My Broken Disney Experience


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Just wondering if My Disney Experience is broken for anyone else?

When I log in and check my reservations my Dining Plan keeps changing - right now it's saying it's the Quick Service plan which is wrong. Last time I checked it was saying I had a Table Plan - Child ... which is also wrong.

I also have the app on my Galaxy S4 and it has my itinerary messed up. It shows my arrival date fine, but then all the remaining days plans have been shifted forward one day and the day after I arrive is now blank. It shows correctly on the website however.

It's a bit unsettling to have all your plans and hard earned money relying on such unstable software.


Well-Known Member
You said it -- "unsettling." I felt exactly the same way in planning/executing our trip last May. MDE was constantly "down," or not displaying my reservations/FP+ properly, and I couldn't make my ADRs for 180+10 online due to a "glitch" in the system, and almost lost out on the reservation we wanted/needed the most as a result. I never felt like I could trust the system to make or retain any of my plans properly, and because of that, a lot of unnecessary anxiety and stress was added to my planning, in flagrant contravention of all the Disney propaganda telling me how much "easier," "simpler" and "stress-free" MDE was supposed to make it.

I'm sorry for the uneasiness you feel, although I can tell you that despite the problems with MDE displaying our plans, everything was "in the sytem" just as it should have been, and our use of our MagicBands during our trip to make use of all those plans went flawlessly. Other guests who went around the same time we did (and complained about the same issues I was having, on these boards), also had a great experience once they arrived at WDW, and found that the system managed to "remember" all of their reservations correctly even if they didn't always appear or display properly on their computers or the app. I hope that provides you with some encouragement amid the frustration! :)


Well-Known Member
Only thing odd on my profile is on the app it says my AP expired July 20,2015 but on the actual webpage it's correct. I called tech support and they had no clue so lol everything works normal though so I dunno haha just weird


Well-Known Member
My dining plan has been changing on a daily basis for about three weeks, one day it's quick service, then table service child, then table service adult. Every day you never know what it will say. I have called twice and been assured all is well on the Disney end and it will correctly be on our bands next week as table service adult as it should be.


Well-Known Member
I'm on the same page as @Weather_Lady, and I believe we both went to Disney around the same time. My reservations & FP+ were doing weird things, but they were all fine on Disney's end. It is nerve-wracking though! Always call for reassurance, because you never know. But odds are, all of your reservations are good.

I just booked for next Fall, and already it has my son (who isn't even born yet, arriving in February) listed as an adult. Some days he's listed as an infant again, lol. I called, Disney has him as an infant, so all appears to be good.


Active Member
Original Poster
Update was fixed last night. Go to google play and update. Everything should be fine now.

For the most part. The website shows up my Dining Plan correctly now but the app is still broken for me. Although I've discovered that it is because of my location. My timezone is a day ahead of the states so it seems to be messing with the display of my plans. I emailed support to let them know as I'm sure other international guests will be experiencing a similar problem.

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