ME Crashing?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi all,
I've been trying change a few reservations since yesterday and the website has been denying me.
When I try to book on the website it declines my card? I've had my card saved to my profile for some time now. I even tried reentering my info and still got a decline error.

I tried switching from Chrome to Internet Explorer and the make a reservation page won't even load!

I tried using the MDE App on my phone and tablet... and got "a blip in the network kept us from retrieving your information. Please try again."

I called and was able to book 1 over the phone but most said no reservations were available, even though the app & website show plenty.
It's so frustrating. ? Anyone else having issues with the site today?


Well-Known Member
I had some issues, too. Closing the browser and opening it back up helped at first, but then that stopped working. I called the WDW tech line and was told that the problem was due to "heavy traffic" and to try back later. I did and it worked fine. Good luck!

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