Sorry, but I need to vent for a minute. I understand that parents want their kids to ride, but after working several rides with height restrictions, it really ed me off when adults argue about their child's safety. Safety restrictions are there for a reason, not just to anger parents and children alike. The thing that really REALLY makes me mad is when I say no, and then the parent argues and says "oh come on, it is only an inch." Well we do have a height requirement for a reason and that reason is your child's safety. If your child asks you for something and you say no, then he/she asks your spouse and he/she says yes, doesn't that make you mad? Please be respectful to the rules and our decisions as ride operators. You may not care, or know all the facts about the ride, but we do and we say they cannot ride. Putting napkins in a child's shoes is only teaching them that rules can be disreguarded whenever you don't like them and it also encourages lying and dishonesty.
Please be respectful to ride operators when they are just reenforcing the rules for your safety.