This is just a chance for me to get over our last trip. It won't be brief and it's ok if you don't even read it. I just feel better writing everything out. I can offer advice now too on the Tomorrowland Terrace FIreworks party, the noise level at the Grand Floridian, getting a Baby's First Haircut, the new OZ attraction at Epcot, Be Our Guest restaurant and the traffic jams cause by the new turnstiles along with other recent developments.
So our trip started Wednesday at the doctor's office with our son. It was the second trip to the doctor with him cause he'd been throwing up for 5 days off and on. On a prior trip our second daughter had gotten sick the night before we were to leave, and she recovered by the second day of our trip. We thought we'd go to the doctor just to be safe and hope that everything turned out like it did before. Unfortunately, he threw up in the hotel Wednesday night, but he seemed fine Thursday and Friday until he threw up late Friday night. So we made our first trip to the Celebration emergency room Saturday morning. Boring and lengthy details aside, He may have the same kidney issue our oldest daughter had which is some crappy news to get anytime. He was put on
antibiotics and everything started to get better. Sunday at Hollywood Studios went very well. It was later that night at Downtown Disney that his diarrhea started, a side effect of the antibiotic, and he covered his car seat in poop. It was the nastiest I have ever experienced while raising three kids, and I had to deal with it while my wife and oldest daughter searched for a cheetah doll (she always picks something the first day of the trip and becomes obsessed with it and by day 4 and all the problems we were willing to cave). My second daughter was magnificent though and helped me like a pro, a very pleasant surprise and moment for me.
So Monday comes and we move over to the Grand Floridian. We received a complimentary upgrade to concierge level, which was extremely cool and whomever had a hand in that, we thank you very much! Otherwise, the Floridian is a very loud resort and certainly not our favorite. But the upgrade was awesome! My wife was the most excited, and it had been a long time since i'd seen her act like the girl I first met, another great moment. Then, my oldest daughter woke up with a lot of pain in her belly around 10:30PM and proceeded to throw up 6 times in the next 2 hours or so; until, I decided to take her to the hospital just before 1AM. She threw up on the way to the hospital on World Drive (well not on the road, in a bucket) and twice at the hospital before they rushed us to a room and gave her an IV. The rest of that night is a blur. We got back to the room just after 5 AM. Tuesday, she and I slept in while the rest went to the park. We had reservations that night for the fireworks party. My wife, daughter and son returned from the park around 11, and we decided to try to go to the party cause the oldest was feeling better and we thought maybe she just ate something bad. My wife stayed to nap with the sick daughter who still wanted to rest. So I took the other two back to the park and we were all going to meet up at 6 o'clock. Well, when 6 o'clock came and we finally met up, I could tell something was up. My wife had starting throwing up. So only 3 of us attended the fireworks party without my wife and daughter who was still tired. The party was for my second daughter because we have never gone to Disney for her birthday which is in July (too hot and crowded for us). I had no choice we had to stay, but it was with mixed emotions since the others were sick and missing out. We had a great table and 2 girls there were extremely nice to us
and you could see their concern which was touching. But it had rained earlier. So, even though Tink's path was directly overhead, she didn't fly that night. My daughter said fairies can't fly with wet wings which was cute. Now there was one thing though. It was bad enough not being able to enjoy the fireworks party with my entire family, but I certainly didn't need a cast member to make a snarky comment after the fireworks ended about "it's a major no-no to put the chair there." I never would have restrained myself so well in the past as I did that night. That cast member has no idea, I know, of everything that had transpired on our trip; but it doesn't excuse the attitude. If nothing else, she could see I was by myself with a young girl who couldn't see anything and a baby. It wasn't what she said but how. My daughter was 10 feet from anyone. I didn't see a problem with letting her kneel on a chair so she could see over the railing. I couldn't hold her and my boy both for 15 minutes.
The rest of the trip went decently well, just little things didn't work out (for example, the fairies are very special to us, and the girls even had a special outfit to wear while visiting Periwinkle, but the photopass people apparently lost those pictures; little things like that just kept going wrong like we had no luck at all). We extended a day to try to make up for time lost in the emergency room. Ironically, the morning we woke up in our own home, Ella's eye had become badly infected. It was swollen shut. So back to the emergency room we went.
