Does anyone have any cool ideas for merchandise that you think should be made? WDW seems pretty switched on in terms of what has been made but there have been a few things I would LOVe to see made.
But the one I like the most is a Stitch CD/record player. There's a scene in Lilo and Stitch where Stitch puts his finger nail on a record and opens his mouth and the music comes out... I think they should make one with a speaker in his mouth. I understand vinyl and records isn't very 2005 so how about having a fake record that spins under stitchs finger when you play a CD with the speaker still in his mouth. You could also use the "Fake" Vinyl record as a controller if you stop it when it's spinning the track pauses if you spin it one way it fast forwards and the opposite way rewinds...
I'd buy one for sure.... what ideas do you guys have?
But the one I like the most is a Stitch CD/record player. There's a scene in Lilo and Stitch where Stitch puts his finger nail on a record and opens his mouth and the music comes out... I think they should make one with a speaker in his mouth. I understand vinyl and records isn't very 2005 so how about having a fake record that spins under stitchs finger when you play a CD with the speaker still in his mouth. You could also use the "Fake" Vinyl record as a controller if you stop it when it's spinning the track pauses if you spin it one way it fast forwards and the opposite way rewinds...
I'd buy one for sure.... what ideas do you guys have?