Trip Report My first trip report.

So I'm at WDW right now and I decided to try this each night before I sleep so that I can remember everything.

Here's what happened today:

We woke up at 5ish this morning to a very stressful last minute packing day. We drove then flew from the Birmingham, Alabama airport to the Orlando airport. We almost didn't make it to our flight because of a time misconception. Me and my dad literally ran to the plane and they were about to close the plane doors, but we were able to get on thankfully. Me and my parents ha to sit in different seats so I had to sit by a couple with their baby. The flight seemed like it lasted forever, and I was happy when we finally landed. Then we got onto the Magical Express bus where I recorded the video that they showed on the TV's. I was so happy that I was back, and I felt like I had returned home. It seems like I never left. Then we arrived at Coronado Springs where I looked around getting excited about all of the Three Caballeros displays. I hadnt stayed there since i was a baby, which i dont remember but now i marvel at how beautiful the resort is. I then waited forever for my mom to check in. Finally she checked in and we ate at Pepper Market. It was really good and the CM's were so nice. Then we went to our really nice room while I charged my phone. Then we hopped on a bus to Epcot. When we got there, I had bathroom and stomach problems. I had already had cramps on the plane (ladies you know what I mean) so that was not good. Then we got in and rode SSE. I looked for all of the original ride AA's and sang Tommorow's Child at the end of the descent. Then we rode the crappy Imagination ride while me and mom looked for some original props from the original ride. I mourned over Dreamfinder. I asked the CM when the refurb was but he wasn't sure. Then I told him that I missed Dreamfinder and he said that Disney is maybe bringing him back, and that he wants him back. Then we went over to the Land and then realized that we had 5 min. left until our Fastpass for Nemo was almost over. So we turned around and rode Nemo. Then we went back to the Land and rode Soarin'. On the elevator leaving the ride, I gasped and realized that I left my purse on the ride, so my dad had to get it back. Then we went over to the Wonders of Life pavilion where I filmed and looked for where the old rides were. Then we went over to Test Track but we were 8 minutes early for our Fastpass, so we decided to just not ride it because my mom was wanting to eat very badly. So we went to World Showcase and my parents ate at one of the Food and Wine Festival stands (Canada). Then we walked around World Showcase, my feet killing me. Then we found this lounge at the American Adventure pavilion and sat and talked to the people at the lounge. As we left the lounge, Illuminations was going on so I danced along to the music. Once it was over, my favorite song Tapestry of Nations came on and I danced while walking around World Showcase. We then left Epcot and returned to our resort.


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Here's some pictures from yesterday











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Day 2 Part 1

So we decided to sleep in a little later this morning but I took a nice long shower while my parents slept in. While me and my dad were getting ready, my mom told us that her stomach was hurting and that me and dad could just go to Magic Kingdom together. So me and my dad waited forever at our resort bus stop just for one MK bus. Finally we got on a bus and I sang along to all of the songs they played on the speakers. We then entered MK, but we walked extremely fast to get to our reservation for Be Our Guest.
My dad kept walking too fast so I kept running after him and continuously asking him to slow down. Then we arrived in New Fantasyland and ate at Be Our Guest for our first time. It was yummy and very beautiful.
Then me and my dad rode Under the Sea just for the nice air-conditioning. After that, we headed to Storybook Circus and looked around the Big Top tent. I asked dad what time it was and it was about 10 minutes till the afternoon parade and I wanted to watch it before it ended this year. So we hurried over to Frontierland and right as I sat down to wait for the parade, the music began to start. I then stood up and sang along to the song. I took a bunch of pictures of the characters anticipating the Alice float to come, shaking with excitement. When the float was starting to come around, I held up my Dormouse plushie. Mr. Smee came up and poked at it.
Then the Queen of Hearts saw it and snatched it out of my hands and began to twist its neck. I screamed "NO!!!!" and "Give it back!!!". The Queen held it up and pointed it out to Alice and Hatter.
Hatter gave a horrified look, putting his hands around his neck, and Alice looked surprised and held her hands up to her head making Dormouse ears.
The Queen finally gave my plushie back to me. I yelled to Hatter that I loved him and then we both talked about what the Queen did exchanging horrified looks.
I laughed really hard afterwards. Tiana and Naveen also liked my Dormouse plushie.
Once the parade was over, me and dad went and watched the Country Bears. Afterwards I started to feel icky and very hot so I asked dad if we could sit down and cool off. He suggested we go to Pirates since that's a cold ride.
Once we got in line, we waited quite a while and I started to feel worse. Once we got on the ride I was surprised at how rough the landing was after the drop. The mist effect didn't work and we kept getting stuck towards the end. After we got off, my dad bought me a water so I could cool off, and we decided to head back to the hotel. I felt so queasy when we went to the bus stop, that I had to sit down for a while, or I would throw up. Once I somewhat felt better, we found our bus stop and rode the bus back to Coronado Springs where we stopped by the lounge for a quick second. Now we're all in our room getting ready for our first MNSSHP party. I can't wait! Part 2 coming soon!


