Minor Resort Questions


New Member
I have 2 I tried to search but can't find, I might just be bad at searching:eek:

1)I thought I read somewhere there are hairdryers at the resort, I am staying at POR? Would make one less thing for me to pack.

2)Does Disney have bedrails for small children to use? I know they have port a cribs. My dd is 4 and ds is 8 and have never fallen out of bed but they have never slept to together and I am worried one might kick the other out



POR does have hairdryers...the kind that is attached to the wall. Also, they do have bedrails. We always use them especially if we get a room in the "mansions" section of POR. The beds are somewhat higher off the ground than a regular bed. Just request them when you check in. We did this and they were there when we returned from the park that evening. Be aware though, mousekeeping will take them off the bed every day when changing the linens, etc. Have a great trip. Enjoy POR!!! It's our favorite!!
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Original Poster
Thanks for the replys!! I was really worried about the kids falling out of bed and that will help alot. Both toss and turn alot during the night, although they might be so tired they won't move hopefully:animwink:
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It's a HAIR DRYER & you're in Disney World, not at a modeling competition. :lol:
Believe me I am not looking for anything fancy I just don't want a wet head and don't feel like packing. I thought I had heard they weren't very good but aslong as it turns on and has some heat I will survive.
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Well-Known Member
It's a HAIR DRYER & you're in Disney World, not at a modeling competition. :lol:

Haha, well I have had not so great hair dryers that take FOREVER to actually, you know, dry your hair. It's not a matter of looking good, it's a matter of actually working right.
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Active Member
Haha, well I have had not so great hair dryers that take FOREVER to actually, you know, dry your hair. It's not a matter of looking good, it's a matter of actually working right.

I'm the same way. I have long, layered, wavy hair and the right hair dryer makes a huge difference on how easy it is to dry and style my hair. I do not care for the ones at WL, so I always bring my own.
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New Member
Thanks for the replys!! I was really worried about the kids falling out of bed and that will help alot. Both toss and turn alot during the night, although they might be so tired they won't move hopefully:animwink:

Call you Travel Agent or Disney directly at 407-W-DISNEY and add a request for bed rails to your reservation so the resort will have them in the room for you when you check in.
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Active Member
I have long straight hair and used the hairdryer in POFQ. It worked fine for me. I was just using it to get my hair dry after showering - no fancy styling. I didn't even bother unpacking and using the one I had brought.
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