

Active Member
We attended in October 2001 (generally very tense in the parks at that time as it was just 3 weeks after 9/11). Had a great time anyway. Almost everyone is in costume. There are stations around the park that give out candy to the kids. Attendance was low, possibly because of 9/11, and we were able to walk on everything, although I've heard here that this is not usually the case. The park was decorated for the occasion, and there was a special parade with a headless horseman. Well worth the extra admission price.

One tip, if you have little ones, skip the afternoon in the park and go back to the hotel for a nap/swim. If you try to stay all day it is very tiring for everyone. We made the mistake of staying all day and the kids, and adults, were so tired we left much earlier than we wanted to.

Have a great time.


Well-Known Member
Go on a Tuesday or Sunday, much quieter. The locals come out in force on the Friday night parties.

The MK closes at 6PM. If you are already in the MK, you will be directed to Tomorrowland. If you aren't, then you will be held at the gates. Tip : Your MNSSHP ticket will gain you admission to the park after 4PM (or they have in years past) without other admission.

Between 6PM and 7PM they put up the decorations and change the lighting. On slower nights I found they got this done more quickly, and was often let into the rest of the park by 6:30, but don't count on it.

Most attractions are open (Hall of Presidents isn't, possibly Tiki Room as well), many more than on old "E-Ride" nights. There is additional entertainment : ghost stories in Liberty Square (the CM who does them in costume is brilliant), the special "Boo To You!" parade, which features some villians you don't generally see, a special version of the fireworks, the riverboat ride gets "haunted", and of course, trick or treating stations.

All of it is great fun, but I'd totally advise against bothering with the trick or treating. The lines are often the longest - longer than any attraction open that night. And all that is given out is generic, store-bought mini-candy bars (hersheys, etc) and tootsie pops. Doesn't even SAY disney on it - it's kind of silly to watch people stand in line for 20 minutes to get a tootsie roll they can get a bag full of at home for $2, LOL.

Avoid Fantasyland early in the evening - the kiddos come out en masse and the line for things like Peter Pan is very long. Also, the Haunted Mansion post-fireworks usually has long lines. But except for those, the lines are generally minimal, especially after 10PM. I did Splash Mountain nine times one night between 10:30 and 11:45.

MNSSHP is great fun. I'm planning on doing at least two this October - the MK is very special at night, and the darker atmosphere (though nothing "scary") really is a treat.

Good luck!



New Member
We loved it!

We went to MNSSHP October 8th, 2004 and Me my wife and our two little girls 8,4 loved it! After reading testimonials at this link I found out the night we were there was sold out! That explains the crowds but we still enjoyed it and after reading these testimonials I have a better idea of how to get around and what to look for! Have fun!

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