Mission Space Updated construction pictures on the main page!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, just looking at the new construction pics Steve put up. The outside is finaly starting to come together. Looking more like that original concept art every day.

Latest rumor I heard is that the opening might be delayed until summer 2003 now instead of spring. They took down that countdown clock in inoventions so this could be true. I hope not.



Im there in May 2003 and was really hopin that it might be open - I bet it will open the week after I leave! :hammer:

Does any one know an more information about what this is going to be like? Im supprised they havent really said - unless I've missed something

Does anyone else know any more on this?



Well-Known Member
Don't let the outside of the building fool you. They could quickly finish that at any time. It's the inside that counts and the only people who know if that is on schedule aren't talking b/c they would lose their jobs if they did. I still think everything will be done for Spring Break 2003. I think they took out the Countdown Clock in case they finished EARLY. Like with Primeval Whirl!. They don't want someone to postpone their vacations so that they can ride Mission: SPACE if it is going to open up early (people will do this...)

All we know about the ride system is that it will involve centrifuges and be able to simulate extreme G-forces (both high and low). Other than that--disney pretty much will make us wait till opening day.

By the way...the outside lends itself to a psychological issue. If we can SEE something as done, we get irritated when it's months till the attraction opens. Thus, they keep the outside obviously un-finished. Don't want angry Guests!


New Member
I feel kind of stupid for asking this kind of a question but here goes...

Could someone explain to me what a centrifuge ride is??? Is it something like IoA's Spiderman where you're in a simulator that moves along the track stopping at the CAVE screens. Heck I really don't even understand the CAVE thing. Will it be in simulators like Dinosaur or Spiderman??? I've read some of the descriptions of the ride but it was like in Greek to me.


Well-Known Member
You can't find a centrifuge in any theme park on the planet. You can find a small one in any doctor's office--they spin really fast and cause red blood cells to separate from plasma. You can also find them at a NASA Training Camp, which is more of what we will be seeing. Depending on the speed of the spinning in a centrifuge, you can create really powerful G-forces...kinda like UFOs that you can find at any Six Flags park. That happens when the centrifugal forces(outward) are greater than the centripetal forces(inward). Do the opposite and you have negative gravity, and if they centripetal and centrifugal forces are equal--zero gravity. In order to explain the rest of this, I'd have to give a Physics lesson. It has to do with speed...think about gravitation. What keeps the moon at a relatively constant distance from Earth (although it's moving away...)? It revolves around Earth at just the right speed and just the right distance away to equalize both forces...and to create our tides...ENOUGH PHYSICS!


It just all sounds like Im gonna be sick :hurl:

I get dizzy on anything that goes round and cant stand Simulators - they make me hurl!

Oh well - will be nice sitting outside the building whilst the rest of the group go out there :)


Well-Known Member
well...that's the problem with my description. It would make 90% of guests throw up...so disney is doing something different with this ride to make it so that doesn't happen (obviously, they can't have people throwing up every two minutes)...don't know what, though.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
well...that's the problem with my description. It would make 90% of guests throw up...so disney is doing something different with this ride to make it so that doesn't happen (obviously, they can't have people throwing up every two minutes)...don't know what, though.

if they get everything right, then you shouldnt notice that you are spinning around. well i hope so anyway:lol:


But they spend millions trying to make sure people arnt sick on the simulators - and who goes and screws that one up - yup me :) although never actually been sick on them

Just had to sit out side and wait for my very ill body to come back to earth - and that was all my sisters fault who wouldnt go on on her own so dragged me!

Sisterly love huh!



Obvioulsy have to give it a try if Im there when it does open - does anyone else have this issue on simulators - or am I just a complete freak



Originally posted by BAM
I feel kind of stupid for asking this kind of a question but here goes...

Could someone explain to me what a centrifuge ride is??? Is it something like IoA's Spiderman where you're in a simulator that moves along the track stopping at the CAVE screens. Heck I really don't even understand the CAVE thing. Will it be in simulators like Dinosaur or Spiderman??? I've read some of the descriptions of the ride but it was like in Greek to me.

