Well, I havent really seen anything about this being mentioned, so I figured I start something on it, since all attention is just on the pavilion itself and Soarin'.
Has anyone here ridden this particular ride yet? If so, what do you all think?
I haven't been on it since the rehab. I have to go pick up my Mickey Mouse topiary that I bought for the front yard tomorrow, so maybe I'll make a quick run over for that first.
I think this one is to see if there were any changes implemented in this attraction. Actually very little has been talked about any possible changes in the spiel here. And yes it is a Land overkill right now :lol:, but you gotta believe that this is what Disney wants. Their fans talking about The Land again.
All I know is, I hope they didn't change the theme music to the attraction (You know that flute track you could hear at the end), because in the words of Baxter from Anchorman: "I am NOT cool with that".