mission space being redone?


New Member
iread somewhere (can't remember where) that mission space may close down for awhile in order to do something about the fact its making people sick. if this is true its total B.S. they give you plenty of warning before hand and its not disney's fault if people think they are bluffing. i was wondering if anyone else has heard this. i'm sure its just an unfounded rumor but just in case....emergency trip to EPCOT!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
We went over this a bunch of times already. There are a thousand warnings that tell you not to ride if you get motion sickeness (and other things). If you don't heed the warnings they give you, and donlt listen to theinstructions about looking forward you are going to suffer the consequences.
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Well-Known Member
Don't belive anything you read. If it dosn't come from WDWMagic, IMHO, I take it with a grain of salt. What I know is that MS is being looked at for a new ride film to debute in a while, but not even soon!
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Well-Known Member
I went on MS for the first time in May. I think the extreme and frequent warnings actually work against MS. I've read on this board how most people aren't getting sick, and I NEVER get sick, but still waiting in line and constantly hearing about it made even my nerves get on end. It's an OK ride, I'll probably ride it at least once per trip, but it's not a repeat (I did see Philharmagic 3 or 4 times in 5 days).
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New Member
I agree that the warnings can create a sense of anxiety that will make an individual anticipate getting sick... and possibly actually get truly ill as a result.
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New Member
There was a poll on disney.com a few weeks ago that asked something like "riding Mission: Space makes you feel like..." and one of the choices was "puking your guts out" ! I think puking your guts out got the most votes! I know the poll wasn't some kind of serious research and just for fun, but come on, why would they put that on their own site? -Stephanie
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New Member
I think it's complete BS! As everyone has stated before.. they give you PLENTY of warnings about the ride... if your susceptible to motion sickness why would you even consider going on the ride!?! That little video that you have to watch before you get on the ride explains everything about the ride!! And just on a personal note... they tell you not to look sideways while your on the ride and to just look straight ahead... well I was lookin sideways @ my friend and NOTHING happened to me.. as far as motion sickness goes. I think these people who make up these stories just need to make a stink about SOMETHING.. anyone else agree??:fork:
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Originally posted by POOHKILLEDTOAD
good. i figured it had to be. it just wouldn't make sense to redo such a new ride. besides its nice to have such a "grown up" ride.

1st off how could u say this is a grown up ride.....i bet there is more ppl that are over the age of 17 that get sick on this ride rather then kids say...8-9 years old.......

2nd off this post should neveer have even come up b/c this thing is brand new and they spent millions of dollars on it.....they arnt gonna close it down
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New Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
I agree that the warnings can create a sense of anxiety that will make an individual anticipate getting sick... and possibly actually get truly ill as a result.

People also love having something to complain about so this seem to be embellishing all of this getting sick non-sense.

It seems that it is becoming popular to complain about MS.

If you go on once and dont like it just dont go back on.
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