Hey guys! I don't know if you guys remember, but I was going to do a trip report for my trip back in May that I went on with my family...but then it turned into a terrible trip and I didn't really feel like reliving it in a trip report. I shouldn't say terrible, but it wasn't fun for a variety of reasons that would take me ages to explain, but it was still Disney and I enjoyed myself as much as I could with everything else! What's that a lot of you are always saying? A day in Disney is always better than a day anywhere else? Something along those lines. Anyways, onto my upcoming trip!
Who: Me (Emmie) and my gf (Tori)
Background: This will be our first adult only trip that either of us have ever taken to Disney World, but that doesn't mean we act like adults. We both eat like five year olds and we are Disney freaks, but we have manners and maturity at least? I've been twice, both times in May over the course of the past two years. Tori went once as a child with her family, but spent most of her time sick in the hotel room so this is essentially in many ways a first trip for her. She lives closer to Disneyland though and has been there quite a few times. Now, this trip is special for us, in that this will be the first time we are meeting in person. We've been best friends for eight and half years. We've been through a lot with each other, more than I care to get into simply because it's long, complicated, and we'd be here for ages. We've been trying to set up a vacation together for two years now, but I ended up sick and having to take off time from school and didn't want to travel a ton, then it was money issues. We are finally in a place where we can both afford this and (hopefully) physically manage it. I have fibromyalgia and some pretty bad anxiety, which were two of the big issues last trip, and she has anxiety and is on the autism spectrum. So...we have things adjusted and set up in a way that will hopefully help with all that? We're stubborn though and won't be using any of the Disney assistance, but if you see me not getting up for someone on the bus after a long day...please note I am probably in quite a bit of pain and trying to hold it together and I am not some lazy jerk. Thanks.
Where: Pop Century. Neither of us have ever been here. We were going to stay at All Star Movies, because this is the one I stayed at last trip and was cheapest of the two, but then my mom got a pin code that gave us 20% off at pop so it turned into a better deal. So here is another first. Fingers crossed for a room by the lady and the tramp statues!
When: May 3rd - May 11th
Schedule: I like to plan and Tori likes to have a plan, but doesn't like the act of planning so I made the schedule up based on what we wanted to do. It's very basic though because what's the fun of an entirely structured plan?
May 3rd: This is our Arrival day. I'll be getting to the airport first since I am flying in from NY and she's flying in from OR so I am going to hang around the airport, look in stores, grab some overpriced food, and then once she arrives we'll hop on the ME and head to Pop! We plan to find our room and get settled a bit, then head to downtown so I can get my Annual Pass and Tables in Wonderland card. Then off to World of Disney to buy stuffed animals. Then back to the resort to chill and get some dinner.
May 4th: We are starting with animal kingdom as this and Magic kingdom are our favorite parks. I am excited to actually be going with someone who wants to explore AK because I usually don't get to. So we are there until closing. Then we are heading over to MK for the rest of the evening since they have EMHs that night.
~Rainforest Café AK at 12:30pm
~Plaza at 6:05pm
May 5th: We are going to try and get up early for the magic kingdom welcome show, but neither of us like to be up early so we will see if that happens. This morning/Afternoon will be spent in Magic Kingdom though. Then it's back to the hotel for swimming, dinner, and exploring the resort. We might decide to do a park. Who knows.
~Be Our Guest at 2:00pm ((Not sure if we are having lunch here or eating at Pinnochio's and then coming here for cupcakes. I want to try the roast beef sandwich, but I am really afraid of it not being done to my liking because I am super picky about that. It needs to be really done, no pink.))
May 6th: Epcot day! Neither of us has properly explored Epcot so we plan to actually do a bit of that so we are going to stick around here all day and watch illuminations. No drinking though. She's a month and a day shy of being 21 and I can't drink with my meds so, none of that. It's fine, people will probably think we are drunk or crazy anyway.
~Beaches and Cream at 6:30pm ((I've been dying to eat here. It looks so colorful and fun and we are going to grab shakes to go after dinner.))
