Mde app on iPhone & iPad not showing same information


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Original Poster
Since there was an update in the MDE app the information on my phone app is not accessible. The only things that are showing is my hotel reservations & my ADR's. If I click to go into them it asks me for the res number & name. When I put this in it says that it is linked to another account. I intend to use my phone app rather than my iPad when on WDW is I would really like to get this sorted. Have tried moms panel who didn't get back to me twice . I called disney & they said it should resolve itself in a few days. It has now been over 1 month. Anybody got any advice. I have tried deleting the app & then downloading again. This did not work. Any help from a tech savvy person would be appreciated.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Did you create a different account for your iPad than your iPhone? If your login is exactly the same on both, this [theoretically] can't be possible.

Since it's Disney IT, the impossible is not necessarily surprising though. If your login for both is identical, I would call and ask to talk to MDE support again and have them determine what's going on with your account. There may be a cookie on one or the other device that is messing up your access to your account.

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