Local girl injured at TL


Active Member
First the Wave Pool debris debacle, now this? I dunno... if it was a fault with the water pressure, she can't have been the only one to flip upside down. The skeptic in me suspects a 'chancer'. :shrug:


The Article said:
Tempesst said, while she was waiting for an ambulance, a Disney worked offered her two free Disney tickets for her incontinence. She doesn't have insurance and just wants her medical bills taken care of.



New Member
A Disney spokesperson told Eyewitness News they are aware of the situation. They checked the ride and believe the attraction was operating properly. The offer for the two tickets is still open.

This is my new favorite quote.


First the Wave Pool debris debacle, now this? I dunno... if it was a fault with the water pressure, she can't have been the only one to flip upside down. The skeptic in me suspects a 'chancer'. :shrug:

i agree, unless that person has the right credentials such as weight and mass, there is no way that a person can be flipped upside down in the manner as she described, i think that she might have done something that triggered that action.


Well-Known Member
i agree, unless that person has the right credentials such as weight and mass, there is no way that a person can be flipped upside down in the manner as she described, i think that she might have done something that triggered that action.

She probably let go of the handles...:brick:


Well-Known Member
She said she just wants the thousands of dollars worth of medical bills paid. If that's all she wants paid then why are they suing? They are obviously playing up the whole thing to see what they can get. It happens all the time here in Detroit. :rolleyes:


New Member
Oh stories like these make me remember the oh so wonderful experiences that I had working Guest Service at Blizzard Beach... a broken leg on Summit Plummet seems to come to mind :brick:


Last Feb my cousins and I were on CG. We were on a triple. Anyways when we got to the pool part as soon as our tube hit it it stopped and we flew forward. Unfortunatly we had the heaviest people in the back and I was in the front so I had everyone run into me. Injuries include neck pain for 2 weeks and bruises (oh and broken sunglass). Long story short I didn't have a need to sue Disney, even if I did spend money for a doc visit. In fact I didn't even complain to them at all. I was however a little upset that they saw the whole thing happen and acted like nothing was wrong.

It's not the first time I've been injured in Disney's Water Parks. When I was at BB I was in the wave pool and it severly scraped the tops of my feet with toes included. I still have pretty bad scars from it and that happened when I was 12 (Im 19 now).


Hey Im just curious, all of this water park talk reminded me of this. I was on a slide(one without a tube, mat or raft...you know, just your body) a few years back at either BB or TL and when I got to the bottom my top few off (as the bottom creates a jet stream as you slow down). Anyone have that happen to them? Im wondering how common it is. (This is directed to the ladies in the mouse house).


Well-Known Member
Why just her ???

Why not the raft before her or the ride after her ????

"Here you go honey - go play nicely at Disney and see if you can fall off something - you know how badly mummy needs a new sports car"



"The guys said, 'This doesn't happen a lot. It might be the water pressure was too high so we'll lower the water pressure and shut down the ride,'" Tempesst said.

That sounds like BS why would they say we will lower the pressure then shut it down. I hope this stupid family do not end up causing Disney to ruin a perfectly fun ride. I have been on it around 100 times and never fell out because I hold on to the handles and if you are firmly sat down the water shouldn't be able to flip the tube over.


Premium Member
I am sure that the attraction has been tested with the scenario of someone coming out of the tube. While not ideal, I cant imagine them allowing the ride to operatie if losing the tube would cause serious injuries.


New Member
Hey Im just curious, all of this water park talk reminded me of this. I was on a slide(one without a tube, mat or raft...you know, just your body) a few years back at either BB or TL and when I got to the bottom my top few off (as the bottom creates a jet stream as you slow down). Anyone have that happen to them? Im wondering how common it is. (This is directed to the ladies in the mouse house).

While my DW and I were watching our kids on the OKW pool slide a woman had a wardrobe malfunction with the top of her suit. The disturbing part was that she didn't realize it and got out of the pool and went back up the slide while still "hanging out" The life guard had to inform her when she came back down of the problem.


New Member
I was in line for this once and the side I was waiting for shut down because a tube failed to make it up one of the hills. I was told when this happened that each jet is under a camera and someone is monitoring them at all times. If this is true, why wasn't the slide E-stoppped when she passed the next jet, sans tube?


New Member
I agree with the earlier poster.. *IF* disney was blantantly at fault and she had medical bills to be paid.. Then they wouldn't need to sue to do it.. I know this as a fact... My daughter was injured on property a few months back... All I wanted was for Disney to fix the problem, and insure no one else would be hurt.. They fixed it, and offered to pay my medical bills... I told them that it wouldn't amount to much.. So they basically reimbursed me my co-pay for the single doctors visit.. I didn't try to get them to reimburse the whole amount.. just what was out-of-pocket for me.., and they also sent my daughters an autographed picture each from the their favorite princess.. A gesture that the claims rep insisted on, which was nice.. but not necessary..

My point is.. I am impressed with Disney, in that, if there is a problem in which they are responsible (at least in my case) they take care of the issue, and make amends.. I'm sure I could have found a lawyer to salivate and sue disney for hundreds of thousands, or millions, or whatever... I simply wasn't interested.. Just take care of the issue...

This person obviously wants more.. Which is why you heard about it in the media,etc,etc,etc... The news crews were not at Typhon Lagoon taking interviews and hunting this person down.. They never would have known about it if it wasn't for the mom blabbing to the media.

just my 2 cents.

Space Mountain

Well-Known Member
I was in line for this once and the side I was waiting for shut down because a tube failed to make it up one of the hills. I was told when this happened that each jet is under a camera and someone is monitoring them at all times. If this is true, why wasn't the slide E-stoppped when she passed the next jet, sans tube?

You have less than 2 seconds to see each tube at each of the 9 cameras. Most of the time the ride system will Zone Fault when someone flips, but if someone flips at the least perfect second, it will be after a sensor and will not be noticed until the next zone.


Premium Member
I might get a little flamed for this one but oh well....
Mmmm.....somone can't afford health insurance but they can go to theme/water parks? I would personally invest in health insurance for my children before taking them to theme/water parks.


New Member
I might get a little flamed for this one but oh well....
Mmmm.....somone can't afford health insurance but they can go to theme/water parks? I would personally invest in health insurance for my children before taking them to theme/water parks.

I was thinking the same thing.... a lot of people have mixed-up priorities.

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