ for BTMRR from 6:20p-7:20p but the cast member advised us we could not get another since there was not another full hour window available after 7:20p (basically saying that since the park closed at 8p and a full hour window would be 7:20p-8:20p, we would not have another option to get one). I disagree with this since using the normal FP system, we could have had a FP right up to the end if we timed things right when we got them. I think the system should then give you an option, if available, for 7:20p-8p.

6. When we used out FP+ at BTMRR, we noticed a long line just to show our bands. From what I could here, there were issues where the cast member screen was showing it expired long ago but the peoples apps were showing something different. It also took a lot more effort to get the entrance and FP scanners to pick up the band as opposed to the normal RFID card.

I think that is about it. I think the system has potential, however, can't figure out why the expensive mailings are necessary, why FP+ bookings are allowed the way they are, and very curious as to what AP holders are going to get. I really thought we would know by now, especially before they started making parks FP+ only!


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Forgot a few....

I also heard from a cast member that when making a reservation for a hotel, there is no way to tell them that you already have a MB so they will just keep sending more - again, cost savings?

Lastly, I also experienced the current issue where the MB and the merchandise area has no way to tell if you have an AP to get the discount. Luckily, I have my card still but not sure how that will work for people that don't and especially with 3rd parties like AMC, restaurants, etc.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the information. I am interested to see what my experience will be like later this year when my family goes and uses them for the first time. I have seen good posts and bad posts about the experience. However, I am a little worried because the negative posts seem to be much larger in number.


Well-Known Member
Good observations. I have been here since Sunday and honestly - I have nothing negative report from any aspect of MM+ or FP+. I came here expecting the worse but from until you experience it - its hard to make a real judgement call. I have been able to adjust my FP+ reservations from the comfort of my hotel room vs rushing to the park to secure a paper ticket. Of course - I am here during a slow time and I am solo. I am sure if these variables are changes (group/large family) and busy season - my experience would be much different.


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I think the experience varies between resort and non-resort guests since so much more is known and has been at least disclosed for resort guests. My biggest observations so far was from a non-resort perspective (since we have not yet checked-in) and just some observations on the high costs of mailings that I don't see a point to. Glad your experience has been good so far!


Well-Known Member
1. The process to link all of our Disney Experience accounts was a pain. We were on with Disney for almost 45 minutes and they could not even get everyone together without tons of changes. When all was said and done, I noticed I now have a Magic Band and 2 AP cards showing in my profile. Not sure where the other card came from but the person from Disney couldn't even tell and just told me not to worry about it..hmmm.

One of the cards could be a single-day pass or a pass to a a ticketed event (MNSSHP or MVMCP). It could even be a a prior KTTW card. Regardless, one of the cards should clearly be labeled as your AP. In my case, currently I have two MBs (one replacement, one lost) and 5 cards -- AP, one-day MK pass (long story, I won a contest to view the Cinderella's castle suite. I was issued a one-day pass), MVMCP pass, and two KTTW cards. With another MB to add in the near future after it's mailed to me.

2. My friends who made the hotel reservation received a flash drive in some nice elaborate packaging a few weeks ago to learn more about the system - is that necessary to send as opposed to an email or even a card in the mail with a web address to say the same stuff? With the project so over budget, why send these out to begin with?

I understand what you're thinking. That's Disney's standard operating procedure, at least for early 2014. It may be more of a promotional thing now to get the word out. Wouldn't be surprised if this practice ends at some point TBD once the system has "settled in."

3. The hotel reservation is not until Jan 25th, however, Disney sent the bands, again in their elaborate packaging, overnight. Again I ask, if the project is so over budget, why are they even mailing these in advance anyway and if they are going to, why overnight for a stay in more than 2 weeks and why in expensive packaging? It''s just one more thing for someone to forget before their trip and I don't see any reason why someone couldn't pick up the bands when they check-in.

You live in Orlando, so naturally you would receive the bands overnight (assuming they were mailed from WDW -- I think I've seen an address with an Indiana mailing center but could be mistaken.). Again, that's SOP if your stay is far enough out that the bands could be mailed. Otherwise, they would be available for pickup at the resort. See my answer to #2.

4. Even though our stay is for one night, the website is giving us the option to book FastPass+ into Mar, more than one month after we check-out. What's the point of that? As with all AP holders, I am eager to see what we are going to get especially without a resort stay but in reality, I don't see them letting us book FastPass in advance if there is no way to tell if we would really show up like someone with a reservation would. I think we will really get screwed on this. It's bad enough that people staying in a resort can book in advance and take all that space up, but they can even book way after the stay is over. I can easily see a lot of unused FP times just tying up the system.

