Monorail security issue?


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Monorail CM's were acting a bit strange today. As soon as a train would empty, they would walk up and down the train making sure that there was nothing left behind in any of the cars. Only after that would the gates be opened and guests allowed to board.

I kind of shrugged it off, until I heard the pilot spiel something along these lines as my train approached the TTC: "Ladies and gentlemen, please make sure you take all of your personal belongings with you when you exit. Any items left behind may become a security issue."

Is there a particular incident that sparked this paranoia?


Well-Known Member
My guess would be the London transit bombings. But this kind of precaution is not at all out of the ordinary on any mass-transit system.


Well-Known Member
It may be because of e terror attacks in London recently. It has raised precautions all over the world. They are talking about installing metal detectors and what not in all subway systems in NY. I think it is good that they are taking it seriously. Alot of things have happened at Disney lately, the last thing they need is for a monorial to blow-up.


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Original Poster
D'oh, I didn't even think of the London bombings. Well, I guess I did, but I mistakingly thought I had ridden a monorail since then. That's probably the answer...


Account Suspended
Indeed, i noticed the practice the day after the bombings (or rather the morning of) but thought they were looking for someone's lost hat or something.


New Member
As I think we all know, these "security" measures will do nothing at all except inconvenience guests. Scotland Yard has found via DNA, that most (if not all) of the London bombers were backpack suicide fanatics.


New Member
the only way for me to feel totally safe at disney is if they stop every car, dearch them, put them in a parking lot, take away everything but the essentials from all the guests, have metal detectors at the gates to parks, bomb sniffing dogs, disney snipers on every corner/ rooftop, disney f 16 jets and blackhawks roaming the skies. that said, disney will never be able to prevent a terrorist if the terrorist was determined enough..


Someone probably left something on board and the Monorail Cast Memebers were probably looking for it. The speil was just to refresh everyones memory to hang on to their belongings.


Active Member
wdwishes2005 said:
the only way for me to feel totally safe at disney is if they stop every car, dearch them, put them in a parking lot, take away everything but the essentials from all the guests, have metal detectors at the gates to parks, bomb sniffing dogs, disney snipers on every corner/ rooftop, disney f 16 jets and blackhawks roaming the skies. that said, disney will never be able to prevent a terrorist if the terrorist was determined enough..

I think that would invoke fear in me more than safety. I think WDW makes people feel safer because they show just the right amount of security--but have much more.


New Member
Connor002 said:
safety, curteosey, show, efficiency

safty is first on the list, after all
I think you will find "Profit" is the number one god to which all corporations bow over all other considerations ;)


I'm pretty sure it is London related, firstly because I've seen it done basically every time I've rode the monorail over the last few days and secondly because a couple of Bus Drivers were making similar announcements about not leaving items on WDW Transportation, and explicitly saying it was because of London.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Woody13 said:
As I think we all know, these "security" measures will do nothing at all except inconvenience guests. Scotland Yard has found via DNA, that most (if not all) of the London bombers were backpack suicide fanatics.
Security will always seen excessive until it is inadequate. Remember the 9/11 hijackers got control of 4 planes with box cutters and plastic knives and the bomb at the Atlanta Olympics was in an unattended backpack. Granted many of these terrorists carry out suicide missions which there is little security will do to stop but it will help to deter the rash of copycat bombings were the culprit is not committed/insane enough to take there own life.


Well-Known Member
I know for a fact that Disney was thinking of putting metal detectors at the gates for the monorails. My cousin works for a company that produces metal detectors and he said that Disney asks for quotes on such equipment. So secure Disney may soon be here.


New Member
I was recentely at WDW 2 weeks ago, and in all parks i visited i have a little satchel, carrying cam. water etc...
but my sister is also a diabetic and i was carrying her injection in a little bag, the size of a foled A4 and about an inch wide!

now all bags get checked in all parks but it was only in busch gardens in which they checked inside this little bag!

may be metal dectors of somesort should be installed because not once in any WDW park or in universal did this little bagget checked!


One of my friends who works for Disney told me sometime last week somebody left a bag on the monorail and they had to shut down that part of the monrail and bring in the bomb squad to remove the bag. They are doing these searches because all mass transportation is on a high security level.

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