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Day 2 part 2

Oh my gosh! Best night ever! As soon as we entered the park I was amazed. I loved looking at people's cool costumes.
As soon as we got there we began to wait for the parade which was about to start. The parade was awesome and I took lots of pictures! During the parade, Mad Hatter came up and hugged me saying "Oh come here you. You just look so good in your costume." Then I decided to split up with my parents after the parade and see Jack and Sally, but the line was too long so I went to see the Stepsisters. As soon as I got there, they were getting ready to leave so I followed them around Main Street where the caused trouble, marveled at the glowy merchandise, and did cartwheels.
People kept getting in front of me and took pictures with them, so I finally asked Anastasia if I could get a picture with them and I did. She called me the polite one. After we took the picture, I told Anastasia that she was my favorite out of the two and she gave me a hug.
Then I left and went on a search for the Mad Hatter. I skipped all over MK until I finally reached the Tea Cups. Alice was there so I waited in line to see her. About halfway in the line, Alice was switched with the Mad Hatter. I was so happy when I got to him and he loved my outfit that looked like his and my dormouse plushie that I had.
When we posed for the picture, I put my arm around him, but then he put both arms around me, so we ended up hugging in our picture.
Then we took another picture where he put my Dormouse on his hat.
Then I said goodbye and hung out on the benches near the area. I sat there for a long time watching Alice and Hatter (Alice called me Ms. Mad Hatter) talk to guests until I decided to go character hunting. After I took a long walk and ended up in Liberty Square, my parents texted me saying to go back to the spot that I was at. So I did a big u turn and met back up with my parents who were mad because I was supposed to stay in the same place. Then we walked around Fantasyland getting in line for Princess Fairytale Hall but realizing it was too long so we left. Then we went on It's A Small World where we had a boat all to ourselves. There were two empty boats in front of us so the ride became really creepy. Afterwards, we took a picture with Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear
then Mr. Smee. After that I got some ice cream and my dad decided to go back to the hotel so me and my mom were by ourselves and we rode the carousel. Then we went to Main Street to get our pictures taken, but each photo station was closed. Eventually a nice CM took our picture with my phone.
Then we went over to see Jack and Sally, who I was really looking forward to seeing, but the CM said that the line was closed. It made me really sad, but me and my mom hung out around the area. One CM gave me a card that had Jack and Sally's signatures on it. Then another CM saw us and let us get into the line. We were so thankful. Jack and Sally complemented us on our costumes and talked about my dormouse (little creature) saying that he had fangs which I then made him hiss.
I was so happy after we met them. Then me and my mom left MK and returned to our resort. We had an amazing time!
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Well-Known Member
Talk about drama before the trip even began! That seems to be a recurring theme! Or maybe it's just me and my selective choices in terms of reading certain TRs over others....

Anyway, great pics. I loved reading about the moments in the parade with the dormouse plushie. That had to be a magical moment you'll never forget! And I knew the Hatter would love your costume!


