I have created numerous threads for improving Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland, because I agree with everyone that it's not very well-developed. Most people would just scrap the land and use it for expansion in Fantasyland (relocating the Roger Rabbit ride to DCA somehow). However, the story is that Disneyland is Mickey's real home and Toontown is where he goes to rest his weary head at the end of the day. Even though I have accepted that WDW's Toontown Fair was merely the Fab Five's vacation home and temporary, I'm still slightly sore about its loss. I've been trying to move on from that, but it hasn't been easy.
Anyway, I'm greatly against everyone saying that Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland should be removed and replaced simply because it's beneath them. I do agree, however, that there is plenty of room for improvement. That's what this thread is all about, to improve it and make more worthwhile, beyond just Roger Rabbit and both mice's houses.
However, there is not much physical space to do go crazy, so what you're going to see, I'm trying to be as realistic as possible. I will also be doing the updates piece by piece.
Here's what I wanted to show first: I will replace the current radio music loop called WACKY Radio, which is heard in the queue for the Roger Rabbit ride and in Mickey and Minnie's houses. It would now be replaced with a new radio music loop, entitled KRAZY Radio. The reason I replaced the radio station name (from "wacky" to "krazy") is because K radio stations are west of the Mississippi (where California is) and W stations on the east (where Florida is). So I had to come up with something similar to "wacky", and "crazy" was the closest I could come up with. So I just replaced the C with a K. Pretty clever, huh? The new radio jingle will be the same, however: "Put a happy smile on your radio dial with K-R-A-Z-Y, krazy radio Toontown!"
Most of the advertisements and news bulletins are the same. However, I had heard the radio loop for WACKY Radio at Toontown Fair on another site, and it shows them revising the jingle to a country-western twang. So the new jingle will be updated as well. I was thinking of having it sound like the jingle for CHUM 1050 (listen from 0:30 to 0:45):
That new jingle would sound something like: "K-R-A-Z-Y, radio Toontown! Radio Toontown!" The announcer is replaced, sounding more like this announcer at the very beginning of "Kingpin" (the one announcing the message before the president takes over):
Furthermore, taking a cue from the KBVS station of Buena Vista Street at DCA, the new announcer will describe KRAZY thus: "You're listening to K-R-A-Z-Y, krazy toon radio, the voice of Mickey's Toontown." And one more thing, there will be a special guest on the new radio loop, a reference to the old Mickey Mouse Theater of the Air radio show: it's Donald Duck and His Webfooted Sextet. They would be playing one of the tunes heard here:
That's the very first piece of the updates to Disneyland's Mickey's Toontown! What do you think so far?
Anyway, I'm greatly against everyone saying that Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland should be removed and replaced simply because it's beneath them. I do agree, however, that there is plenty of room for improvement. That's what this thread is all about, to improve it and make more worthwhile, beyond just Roger Rabbit and both mice's houses.
However, there is not much physical space to do go crazy, so what you're going to see, I'm trying to be as realistic as possible. I will also be doing the updates piece by piece.
Here's what I wanted to show first: I will replace the current radio music loop called WACKY Radio, which is heard in the queue for the Roger Rabbit ride and in Mickey and Minnie's houses. It would now be replaced with a new radio music loop, entitled KRAZY Radio. The reason I replaced the radio station name (from "wacky" to "krazy") is because K radio stations are west of the Mississippi (where California is) and W stations on the east (where Florida is). So I had to come up with something similar to "wacky", and "crazy" was the closest I could come up with. So I just replaced the C with a K. Pretty clever, huh? The new radio jingle will be the same, however: "Put a happy smile on your radio dial with K-R-A-Z-Y, krazy radio Toontown!"
Most of the advertisements and news bulletins are the same. However, I had heard the radio loop for WACKY Radio at Toontown Fair on another site, and it shows them revising the jingle to a country-western twang. So the new jingle will be updated as well. I was thinking of having it sound like the jingle for CHUM 1050 (listen from 0:30 to 0:45):
That new jingle would sound something like: "K-R-A-Z-Y, radio Toontown! Radio Toontown!" The announcer is replaced, sounding more like this announcer at the very beginning of "Kingpin" (the one announcing the message before the president takes over):
Furthermore, taking a cue from the KBVS station of Buena Vista Street at DCA, the new announcer will describe KRAZY thus: "You're listening to K-R-A-Z-Y, krazy toon radio, the voice of Mickey's Toontown." And one more thing, there will be a special guest on the new radio loop, a reference to the old Mickey Mouse Theater of the Air radio show: it's Donald Duck and His Webfooted Sextet. They would be playing one of the tunes heard here:
That's the very first piece of the updates to Disneyland's Mickey's Toontown! What do you think so far?