Having done the Magical Express now several times -- it takes about one hour from the aiport to your hotel...you will most likely wait for your bus at the airport, and then wait ON the bus for 15 miutes of so before it leaves. Plan on 1 1/2 hours from the time you leave your airplane to the time you arrive at your hotel. The busses DO stop at several resorts. Even at peak, my bus was not full - but it does make all stops as people get off at each. For example, my bus to Port Orleans French Quarter stopped first at Saratoga Springs where 1 person got off, then Old Key West where 3 people got off, then POFQ (where I and about 10 others got off), then went on to PORIV with a remaining passenger list of about 15 or so people. Busses do NOT have seatbelts, as ironically, it is safer NOT to be wearing one in an accident in a bus. Child seats are usually placed under the bus in the luggage compartment - again, it is safer to keep your toddler on your lap, or sitting next to you, and there are no seat belts to strap your child seat onto the seat. They do show a short half hour video on the way to your resort. It is somewhat entertaining, and explains the checkin and checkout procedure. For the kids, it is filled with the Disney characters and you will find a pulsating hyperactivity take over as you near the resort and the characters appear on the tv screen. Otherwise, it is a relatively ordinary bus ride.