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing you post a while back about your costume. LOVE IT!!!! Also love all of the interaction...between the parade to the party interaction with Alice and Mad Hatter. So glad you were able to work out all of the airport issues too :)


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Trip Report Day 3

Yesterday we went back to Epcot. First, we got our pictures made, then we headed over to France for our lunch reservations. It was so hot outside that it made me not feel good. All I ate was bread. At one point, a waiter brought over a AA Remy. He was so cute!
After we ate, we watched Impressions de France where my mom had some scooter problems. I tried to take a nap but it didn't work out. Then we kept walking around World Showcase until we ended up in the America pavilion where we watched the American Adventure. Afterwards, I got me a funnel cake. Then we got in a argument with my dad and he got mad and went back to the hotel. Me and my mom spent the rest of the day on our own. I wanted to head over to Living With the Land before it closed so we headed over in that direction. We passed by Germany and saw that Snow White would come out in 5 minutes, so we waited in line to see her. When we met her, she wasn't really that animated. She just said hi, took our picture, and then goodbye. When we got into Future World, mom wanted to get our pictures made before we went to The Land. So we went to the Visa character spot in Innoventions. When we entered, the characters were so happy and energetic, especially Pluto. They all came up to us, Minnie going to mom, and Pluto and Mickey coming to me. Pluto let me pet his nose really hard while he was all jumpy. Then Mickey took my hand and led me to the picture spot. Minnie pointed at my Mom's hair and then to her dress. Then we took the picture and they gave us goodbye kisses and hugs. Then me and mom headed over to the other character spot. There was a cute baby ahead of us and Mickey played peek-a-boo with her. We went up to him and he gave us hugs. Then we looped arms and took the picture. Then Mickey kissed us on the hand and made a gesture telling me that he liked my hat. While we were waiting to meet Goofy, a little girl came up to Mickey dressed as Snow White and Mickey bowed to her, kissing her hand, and then danced with her. It was so cute.
Then we met Goofy who gave us big hugs and kisses on the hand. Minnie was by herself for the moment and was dancing along to a remix of Hakuna Matata. We got our pictures made with her and she blew us goodbye kisses then continued dancing.
The characters were so cute and made us happy! When we left that, we got thirsty and went to Starbucks. Then we sat down to drink our drinks, and mom saw that The Land was closed. So we planned on what we would do for dinner. We ended up going to Akershus. When we entered the building, we got our picture made with Belle, who asked me and my mom if we were sisters or close friends. When my mom sat down to eat, my mom had a delicious salad and some fish that she couldn't get over how
good it was. I had some cheese pizza! The princesses were so nice! Almost all of them complemented me on my hat. Snow White said Dopey must have helped me get the diamonds on my hat. Ariel said I must've gotten my diamonds under the sea. Ariel saw my Mom's hair and said that she must be a mermaid too. We met Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, and Belle.
After that, we got our pictures developed and left the park. Me and mom had a good time.


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Trip Report Day 4

So we wanted to wake up early this morning since we haven't had the chance to ride many rides, but we ended up sleeping late. We went to Magic Kingdom again and as soon as we entered the entrance, I heard the Move It Shake It parade music going on, so I old my parents I would be watching it, and ran off to find Mad Hatter's float. I loved the pose he made as he came up
. I recognized him as the same Hatter from MNSSHP. He remembered me and waved to me, we smiled while he danced, we would have little conversations, and I showed him that I had my dormouse with me.
It was so hot outside, the poor Hatter was exhausted. We waved goodbye to each other as his float drove away. Then I met back up with my parents, and we went to Adventureland. I tried waiting in line to meet Tinker Bell and the fairies, but the line was too long, so me and my parents ride the Jungle Cruise. Then we headed over to Frontierland while I wasn't feeling so well in the heat. We watched the Country Bears,
then headed over to the Hall of Presidents, but realized that it was too long. Then we headed over to Main Street, eating ice cream at the Plaza, and shopping at the Emporium while I tried waiting for the afternoon parade. I wanted to see it really badly because it would be the last time i would ever see it since it is ending this year. The parade took forever to show up, so we took a boat over to Ft. Wilderness for our dinner reservations at Hoop De Doo. The food was really good, but the show was stupid and cheesy. After we ate, we returned to MK and went to Tomorrowland and did the Laugh Floor which was hilarious. Then we used our Fastpasses for Buzz Lightyear. Then we rode the PeopleMover.
After that we did Carousel of Progress. Me and mom laughed almost the entire time because it looked like the dog Rover kept staring at us as if he had secret cameras in his eyes.
Then we went over to Fantasyland so that my mom could watch Wishes, and my dad went back to the hotel. Mom watched it over by the blocked area behind the castle, while I sat by the new turrets. I was really cool and different watching Wishes from somewhere else.
After the fireworks were over, me and mom went over to Main Street to find a place to watch the Main Street Electrical Parade.
We got a nice spot in the disability section and we got to watch Celebrate the Magic while we were waiting.
There were some cute little kids sitting beside us who kept asking which way the parade would go, and when it would start. There was also this cute special needs girl who was always smiling and waving at the characters. When Alice's float came by, I held up my dormouse and she noticed it and talked about him and not saying the word C-A-T. She also told me that she liked my shirt (it had her on it). I took a lot of character pictures. We went to Adventureland after the parade and walked right onto Pirates. It was different because it was only me, mom, and this older couple on the boat, so it was nice and quiet. Then we looked around the gift shop, where my mom got her a purse. After that, we went over to Frontierland and stopped at Pecos Bill's while my mom ate some fries. Then we went on Big Thunder Mountain, which was a bit rougher than I remember. Then we headed back to Main Street to leave MK for the last time. I was crying while me and mom were going down Main Street, holding hands. Then at the bus stop, the nice bus CM Michael talked to us again. He was so sweet! He would always make sure we got on the bus, and he would talk to us. Then we got on this old bus named "Old Batsy". We returned back to our hotel, where me and mom joked around. This drunk lady was walking around, tripped, and went "Oh! Do not text and walk at the same time!" Then we returned to our room and went to bed (or at least tried to with my dad's snoring.)

