No offense aladdin2007, but I had to go back and re-read that part of Al Lutz's update to find the "bashing". It's really just about the Disneyland version, and nothing is set in stone and it's not 7 minutes flat, Al Lutz never said that exactly. He said they were slowing the ride down a bit so that it is now
nearing 7 minutes.
Oh heck, maybe it would be easier for folks to read exactly what was printed, and make up your own minds? From Al Lutz on Miceage today...
"As they begin to fine tune the effects with the passing vehicles, the ride time of this (soon-to-be-classic?) Disney attraction is now nearing 7 minutes in length. John Lasseter is spending as much time in Anaheim as his schedule allows, while keeping constant tabs electronically on his favorite theme park property. And it seems that Lasseter was so impressed with the watery visuals and animatronic displays in the big Mermaid ride that he asked the Imagineers to slow the Omnimover system just a bit to give folks a better chance to take it all in.
While the Little Mermaid ride system and vehicles are nearly identical in size and mechanics to the Haunted Mansion, the Little Mermaid system will now carry about 400 fewer riders per hour than Mansion does thanks to the slightly slower speed Lasseter and the Imagineers have planned for the Anaheim version. There’s still the possibility that the Orlando version will maintain the original faster speed, and thus provide the higher hourly ridership that their park managers crave, but for now Anaheim executives have deferred to the artistic request to slow DCA’s ride slightly to provide for a better and longer show at the expense of several hundred riders per hour. (Wouldn't it be great if the Florida guys just ONCE looked at things in this way?)" -Al Lutz
All that said, the ride time question is an interesting one. I remember here on these boards there were quite a few folks, and some insiders, who said the ride would be barely 5 minutes long. Some folks were claiming it couldn't be any longer than 4 and a half minutes. Now we're past the 6 minute mark and climbing.
In about 6 weeks the Cast Member previews and soft openings begin for the Disneyland version of the Little Mermaid ride. We'll know it all then. But for now, this ride is longer than the pros originally thought it would be!