Recently ive seen MANY people very confused about CAVE....currently, NO THEME PARK attraction employs the CAVE technology.....what Spiderman has is a moving, motion simulator, that stops at 3-d projection screens. thats it. CAVE is a complex projection method the projects images on all 6 sides of a Cube. You are sitting inside of that cube, and since images are projected on all 6 sides of that cube, it is extremely immersive, and makes u feel like u are there. Imagine star tours, but with screens on all 6 sides around u.....itll be much more realistic that with one screen in front of you. Currently, it is rumored that Disney intends to use CAVE in the future, but no one knows how or when. Could Mission Space employ CAVE? possibly, but we wont know till it opens......


New Member

I know Mission:Space is gonna rock. But I'm a little confused on the opening date. I have a cousin who works at EPCOT as Guest Services Manager for Test Track and she's always telling me Summer 2002. But I'm always hearing 2003. It looks more like 2003 from the pictures. Also, her friends have ridden the actual ride. They've called it the Vomit Comet. I can't wait for it. I just wish they'd have put it where Universe of Energy is rather than taking Horizons out.



Well-Known Member
Re: Space

Originally posted by TwilightRocker
I know Mission:Space is gonna rock. But I'm a little confused on the opening date. I have a cousin who works at EPCOT as Guest Services Manager for Test Track and she's always telling me Summer 2002. But I'm always hearing 2003. It looks more like 2003 from the pictures. Also, her friends have ridden the actual ride. They've called it the Vomit Comet. I can't wait for it. I just wish they'd have put it where Universe of Energy is rather than taking Horizons out.


:eek: really? are you sure???? summer 2002? that a little different from spring 2003! lol!

By the way.........welcome to the boads!!!

hmmm.............they couldnt really of been on it. Could they? :lookaroun :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Re: Space

Originally posted by TwilightRocker
I know Mission:Space is gonna rock. But I'm a little confused on the opening date. I have a cousin who works at EPCOT as Guest Services Manager for Test Track and she's always telling me Summer 2002. But I'm always hearing 2003. It looks more like 2003 from the pictures. Also, her friends have ridden the actual ride. They've called it the Vomit Comet. I can't wait for it. I just wish they'd have put it where Universe of Energy is rather than taking Horizons out.


First I want to say welcome....

And say HI to a fellow Rhode Islander. :) I sent you a PM concerning that...

Now for your friends claiming they have rode the actual ride....BS!! They haven't even got a ride system settled on...they're still experimanting and last I heard the opening was to be delayed not pushed forward.

Get your facts strait. ;)


New Member

Perhaps I should clarify what I said about my cousin's friends riding Mission:Space. I was vague and can understand the confusion. Her friends are actually imagineers working on the ride who tried to get her to try it (the prototype) out but she wouldn't go near it. I didn't mean the actual completed ride itself.


Well-Known Member
Two dates have been thrown around a lot:

Summer 2002- Opeining of interactive exhibits inside
Spring 2003- Opeining of Actual ride


New Member
:lol: first of all, welcome....now for the ride system issue.....as many of you know, imaginnering is actually working on sketches for the ride system..it is going to be centrifugal for sure, but I doubt they will let anyone test it after a lot of testing and safety regulations......just remember...everything an Imagineer does has to be 200% safe for the guest.......

Summer 2003....I hope so, but there are very well founded rumors that it is going to be a lot longer than that....::(

I just hope it is really an e-ticket attraction!!!!....Hope they don`t blow it!!!


Well-Known Member
They are really taking their time here. They could open it by Fall 2002, but Test Track proved them wrong. Open an attraction latter than delay it a year.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, we have no clue when this will open. Disney is not saying anything, and you name the rumor, we've heard it. You can't judge how far along the ride is from the outside...


New Member
TwilightRocker: what is the name of your friend that is a GSM at TT? I used to work at TT and was wondering if I know her or not. Could you please provide a name? Thanks!

PS. If you really bug her, both her and I know more info than we can release to the public about Mission Space. Maybe she will be willing to give you that info seeing that she is family.

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