It seems like they just don't know what they have, or how to use it. It seems to me that the first order of business at ABC would be to resurrect TGIF, with new sitcoms that are aimed at families. After all, they have ABC Family and/or the Disney Channel to offer for second showings later (as they seem to be into these days, even if things like "The Bachelorette" just do not belong on a channel named "Family.")
Anyway, ABC needs some long-term, positive attention with FUN programs that make people laugh, as well as a few good dramas at 10:00. All of these types of shows take time to nurture, unlike stupid "reality" shows that blow up your schedule and then fizzle out in a season. But the investment is worth it in the long run, both for familiarity and for recognition of the ABC network as the family, trustworthy network it always played best as.
And, by the way, Wonderful World needs some attention, too. It should have a consistent host and not just be a random movie off the Disney shelf. A good, consistent host will help tie things together and encourage return audience. It almost seems like Disney/ABC doesn't believe in their product anymore, and it shows.
Most of the reason that anthology shows like Wonderful World and Twilight Zone worked before (and still would) was because of the trust built in, and some of that was guided by the host (like Walt or Rod Serling) or narrator.
Just my two cents. ABC has to build trust, and it should be with complete family audiences in mind most of the time, especially in their still-familiar Friday strength.