Yes, that's a perk for APs. For APs, FP+ is "Stay once. Always have access." But you have to stay at a resort at least once to always have access to FP+. If you have a time-limited ticket, your FP+ capability expires either after your resort stay or if you use up the number of days on the ticket. I have a FR Seasonal pass and have access to FP+ now too 60 days out from today (except for block out periods) as I stayed at POFQ Sept 29-Oct. 5. It won't do me any good unless I show up at WDW or for my actual stay April 5-9 where my window opens up on February 4. I agree it could be subject to abuse. But it could prove to be a plus in your benefit as a "local". After your first stay at a resort, just show up on a Saturday, for example, and make FP+ reservations beforehand. That's actually a great perk for you.

5. We went to the MK last night and decided to bring the bands to see if they work. They did to get in and we went to a kiosk to see if we could get a FP+ (it was 5:30p and they closed at 8p). We were able to get a FP+ for BTMRR from 6:20p-7:20p but the cast member advised us we could not get another since there was not another full hour window available after 7:20p (basically saying that since the park closed at 8p and a full hour window would be 7:20p-8:20p, we would not have another option to get one). I disagree with this since using the normal FP system, we could have had a FP right up to the end if we timed things right when we got them. I think the system should then give you an option, if available, for 7:20p-8p.

Hmm. This would seem to indicate that because you already have a resort reservation for a later date and already have an AP, you have access to FP+ now. Again, great perk for you but not for someone with a straightforward ticket. My parents each have a 3 day ticket for our trip in April. They can't use FP+ until 60 days out from check-in. Again, if I could spare the time, like you, I could make FP+ reservations and just show up.

6. When we used out FP+ at BTMRR, we noticed a long line just to show our bands. From what I could here, there were issues where the cast member screen was showing it expired long ago but the peoples apps were showing something different. It also took a lot more effort to get the entrance and FP scanners to pick up the band as opposed to the normal RFID card.

I agree. New technology = extra time getting past scanners. With MBs, you need to have them on your wrist in such a way that you can tap the Mickey right next to the scanner.
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Well-Known Member
Forgot a few....

I also heard from a cast member that when making a reservation for a hotel, there is no way to tell them that you already have a MB so they will just keep sending more - again, cost savings?

Lastly, I also experienced the current issue where the MB and the merchandise area has no way to tell if you have an AP to get the discount. Luckily, I have my card still but not sure how that will work for people that don't and especially with 3rd parties like AMC, restaurants, etc.

Yes, they send new MBs for each resort stay. Finally, I'll keep saying this until I'm blue in the face -- the MB is a convenience, nothing more. Bring your KTTW card (you have to request one now -- blue card with Cinderella's castle on it used us room key / charging to room), AP/ticket card (green card with character on it for park admission / FP+), and a credit card as backup.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they send new MBs for each resort stay. Finally, I'll keep saying this until I'm blue in the face -- the MB is a convenience, nothing more. Bring your KTTW card (you have to request one now -- blue card with Cinderella's castle on it used us room key / charging to room), AP/ticket card (green card with character on it for park admission / FP+), and a credit card as backup.

It is convenience- I have not opened my wallet since I check in Sunday. I know one of their goals was to increase guest spending - I actually think my spending has went down or remained the same.


Well-Known Member
It is convenience- I have not opened my wallet since I check in Sunday. I know one of their goals was to increase guest spending - I actually think my spending has went down or remained the same.

Absolutely, but you'll be grateful that you have those cards should you have issues with your MB or lose it. I lost mine after only 1.5 days. Apparently, it fell off my wrist as I removed my backback before boarding the Dinosaur ride in AK. Didn't realize until I walked into a gift shop and saw no MB. So, I went to the nearest kiosk, deactivated my MB and solidered on with my KTTW card, AP card, and credit card.


One interesting note...
When I was first able to book using the website (12:00:01am on the first day of my 60 day window), there was an hour and 40 minutes of server down due to maintenance errors that came up on my screen. Since it was going on 2am, I went to bed. I had to wait until the next day to book my FP+ but had some problems with the site again, so I called the help desk. I was a bit cranky as I was given overlapping times, times that conflicted with my ADRs and then I was on the phone for 20 minutes waiting for a CM. So by the time I spoke to a person, I had already invested 2 hours into booking FP+; longer than I would have waited in line to RIDE the attraction. I explained my crankiness to the CM and they gave me 2 sets of FP+ bookings for Epcot - the park I was trying to book. So, I can ride my preferred attractions twice, each time with a FP+ time, for a grand total of 6 FP+ bookings in that park.

