maryszhi Well-Known Member Original Poster Sep 26, 2012 #1 can ya'll refresh my memory how the lockers work? any recommendations for a good location? thank you!!
can ya'll refresh my memory how the lockers work? any recommendations for a good location? thank you!!
englanddg One Little Spark... Sep 26, 2012 #2 The lockers are outside of the main park entries, after the ticket booths and front turnstiles, off to the right or left. They cost a few bucks for the day (I forget the exact cost, 2 - 3 bucks, iirc...maybe 5). Not sure what you want with location.
The lockers are outside of the main park entries, after the ticket booths and front turnstiles, off to the right or left. They cost a few bucks for the day (I forget the exact cost, 2 - 3 bucks, iirc...maybe 5). Not sure what you want with location.
T The Legend Member Sep 26, 2012 #3 There are also lockers by all the rides that have a 'no loose article' policy and they are free while you ride but cost money after that.
There are also lockers by all the rides that have a 'no loose article' policy and they are free while you ride but cost money after that.