May 7th: Resort hopping, Disney springs and date night. We figured we'd need a break after a long day in Epcot. This park always felt like it had so much walking to it and it always felt hotter than the other parks to me, and I've never been in it for more than a couple of hours. We originally didn't have this day planned, but the pin code allowed us to add a day and still save money, so here we are. Plan is Art of Animation, Animal Kingdom Lodge, head to disney springs for a bit, then from their to the monorail resorts. Then after dinner we'll head to the Poly beach to watch wishes. I am guessing it would be best to go from art of animation to animal kingdom and then to Animal kingdom lodge? Or is there an easier way?
~Grand Floridian Café at 6:30pm
May 8th: Hollywood studios day! There isn't much here that really interests either of us honestly, but we like toy story midway mania and I love the frozen sing along and know Tori will too. So chances are we will head early in the morning for EMHs, ride toy story as well as get a fastpass for it when we make those. There are characters here we want to meet, so it will be mostly that and we'll probably see the frozen show a few times. I also NEED my butterfinger cupcake. Then for the afternoon go back and swim at the resort and go to DS or another park. We won't be doing Fantasmic! The way the seating is set up and the way the crowds are afterwards nearly had me in tears last time because I was so anxious, so that's a no go for this trip.
~Sci -Fi at 12:55pm
May 9th: Full Day of Magic Kingdom! This day will include Tori's first time on Splash mountain, which I had to compromise and ride Expedition Everest with her to get her to ride Splash, and then Seven Dwarfs Minetrain. We will also catch Festival of Fantasy parade and then the three night shows.
~Crystal Palace at 2:30pm ((This is my absolute favorite place to eat in Disney so far.))
May 10th: Our last Disney day! We'll be spending it in our two favorite parks, AK and MK. We'll enjoy everything we possibly can and try not to think about the fact that we are going to have to go home tomorrow and we'll once again be on opposite sides of the country from each other. Boooo...
~Tony's Town Square at 11:45am ((I am so excited for this. Lady and The Tramp is my favorite movie and I wanted to eat here last trip, but it was taken out of the schedule and replaced with Hollywood and Vine. Oi.))
So that's that! It should be an interesting trip and something incredibly different for me since this is the first trip I actually planned and don't have to worry about following a schedule set up by someone else or dealing with cranky children! Then I get another adult only trip in November with my parents! 179 days to go!
Who: Me (Emmie) and my gf (Tori)
Background: This will be our first adult only trip that either of us have ever taken to Disney World, but that doesn't mean we act like adults. We both eat like five year olds and we are Disney freaks, but we have manners and maturity at least? I've been twice, both times in May over the course of the past two years. Tori went once as a child with her family, but spent most of her time sick in the hotel room so this is essentially in many ways a first trip for her. She lives closer to Disneyland though and has been there quite a few times. Now, this trip is special for us, in that this will be the first time we are meeting in person. We've been best friends for eight and half years. We've been through a lot with each other, more than I care to get into simply because it's long, complicated, and we'd be here for ages. We've been trying to set up a vacation together for two years now, but I ended up sick and having to take off time from school and didn't want to travel a ton, then it was money issues. We are finally in a place where we can both afford this and (hopefully) physically manage it. I have fibromyalgia and some pretty bad anxiety, which were two of the big issues last trip, and she has anxiety and is on the autism spectrum. So...we have things adjusted and set up in a way that will hopefully help with all that? We're stubborn though and won't be using any of the Disney assistance, but if you see me not getting up for someone on the bus after a long day...please note I am probably in quite a bit of pain and trying to hold it together and I am not some lazy jerk. Thanks.
Where: Pop Century. Neither of us have ever been here. We were going to stay at All Star Movies, because this is the one I stayed at last trip and was cheapest of the two, but then my mom got a pin code that gave us 20% off at pop so it turned into a better deal. So here is another first. Fingers crossed for a room by the lady and the tramp statues!
When: May 3rd - May 11th
Schedule: I like to plan and Tori likes to have a plan, but doesn't like the act of planning so I made the schedule up based on what we wanted to do. It's very basic though because what's the fun of an entirely structured plan?
