M:S Factoid


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I'm not sure if this was already posted somewhere or not- if it was, someone PLEASE tell me so I can maybe have this thread deleted out of pure embarassment! I haven't read the trip reports b/c I don't want to read spoilers. I just spoke briefly with a friend who works at Epcot on the CP and he told me that he rode M:S and that originially the ride pulled 6 G's but people were getting too sick, so they brought it down to 4. Just a little bit of info for you all.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
sounds right.. the ride has toned down since the first and last time I've ridden it.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
5 G's does sounds a bit over the top... it's at about 2.5 now and it's plenty. Maybe down from 3.5-4 G's to 2.5


Well-Known Member
I heard this too..but..While talking about G forces, a little thing I learned was if you sit down suddenly, its not uncommon to pull 8-10 G's, but because you feel it for such a small amount of time, it doesnt affect you. BTW, for anyone wo has ridden, the left side of the pod feels a little bit more g's than the right. Im pretty sure it was my imagination, but I felt it.


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Sorry guys if the info was incorrect- just passing along what I heard. I don't know a lot about G forces and stuff. Rn'RC is about 4 G's though right?

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I remember reading about a certain coaster, can't remember where or which one, but they were wanting to open it by a certain date. However, there were testing difficulties with a certain drop, and on that particular valley of the track, guests would end up pulling over 4 g's. Because they wanted to open it on time, they ignored warnings, and had several, meaning many, guests leave with severe back and neck injuries.

This was caused by only slighlty exceeding 4 g's. If people were to recieve 5 or 6 g's for and period of time, it could very possibly kill them. The human body simply isn't made to absorb forces of that extreme.


New Member
Original Poster
WOW! I guess my source was way off then. LOL! I guess that's the last time I try to report breaking info! :lol:

ucf disneyfan

New Member
Don't hold me accountable to this one but I think 5-6 G's is pushing the max and then at 7 G's you black out. Can anyone remember how many G's James Bond withstood in Moonraker??? I'm pretty sure it was around 7.


New Member
Few facts about g forces... (sources noted where I remember)

Shuttle astronauts usally feel 3 g's during take off for severaly minutes.

Heard T.K. Mattingly (former apollo astronaut) speak this week and he said they felt 5 g's during re-entry.

Air Force Fighter pilots must sustain 9 g's for a brief time with the help of a high g suit and special muscle contractions to pass flight school (discovery channel show).

The human body can with stand up to 40 g's in short impulses. Think car crash. (History channel's Modern Marvels about crash test dummies).

So roller coasters do pull in the 5-6 g range but for very brief times. There was a write up (and ever another thread here) about how some in the media were saying that rides were worse than space flight, but many astronauts came out and said it's the sustained g's that get ya, not the brief impulses.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Moustronaut
Few facts about g forces... (sources noted where I remember)

Shuttle astronauts usally feel 3 g's during take off for severaly minutes.

Heard T.K. Mattingly (former apollo astronaut) speak this week and he said they felt 5 g's during re-entry.

Air Force Fighter pilots must sustain 9 g's for a brief time with the help of a high g suit and special muscle contractions to pass flight school (discovery channel show).

The human body can with stand up to 40 g's in short impulses. Think car crash. (History channel's Modern Marvels about crash test dummies).

So roller coasters do pull in the 5-6 g range but for very brief times. There was a write up (and ever another thread here) about how some in the media were saying that rides were worse than space flight, but many astronauts came out and said it's the sustained g's that get ya, not the brief impulses.
Wow!! Thanks for the info. It was incredibly interesting.


My brother is an Air Force F-16 pilot, who just got back from Iraq by the way, and they pull upwards of 9 G's all the time. They have water filled G-Suits and are trained in muscle relaxation and breathing techniques to take the strain off of the body. While in flight training, he pulled 9 sustained G's for almost 45 seconds without blacking out, and finished in the top 5 % of his flight class. Some people can just take them better than others. I am a pilot and my family has a christian eagle, which is an aerobatics plane. It isnt uncommon for me to experience 6 or 7 G's while in some maneuvers. From what everyone has been saying about this ride, it really sounds incredible and i cant wait to ride it, but i hope it pulls more than 2.5 G's, i really hope it is at least 3, just to get a better effect. Still curious though as to what the max potential this ride could be?? maybe 5 or 6 G's??


Well-Known Member
About Mission:Space. Way back when, everyone was saying, that because Mission:Space sustains G's it will be very intense. Roller coasters provide G's that probaly do reach 7 or 8 at certain times, just it may be for half of a half of a half of a second or something. I dont know, but like I said, I was reading an article, and if you sit down suddenly, or fall, its not uncommon to pull 8,9, or 10 G's, yetyou remain unafected.


During the early days of spaceflight (1950's-60's) NASA tested some of the early astronauts in centrifuges up into the 15-20g range for extended periods. Also, another experiment tested an Air Force pilot up to almost 40g for a very brief time, though not on a centrifuge. Of course, these were all men in excellent physical condition, but the human body can take a lot. Mission Space never even gets close to a g-load that could hurt you.

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