More Magic Kingdom ideas

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Account Suspended
Original Poster
Okay starting with Adventureland-

1. Keep Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean (did i spell that right?) the way they are.

2. Take Swiss family treehouse and put it on Tom Sawyers Island.

3. Take out Carpets of Aladdin and make the carpet a transport. it would run on a on the ground. And I would also make Simba and Pegasus be transports too. Kind of like Merry go round horses that actually move.

4. Add Flit, and Scuttle to the Tiki room.

5. Where the treehouse used to be I would put a mini show for Hercules where he would fight Hades.

6. Where carpets used to be I would make a walking area.

Those are my ideas for Adventureland.
Here I go with Frontierland-

1. Real horse's would be transportation in Frontierland. And a small saddle house would be added to keep them from going poopy on the sidewalks, YUCK!

2. Splash Mountain would have line restrictions where if it reaches a certain point no one can line up till it is completly gone.

3. A new building would be put up for "Pecos Bill wild west stunt show."

And that is what I would do for Frontierland. However I am n ot so sure about the horse as transportation.
Anyway here is Liberty Square-

1. Put a Sept. 11th memorial besides the HoP with a plaque. I would keep Haunted Mansion the same.
Fantasyland ideas are coming up-

1. I would buy a lot more land for Fantasyland.

2. Cinderella's Carriage would be transportation.

3. I would rebuild Mr. Toads Wild Ride and Lion King. But I would still keep pooh and Phillarmagic as well.

4. I would make a roller coaster ride much like the Barnstormer except it would be inside a pavillion and it would be a longer ride. Plus it would be based on Hercules's adventures. You wwould climb aboard pegasus there are ten pegasus and each one seats up to five. You travel past the Hydra whose heads are under and around you so you actually pass through him and the heads move around. Then you go by the Titans. the wind one is a gust of air. The rock one has tiny rocks fall and an earthquake happens below you. The ice and heat one makes you cold and takes you past icebergs and the heat Takes you past a Volcano. You fly around the Cyclops. And then upward to Olympus and defeat Hades by going past Zeus who is in a rock and then pops out and throws Hades down (Hades pops back in his hole.) And thats the ride.

5. I would I would make Dumbo go a lot higher.

6. I would make Cinderella's Golden Carrosel horses look like animals from Disney movies. Like Simba, the horse from Cinderella, Pegasus, Khan from Mulan, Bambi, Snow White's Prince's horse, Prince Phillip's horse, a dolphin from Little Mermaid, Belle's horse Philip, A dalmation from 101 Dalmations, Baloo from Jungle Book, Thomas O Maley from Aristocats, a mining cart from Snow White, a pirate ship from Peter Pan, the Magic Carpet from Aladdin, Orville from the Rescuers, Lady and Tramp from Lady and the Tramp, and a few others but of course leave a few from the original.

Thats Fantasyland.
Mickey's Toontown Fair ideas-

1. Although I didn't go to it cause I didn't think it looked good there are some that do so. I would first of all buy a little more land for it.

2. I would build Clarabelle Cow's House

3. I would build Horace Horse Collars House.

4. I would keep everything that was there the same.

Well that was that.
Tomorrowland ideas-

1. I would make Space Mountain a lot more scarier and faster.

2. Transportation would be the thing from Treasure planet that he rides on.

3. I would make Progress and timekeeper stay open all the time.

Those are my Tomorrowland ideas.

Main Street would stay the same.

Magic Kingdom altogether ideas would be-

1. The train would stop at all seven lands.

2. Fireworks shows would happen every night.

There that is all my ideas.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I like some of your ideas, but some of them are just plain screwey.
Adventureland: What would Swiss Family Tree House be doing on Tom Sayer Island? Keep the Magic carpets of Alladin. Why would they travel on the ground? Whats up with Pegasus and Simba? Why are they in Adventureland? Flit and Scuttle are birds, but they would'nt be in place at the Tiki room. They aren't tropical jungle birds. A Hercules show wouldn't belong in Adventureland.

Frontierland: They once had poney rides in Disneyland once. I wasn't very popular. I do like your Splash Mountain line idea. Pecos Bill is not the right cowboy lengend folktail hero to be in a stunt show, ( he spent half his life running around naked with coyotes!) you should mke somone else the star.

Liberty Square: Good idea for a 9/11 memorial.

Fantasyland: I don't think there's any more room for Fantasyland to expand, but I like your idea for Cinderella's coach ride. They already have a Lion King show in WDW. Mister Toad's wild ride........:veryconfu hmmmmm..........I don't know. The Hercules ride sound neat, but I don't think Fantaseyland would be a good place for it. Dumbo should go alot higher. Keep the horses in the carousel. Maybe decorate some of them to look like the horses that appeared in Disney films.

Mickey's Toon Town Fair: I don't think Clarabell and Horus Horse Collar are populare enough to have their own house.