Similarly, since my parents, who are coming along, only wanted to do 1 of the 3 attractions that we had selected in AK and MK, the CM at the help desk was able to override some bookings and change one FP+ selection to coincide with each other - something we could not do online because we all would have had to choose the same 3 attractions.

So, I guess CMs CAN still give out extra FASTPASSES, even if they are now FP+. I just asked for extra FP+ bookings and got them, I'm sure to satisfy my crankiness. To be safe, I printed out My Reservations page from MDE in case something gets deleted or messed up between now and when I arrive......


Well-Known Member
2. My friends who made the hotel reservation received a flash drive in some nice elaborate packaging a few weeks ago to learn more about the system - is that necessary to send as opposed to an email or even a card in the mail with a web address to say the same stuff? With the project so over budget, why send these out to begin with?

Maybe they had a video demonstration or something where it needed to be a larger file than email would allow so they had to put it on a USB drive, and also not being able to just put a demo on a card, etc. Maybe they wanted to go that extra mile for you and make it hassle free?

3. The hotel reservation is not until Jan 25th, however, Disney sent the bands, again in their elaborate packaging, overnight. Again I ask, if the project is so over budget, why are they even mailing these in advance anyway and if they are going to, why overnight for a stay in more than 2 weeks and why in expensive packaging? It''s just one more thing for someone to forget before their trip and I don't see any reason why someone couldn't pick up the bands when they check-in.

Going to play devil's advocate here but maybe they were trying to take care of you, the customer...the AP holder...the regular Disney-goer and give you overnight express service to make sure you received the bands? Not trying to be rude here but I mean come on. Seriously? You're complaining about getting something overnighted to you?

4. Even though our stay is for one night, the website is giving us the option to book FastPass+ into Mar, more than one month after we check-out. What's the point of that? As with all AP holders, I am eager to see what we are going to get especially without a resort stay but in reality, I don't see them letting us book FastPass in advance if there is no way to tell if we would really show up like someone with a reservation would. I think we will really get screwed on this. It's bad enough that people staying in a resort can book in advance and take all that space up, but they can even book way after the stay is over. I can easily see a lot of unused FP times just tying up the system.

I'm sorry but I have to seriously bite my tongue with this one. You have an issue with Disney giving you MORE options for FP+ booking/reservations. I ....just...can't...even..

5. We went to the MK last night and decided to bring the bands to see if they work. They did to get in and we went to a kiosk to see if we could get a FP+ (it was 5:30p and they closed at 8p). We were able to get a FP+ for BTMRR from 6:20p-7:20p but the cast member advised us we could not get another since there was not another full hour window available after 7:20p (basically saying that since the park closed at 8p and a full hour window would be 7:20p-8:20p, we would not have another option to get one). I disagree with this since using the normal FP system, we could have had a FP right up to the end if we timed things right when we got them. I think the system should then give you an option, if available, for 7:20p-8p.

I've heard a lot of times that if you try to book FP+ in the evenings there's a good chance that you won't be able to get them because of the cutoff time with park closings, and the way the new system works. I can see the reasoning behind this because if they allowed a 7:20-8p FP+ window, then there would be ALOT of people booking that and it would be just as long as the stand-by line because it's right at park closing. It would kind of defeat the purpose I think.

I know my responses probably sound very antagonistic but as I was reading your post I was saying outloud "really? you're complaining about that?!". Sorry, I know this is an honest review.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's a perk for APs. For APs, FP+ is "Stay once. Always have access." But you have to stay at a resort at least once to always have access to FP+. If you have a time-limited ticket, your FP+ capability expires either after your resort stay or if you use up the number of days on the ticket. I have a FR Seasonal pass and have access to FP+ now too 60 days out from today (except for block out periods) as I stayed at POFQ Sept 29-Oct. 5. It won't do me any good unless I show up at WDW or for my actual stay April 5-9 where my window opens up on February 4. I agree it could be subject to abuse. But it could prove to be a plus in your benefit as a "local". After your first stay at a resort, just show up on a Saturday, for example, and make FP+ reservations beforehand. That's actually a great perk for you.

The one thing to add is that when AP holders make FP+ reservations for dates when they're *not* staying on-site, they're limited to a maximum number of days of active reservations. Currently it's 7 days' worth of FP+, but that can change. (Personally, I think the number should be 10 to match the maximum number of days on a MYW ticket)

Also, the OP's experience of making FP+ in the MK before their reservation had nothing to do with the Band or their reservation, but rather because the MK has switched to same-day FP+ for everyone. Since the Band is just a pointer to their AP, it allowed them to make same-day FP+ with it. They won't be able to make any pre-arranged FP+ reservations for dates earlier than their checkin date. If the OP had gone to Epcot or Studios instead of the MK, they wouldn't have been able to make FP+ reservations at all.

