After thinking about this a great deal (and believe me I have), I've decided that the monorail system should be updated with a maglev system. The current system is too slow and buses actually make the trip from the TTC to EC faster than the monorail. That factoid alone is to much ammunition for bus supporters making their case against the monorail. If monorail has any chance of winning the debate, it can't compete as is with its 1960's technology. It needs to compete fairly by updating it with a maglev system. Maglevs are monorails and use similar guideways, so major structural work would not be necessary to convert the system. Once converted, it could be part of a regional system that could stop at International Drive and Orlando International Airport.
Some of you are probably thinking that Disney would never expand the system outside their gates. I have a solution. Sell the system to an outside company who would.
Some of you are probably thinking that Disney would never expand the system outside their gates. I have a solution. Sell the system to an outside company who would.