Another great day at WDW!
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great day. By the looks of it, you've had great interactions with characters while seeing the parade. And an excellent pic of Wishes behind on the back of the castle.


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Trip Report Day 5

So I slept like a baby the night before yesterday, so I was really tired when it was time to wake up. We went to the concierge desk to solve some problems with our Fastpasses, then to the gift shop where I petted this really nice service dog (a black lab). It put its head on my shoulder, and i gave it a big hug. Then it tried laying on my lap,and also licked me on the nose. After we left the gift shop, we boarded a bus to DHS where it was really hot! My dad wanted to get on a ride to cool down, so we rode the Great Movie Ride. After that, we went over to Sci-Fi to see if we could check in early for our lunch reservations, but we were 20 minutes early. So to pass some time, we watched Muppet Vision 3D. Then we returned to Sci-Fi and ate some good food.
We had a hilarious waiter named Tony who kept making jokes and kept quoting lines from the TV. After we finished eating, I started to get a headache. We passed by a bunch of different characters on the Streets of America such as Stitch,
Green Army Men,
Captain Hook, Mulan, and Minnie Mouse. Me and mom got our pictures made with Captain Hook
and Mulan.
Then we went to use our Fastpasses for Toy Story Midway Mania and waited about an hour in the handicap ride to get on the ride. For once, I ended up beating my mom on the ride score! Then we did One Man's Dream.
After we exited the movie, me and dad decided to go back to the resort while my mom stayed behind and rode some more rides. Me and dad were planning on swimming, but I decided to just relax. We stopped by a lounge near our room. I sat down and watched some of Toy Story of Terror on the TV. Then we went back to our room and watched The Addams Family. My mom returned to the room after she ate dinner at the Pepper Market. My headache got so bad, that I decided to go to sleep. That was our last full day.
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Trip Report Day 6

A very sad day today. So I woke up early, took a shower, and packed up my clothes. Then my mom went to the concierge desk while I sat down and watched cartoons. Once I got up from watching Steamboat Willie, my mom was in the gift shop, returning some items. Once she got done, we went outside and rode on her ECV around the resort to the pool, with her ECV on "Bad Bunny" mode (the fast mode). we joked around and looked at the fountains in different areas of the resort. In one area, we heard a little kid and a woman telling to each other, "MARCO!" "POLO!" "NANA, GET OVER HERE!". After
that, we headed back to El Centro and went out front to wait for the Magical Express bus. That's when my crying began. I couldn't stop crying until we got onto the bus. Then mom comforted me by telling me that i would get to live there in just two more years. Then me and mom sang along to the original JII music that was playing on the bus. Then we watched the cute video that they played on the TVs with the characters walking around the airport. Once we got to the airport, me and dad ate lunch at chick fil a while mom had some doughnuts at Krispy Kreme. Then we went into the Disney store where I tried to get a specific Vinylmation, but couldn't. Then we went through security and waited for our flight. Then we flew back to Birmingham, where I cried some more and became depressed. Now I am home and very depressed.

We had a great trip! Thanks for reading!

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