We live many states away from WDW and ordered our MB 3 weeks before our trip but Disney still sent them overnight with am delivery. I thought it was odd that they did that and a waste of money too.


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Thanks for the comments everyone...

JohnD - good to know about the AP stay once always have access part - makes more sense since all of us in the reservation are AP holders. As for the extra card on my account, it wasn't there until the day we added the MB and even Disney has no idea what it is. I have not had any other purchased ticket other than my AP in years.

joejccva71 - i was absolutely not complaining about getting more FP days or getting something delivered and fast - my comments were more related to all of the other conversations I see going on and how it related to my experience. Posts like MyMagic being over budget, other projects or staff being impacted because of it, FP's being tied up by people not planning to even go that day to the park, etc. I will gladly take any perk or extra benefit I can get - just thinking more about the cost or FP availability impact that could be down the road because of some of these things. Again, I will gladly take the perks but also have to think about how those perks will impact the future of my overall visit, cost to visit, new experience quality, etc.


Well-Known Member
things took a huge turn for the worse today At the magic kingdom In regards to my fpplus experience. that coupled with increased lines on everything, ugh....


Well-Known Member
joejccva71 - i was absolutely not complaining about getting more FP days or getting something delivered and fast - my comments were more related to all of the other conversations I see going on and how it related to my experience. Posts like MyMagic being over budget, other projects or staff being impacted because of it, FP's being tied up by people not planning to even go that day to the park, etc. I will gladly take any perk or extra benefit I can get - just thinking more about the cost or FP availability impact that could be down the road because of some of these things. Again, I will gladly take the perks but also have to think about how those perks will impact the future of my overall visit, cost to visit, new experience quality, etc.

No problem, the more I thought about what you said, the more it made sense.


Active Member
One interesting note...
When I was first able to book using the website (12:00:01am on the first day of my 60 day window), there was an hour and 40 minutes of server down due to maintenance errors that came up on my screen. Since it was going on 2am, I went to bed. I had to wait until the next day to book my FP+ but had some problems with the site again, so I called the help desk. I was a bit cranky as I was given overlapping times, times that conflicted with my ADRs and then I was on the phone for 20 minutes waiting for a CM. So by the time I spoke to a person, I had already invested 2 hours into booking FP+; longer than I would have waited in line to RIDE the attraction. I explained my crankiness to the CM and they gave me 2 sets of FP+ bookings for Epcot - the park I was trying to book. So, I can ride my preferred attractions twice, each time with a FP+ time, for a grand total of 6 FP+ bookings in that park.

Similarly, since my parents, who are coming along, only wanted to do 1 of the 3 attractions that we had selected in AK and MK, the CM at the help desk was able to override some bookings and change one FP+ selection to coincide with each other - something we could not do online because we all would have had to choose the same 3 attractions.

So, I guess CMs CAN still give out extra FASTPASSES, even if they are now FP+. I just asked for extra FP+ bookings and got them, I'm sure to satisfy my crankiness. To be safe, I printed out My Reservations page from MDE in case something gets deleted or messed up between now and when I arrive......
I think the problem here is with their lack of instructions on the site. After you book your initial FP+ times you can go back in and change the time slot for a specific FP+ to one that doesn't conflict with an ADR as long as one is available for that ride. Also you can go back in and change FP+ selections for individuals or your whole group so you could have changed the FP+ for just your parents to something else.


I think the problem here is with their lack of instructions on the site. After you book your initial FP+ times you can go back in and change the time slot for a specific FP+ to one that doesn't conflict with an ADR as long as one is available for that ride. Also you can go back in and change FP+ selections for individuals or your whole group so you could have changed the FP+ for just your parents to something else.

The CM on the "help line" could not give me clear instructions on how to do it myself, so they made the arrangements manually in their internal system. I think they are nearly as poorly informed as we are trying to use this system and it's sad.

Really, my only point was that you CAN have more than 3 FP+ selections in one park on one day and that CMs can arrange it.

One more thing: They are testing BOG lunch FP+ reservations, but since there is some ongoing problem with people who pre-book (when they show up, the reservation / order isn't there), you either have to
1) book an arrival time for BOG lunch when you arrive at your resort
2) book an arrival time for BOG lunch when you arrive at the park.
I've been told both by 2 separate CMs (who clearly don't know). I asked for a manager and she also said both. I know others on this site have said they've had success at about the 30 day mark, so I will keep checking. Needless to say, they also don't know when it will be added to the list of FP+ selections currently can be booked 60 days out.

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