MK Plan of Attack for Three Teens


New Member
Alright, so my two best buds and I have wanted to go to Disney together since we were grade schoolers. They've been a few times, and because I used to live in Florida, I've been to Disney countless times (my mom took me at least every other month). However, since none of us are yet 21 (I'm starting college, they're in high school), we thought that the trip would still be a few years away. Now, my incredibly brave aunt has volunteered to take the three of us down as the designated "grown-up" (for the hotel, mainly), AND pay for the hotel room (which I was not expecting - I had already started setting money aside). Anyway, because I'll only be in Florida a few weeks (my friends both live in Northern FL), we can only go for a weekend, and because neither my friends nor myself are exactly rolling in the dough (college/saving for college really sucks your leisure money away), we're only going to one theme park.

Originally, we had planned on EPCOT, mainly because after living in California last summer, I really wanted to ride Soarin'. Plus, I love Mission: Space, and they haven't been on it yet. And we all love Test Track. However, I'll get another chance to ride Soarin', because I'm going to WDW again with family friends little more than a week later.

Now, we're really leaning toward Magic Kingdom, partially because of the late hours (until 11pm on the day we're going). None of us are exactly morning people, and we like the idea of a late evening without dealing with Downtown Disney (which we plan on visiting the day we leave). We want to hit all the "Mountains" at MK and I l absolutely love Pirates of the Caribbean (really looking forward to seeing the refurbished version). We don't really care about any of the rides in Fantasyland, and we plan on avoiding Mickey's Toontown Fair entirely.

So, if we do decide on Magic Kingdom, what is a good "plan of attack" for three adolescents, keeping in mind that we don't care about table service meals (we generally just snack throughout the day), and that we probably won't arrive at the park until around 11:30am (because we'll be doing good if we get to sleep by midnight, and we all sleep for about 10 hours). Also, I'm not big into planning every detail - I'd just like to have a basic outline since I'm going with friends.

Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
OK. A word or two about your plans...

Hit the ground running. Get a popular ride in immediately. Grab one of the mountains immediately and fastpass another for a good one-two punch. In between take in something that you'll wait in the regular line for. Then alternate fastpass/standby line with some snacking/dining.

If you are going to eat or be there during a busy time, don't pick the most popular place to eat. For example, most people visit MK from left to right, ending up in Frontierland around lunchtime. Pecos Bill can be quite a long line. Be flexible in your eating plans, going for a short line.

Typically on a hard-hitting MK day, we go for Space Mountain, fast pass Big Thunder, and go on Buzz Lightyear in between. Typically one of us acts as the "runner" for fastpasses while the rest of the gang boards TTA. Probably grab Mad Hatters Teacups along the way, Pooh or Snow White depending on the line length and the fastpass time. For lunch we grab Columbia Harbor House for counter service, largely because we enjoy fish and chips and their Chicken salad is very good. Also because this place isn't totally overrun at lunchtime.

We alternate a fast paced day, like above, with a slower paced day the very next day.
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I had gone to MK with a few friends in early May for our Senior Trip, so I'll give you some of the tips that we used.

First of all, I am not much of a morning person either. We tried to get to the park about 10:30-11AM. The crowds were still not too huge at that moment. 11:30 should be fine for y'all.

First thing in the morning, go to Frontierland. (The lines are usually a little shorter on that side of the park in the morning). Hit Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain. If the lines are long, get a FP for Splash Mountain and standby Big Thunder Mountain.

When y'all are ready for lunch, a nice counter service location in the area is Pecos Bill's. All of the MK food places have a long line at lunch. Try to go either before 12 or after 12:45 for shortest lines.

Afterwards, go to Adventureland. Ride the Pirates ride. If y'all like Dumbo-type rides, do the Magic Carpet Ride. If it is getting hot, the Tiki Room is a very nice A/C show for a break. Jungle Cruise will probably be a pretty long wait (40+ minutes), so I recommend you skip it, unless someone has their heart set on going on it. You can always come back to it.

Next, go to Liberty Square and ride Haunted Mansion.

Afterwards, go to Fantasyland. You really should try to see Mickey's Philharmagic. It is an amazing 3d show. Most teens that I have talked to love the show.

OK, next stop, Tomorrowland. One note about Tomorrowland, the lines are MUCH shorter during the afternoon parade. Try to get to Tomorrowland during the parade, if y'all don't mind missing it.

The Tomorrowland Speedway is typically a 35-50 minute wait by the afternoon. You should probably skip it for now. Stitch's Great Escape almost always has a short line, but it is not worth any wait, in my mind. Skip it. Now, check the wait times at Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin and Space Mountain. Get a FP for one and standby for the other. They are both good attractions. The TTA is a nice break, if everyone is ready to sit down for a little while. COP is a good A/C spot, but can be a little boring. No wait, though.

Now, provided you have time, go back and see any attractions that you skipped, or want to see again.

If y'all want a counter service meal in Fantasyland/Tomorrowland, go to Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe. It is the closest spot.

Post if you have any questions about the rough plan I posted (it goes clockwise around the park).
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My post was getting long, so here's the rest of my tips.

On Buzz, the ride cars are only two people to one car. I think that is the only one that you will have to separate your group.

On Haunted Mansion, you can fit three to a Doom Buggy.

On Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, I know from experience that you can fit three to a row (it is a little tight, but can be done.)

On Splash Mountain, you might be able to fit three to a row (check with the CM loading).

All the other rides should seat the three of y'all in one row.
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