May 3rd: This is our Arrival day. I'll be getting to the airport first since I am flying in from NY and she's flying in from OR so I am going to hang around the airport, look in stores, grab some overpriced food, and then once she arrives we'll hop on the ME and head to Pop! We plan to find our room and get settled a bit, then head to downtown so I can get my Annual Pass and Tables in Wonderland card. Then off to World of Disney to buy stuffed animals. Then back to the resort to chill and get some dinner.
May 4th: We are starting with animal kingdom as this and Magic kingdom are our favorite parks. I am excited to actually be going with someone who wants to explore AK because I usually don't get to. So we are there until closing. Then we are heading over to MK for the rest of the evening since they have EMHs that night.
~Rainforest Café AK at 12:30pm
~Plaza at 6:05pm
May 5th: We are going to try and get up early for the magic kingdom welcome show, but neither of us like to be up early so we will see if that happens. This morning/Afternoon will be spent in Magic Kingdom though. Then it's back to the hotel for swimming, dinner, and exploring the resort. We might decide to do a park. Who knows.
~Be Our Guest at 2:00pm ((Not sure if we are having lunch here or eating at Pinnochio's and then coming here for cupcakes. I want to try the roast beef sandwich, but I am really afraid of it not being done to my liking because I am super picky about that. It needs to be really done, no pink.))
May 6th: Epcot day! Neither of us has properly explored Epcot so we plan to actually do a bit of that so we are going to stick around here all day and watch illuminations. No drinking though. She's a month and a day shy of being 21 and I can't drink with my meds so, none of that. It's fine, people will probably think we are drunk or crazy anyway.
~Beaches and Cream at 6:30pm ((I've been dying to eat here. It looks so colorful and fun and we are going to grab shakes to go after dinner.))
May 7th: Resort hopping, Disney springs and date night. We figured we'd need a break after a long day in Epcot. This park always felt like it had so much walking to it and it always felt hotter than the other parks to me, and I've never been in it for more than a couple of hours. We originally didn't have this day planned, but the pin code allowed us to add a day and still save money, so here we are. Plan is Art of Animation, Animal Kingdom Lodge, head to disney springs for a bit, then from their to the monorail resorts. Then after dinner we'll head to the Poly beach to watch wishes. I am guessing it would be best to go from art of animation to animal kingdom and then to Animal kingdom lodge? Or is there an easier way?
~Grand Floridian Café at 6:30pm
May 8th: Hollywood studios day! There isn't much here that really interests either of us honestly, but we like toy story midway mania and I love the frozen sing along and know Tori will too. So chances are we will head early in the morning for EMHs, ride toy story as well as get a fastpass for it when we make those. There are characters here we want to meet, so it will be mostly that and we'll probably see the frozen show a few times. I also NEED my butterfinger cupcake. Then for the afternoon go back and swim at the resort and go to DS or another park. We won't be doing Fantasmic! The way the seating is set up and the way the crowds are afterwards nearly had me in tears last time because I was so anxious, so that's a no go for this trip.
~Sci -Fi at 12:55pm
May 9th: Full Day of Magic Kingdom! This day will include Tori's first time on Splash mountain, which I had to compromise and ride Expedition Everest with her to get her to ride Splash, and then Seven Dwarfs Minetrain. We will also catch Festival of Fantasy parade and then the three night shows.
~Crystal Palace at 2:30pm ((This is my absolute favorite place to eat in Disney so far.))
May 10th: Our last Disney day! We'll be spending it in our two favorite parks, AK and MK. We'll enjoy everything we possibly can and try not to think about the fact that we are going to have to go home tomorrow and we'll once again be on opposite sides of the country from each other. Boooo...
~Tony's Town Square at 11:45am ((I am so excited for this. Lady and The Tramp is my favorite movie and I wanted to eat here last trip, but it was taken out of the schedule and replaced with Hollywood and Vine. Oi.))
So that's that! It should be an interesting trip and something incredibly different for me since this is the first trip I actually planned and don't have to worry about following a schedule set up by someone else or dealing with cranky children! Then I get another adult only trip in November with my parents! 179 days to go!