Certainly not the best trip, probably the worst to be honest, and sadly our last for a while since we're military and moving way to far away from Florida. But I have the pictures from the trip as my screensaver and all the bad things are already fading away.
If you're still reading, I have very up to date info on alot of things. Feel free to ask.
So our trip started Wednesday at the doctor's office with our son. It was the second trip to the doctor with him cause he'd been throwing up for 5 days off and on. On a prior trip our second daughter had gotten sick the night before we were to leave, and she recovered by the second day of our trip. We thought we'd go to the doctor just to be safe and hope that everything turned out like it did before. Unfortunately, he threw up in the hotel Wednesday night, but he seemed fine Thursday and Friday until he threw up late Friday night. So we made our first trip to the Celebration emergency room Saturday morning. Boring and lengthy details aside, He may have the same kidney issue our oldest daughter had which is some crappy news to get anytime. He was put on
antibiotics and everything started to get better. Sunday at Hollywood Studios went very well. It was later that night at Downtown Disney that his diarrhea started, a side effect of the antibiotic, and he covered his car seat in poop. It was the nastiest I have ever experienced while raising three kids, and I had to deal with it while my wife and oldest daughter searched for a cheetah doll (she always picks something the first day of the trip and becomes obsessed with it and by day 4 and all the problems we were willing to cave). My second daughter was magnificent though and helped me like a pro, a very pleasant surprise and moment for me.
So Monday comes and we move over to the Grand Floridian. We received a complimentary upgrade to concierge level, which was extremely cool and whomever had a hand in that, we thank you very much! Otherwise, the Floridian is a very loud resort and certainly not our favorite. But the upgrade was awesome! My wife was the most excited, and it had been a long time since i'd seen her act like the girl I first met, another great moment. Then, my oldest daughter woke up with a lot of pain in her belly around 10:30PM and proceeded to throw up 6 times in the next 2 hours or so; until, I decided to take her to the hospital just before 1AM. She threw up on the way to the hospital on World Drive (well not on the road, in a bucket) and twice at the hospital before they rushed us to a room and gave her an IV. The rest of that night is a blur. We got back to the room just after 5 AM. Tuesday, she and I slept in while the rest went to the park. We had reservations that night for the fireworks party. My wife, daughter and son returned from the park around 11, and we decided to try to go to the party cause the oldest was feeling better and we thought maybe she just ate something bad. My wife stayed to nap with the sick daughter who still wanted to rest. So I took the other two back to the park and we were all going to meet up at 6 o'clock. Well, when 6 o'clock came and we finally met up, I could tell something was up. My wife had starting throwing up. So only 3 of us attended the fireworks party without my wife and daughter who was still tired. The party was for my second daughter because we have never gone to Disney for her birthday which is in July (too hot and crowded for us). I had no choice we had to stay, but it was with mixed emotions since the others were sick and missing out. We had a great table and 2 girls there were extremely nice to us
and you could see their concern which was touching. But it had rained earlier. So, even though Tink's path was directly overhead, she didn't fly that night. My daughter said fairies can't fly with wet wings which was cute. Now there was one thing though. It was bad enough not being able to enjoy the fireworks party with my entire family, but I certainly didn't need a cast member to make a snarky comment after the fireworks ended about "it's a major no-no to put the chair there." I never would have restrained myself so well in the past as I did that night. That cast member has no idea, I know, of everything that had transpired on our trip; but it doesn't excuse the attitude. If nothing else, she could see I was by myself with a young girl who couldn't see anything and a baby. It wasn't what she said but how. My daughter was 10 feet from anyone. I didn't see a problem with letting her kneel on a chair so she could see over the railing. I couldn't hold her and my boy both for 15 minutes.
The rest of the trip went decently well, just little things didn't work out (for example, the fairies are very special to us, and the girls even had a special outfit to wear while visiting Periwinkle, but the photopass people apparently lost those pictures; little things like that just kept going wrong like we had no luck at all). We extended a day to try to make up for time lost in the emergency room. Ironically, the morning we woke up in our own home, Ella's eye had become badly infected. It was swollen shut. So back to the emergency room we went.
Certainly not the best trip, probably the worst to be honest, and sadly our last for a while since we're military and moving way to far away from Florida. But I have the pictures from the trip as my screensaver and all the bad things are already fading away.
If you're still reading, I have very up to date info on alot of things. Feel free to ask.