Tomorrowland: Right on with the Space Mountain thing. Time Keeper should stay open and Carousel of Progress should move to Epcot. Treaure Planet is not popular enough to have its own ride.

Everything else: The Fire Works should happen every night only on busey seasons. It would be a waste of money to shoot off fireworks on not-so busy seasons when noone is around to see them. I don't think I'd be reasonable to put train stations in every land. It would be like, "Welcome aboard! For those of you just joining us, I would like to remind you that there shall be no drinking, eating, or smoking on the train...well, here we are at the next station! Have a good day!" The narrator would not have time to explain the cenery.

Whew! That's alot. Sorry for my short scentances!:D


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Original Poster
First of all I didn't want to keep Swiss family treehouse but I figured I could move it to Tom Sawyers Island and that might work since there a lot a like.

Simba and Pegasus were there because there adventurers. But I probably would take away pegasus cause the Hercules ride. Flit and Scuttle are not tropical birds but neither is Zazu. So I thought I might be able to pull that one off. lol.

The carpets are just a dumbo copy right now. They would travel on the ground as transports from one attration to another. so you could actually go somewhere instead of a circle.

Thank you for agreeing with me on Splash Mountain (Those lines get ridiculous!). Like I said in my post I wasn't sure about the pony idea. I guess Pecos wouldn't be a good star but then who would?

Thank you for agreeing with 9/11 memorial.

In my post I said they would buy more land. To put more stuff in Fantasyland. (Tell you the truth I think they should make a specail Fantasyland area, but no one would agree with me on it.)

Thanks for agreeing with the Cinderella's Coach and Hercules ideas. And the Dumbo higher idea too.

Mr. Toad was a popular ride but Pooh plowed him down.

But I think they should change the carossel so that they are things from Disney movies. Especially the Simba and Bambi ideas.

Horace and Clarabelle probably wouldn't work.

Treasure Planet wouldn't work either.
Thanks for agreeing with the Space Mountain idea. (Personally I think they should uproot all of Tomorrowland and put it in Epcot. And they should move Mickey's toontown fair over where it was so Fantasyland would have a lot more land!)

That would be funny for the narrarator to start and then have to stop again. This wouldn't be a problem if they moved tomorrowland to Epcot though. But that is just my thoughts.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
1. Swiss Family Tree House probably would'nt be able to move from where it is now, but if it could move to TSI, it would have to be rethemed to Tom Sayer's Tree house or somthing.

2. On the whole Simba and Pegasus thing, Adventureland's theme is just not "any old adventures." Walt Disney made Adventureland because of his fasination with animals, far off unexplored places, and exotic towns and villages. Mostly the jungule theme. Simba, Pegasus and the whole Herculese theme would not fit with the Adventureland concept. It's like a snow man in the summer.

3. In the Tiki room, the birds are supposed to be birds that live in far off distant places. Zazu and Iago are examples of that. Flit and Scuttle are birds that you would find on an average day in America. (Depending where you live.)

4. The unique thing about the magic carpets of Alladin, is that you can control the carpets to bank, and avoid spitting camels. The carpets on the ground is weird because the carpets are meant to fly, not move slowly on the ground. Stopping at different attractions is weird because in Adventurland, you are in walking distance from everything. Plus, it would draw long lines. It would be just like waiting in a long line to get itno a car that drives directly to your next door neighbors house.

5. The Cinderella's Coach idea is a great idea, but they already have somthing like that at the Grand Floridian. The coach would be sort of like the Jolly Trolly is Disneyland Ca @ Toon Town. It might be hard to navigate through huge crowds scince Fantaseyland is so small.

6. Tomorrowland wouldn't fit in at Epcot, because Tomorrowland's theme is fantasey sci-fi, like from film makers from the 20s and 30s. It also has a Juels Vern and H.G. Wells theme also. Pure Fantasey and science fiction. Epcot's theme is practicly fact of new technical advances and true facts about the world.

Some of your ideas are good and some need to be fixed a little. Great ideas though!
:) Keep up the good work!:animwink:


Account Suspended
Original Poster
I see my ideas were not completely thought through. But that is why I posted it so I could see how it worked. I still however stick to the fact that Hercules should become a ride. A new idea came to my head thanks to Figmentdream (Thank you) A mermaid tunnel of love ride instead of the Grotto. I still stick with the carossel idea though firmly. Fantasyland should get more land. It needs it bad! I guess the carpets wouldn't work out either so I guess they would stay there. Well I decided to keep the tree house but to make it Tarzan's! That would be good right? It might draw attention back to an old attraction. CoP should be moved to Future World though. And a 9/11 Memorial should be built. The one land I always thought should have more stuff was Liberty Square the problem is what and where would you put it. O h well back to the old drawing board. Thanks for your comments.

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