Living Seas updates!

Dr Albert Falls

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Original Poster
On a recent visit to The Living Seas, I noticed a few changes.

1. There appears to be a new dolphin in the tank. (Back in May 2002, one of TLS dolphins died. Now there are two again. Anyone know when the new dolphin was added? I never noticed it until recently.)

2. The long-shuttered 2-story "kelp tube" aquarium inside one of the side rooms is now covered with a black curtain (Correct me if I'm wrong, but until recently, I believe the entire tube was covered up with a more permanent casing that was painted "High Pressure"). The top part of the tube still has the old casing over it, but most of it is now covered in a temporary-looking black felt--- almost as if they were trying to bring the old aquarium back to life after hours. Anyone know more?)

3. Almost as soon as guests were ushered into the first "Circle-Vision-like" preshow room, the countdown clock was at 3 minutes. On past trips, I recall waiting in that room for 5 or 6 minutes-- a painfully long time with nothing to look at. (3 minutes was much more tollerable) Either the CM decided not to open the doors until the 3-minute mark, OR POSSIBLY AND HOPEFULLY they have intentionally shortened the pre-show wait time (I know the pre-show is used to control the flow of guests inside the building. But it always seemed like an excessively long time.) Anyone know more?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update!

I think they need to spend a lot of time and money sorting it out properly, instead of closing sections etc. :)
October Trip

There is a dolphin named Bob that is on loan to the aquarium in Baltimore. The two dolphins that are currently in the environment are Rainier and Calvin. We met then on the Dolphins In Depth tour that my wife and I took back in early October. Rainier has been at the Living Seas the longest. The trainers and the guides didn't mention losing a dolphin, but then again that is not the kind of thing you really want to bring up to guests.


New Member
I always go to Epcot but the last few years I have kind of skipped out on the Living Seas. From what I hear, is it safe to say that it has gone down the tubes? Does the ride there still work?


New Member
Yup, yup. Bob is on breeding loan to Baltimore. Ranier and Calvin are at Living Seas now. There was a dolphin death in early May of 2002. Toby passed away then. He was Bob's "partner." Male dolphins tend to form social groupings called diads and triads, that in the wild will often stick together. At Living Seas, Bob and Toby were a diad.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dr Albert Falls
Almost as soon as guests were ushered into the first "Circle-Vision-like" preshow room, the countdown clock was at 3 minutes. On past trips, I recall waiting in that room for 5 or 6 minutes-- a painfully long time with nothing to look at. (3 minutes was much more tollerable) Either the CM decided not to open the doors until the 3-minute mark, OR POSSIBLY AND HOPEFULLY they have intentionally shortened the pre-show wait time (I know the pre-show is used to control the flow of guests inside the building. But it always seemed like an excessively long time.) Anyone know more?

It seems to me that the "circle vision-like" pre show area...if it can even be called a preshow...would be one the few great places to stick NEMO and friends (if they had to put them in the Living Seas)...It could be a UoE type of pre show....the only other place would be in the movie or make a mini dark ride using the ride system in place......

Though I'm usually against putting these characters in Epcot would be a nice addition to see TLS get some work done on it....Nemo would be good as long as it doesn't overtake the Sea Base Alpha ambiance.....just my opinion....

And hey a Nemo preshow....would be nice...cause alot of included get a little restless in that dark room standing looking at the ceiling...wondering when the heck we are gonna get to go in.....:p



Account Suspended
This may have been asked before...but does anyone know WHY they stopped the "little ride"...inside LTS?? That was a nice part of the you just sit in the preshow and go in.....:mad:
Not much to do or see....if youve gone to your areas aquarium (Chicago-Shed Aquarium)'ve already been there done that....even better than Disney could even think of doing....soooooo, whats the reason for toning the attraction down?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkymaus
This may have been asked before...but does anyone know WHY they stopped the "little ride"...inside LTS??.....whats the reason for toning the attraction down?

I think it was because of COSTS...but I'm not real sure....if I had to guess though...the "little ride" was probably breaking down too often....

Costs such as maintaining and running costs could have been the reason it was shutdown (especially if the attraction wasn't getting as many guest as it once was getting)....IMHO I think TLS is one of the pavilions in FW that needs the biggest rehab and pronto...even before WoL and Imagination....:lookaroun



Account Suspended
Originally posted by objr
I think it was because of COSTS...but I'm not real sure....if I had to guess though...the "little ride" was probably breaking down too often....

Costs such as maintaining and running costs could have been the reason it was shutdown (especially if the attraction wasn't getting as many guest as it once was getting)....IMHO I think TLS is one of the pavilions in FW that needs the biggest rehab and pronto...even before WoL and Imagination....:lookaroun


I agree 100%....they need to do something about it and its condition ASAP. Hurry, Disney!!!!

Mr Disney

Active Member
In the Parks
I just wanted to add my 2 cents. I can remember when my family went to EPCOT a loooong time ago (it seems) and we got to ride the Living Seas aquarium ride. This was before they had closed it down because of costs (obviously:D ) Anyways, I can remember the part where it's kinda like a U-turn and we were riding and then all of a sudden we just stopped and we sat there for an hour before the CMs came to get us out. This is why I have cause to believe that they closed it because it broke down all the time. :)


Account Suspended
true but they should have fixed the ride. it was good. also, the last time i went (jan.2002) there looked to be a lack of fish. i dont know what was going on but i remember there were always alot of fish and in jan there weren't. can anyone comfirm this?


Well-Known Member
Rather than adding Nemo, wouldn't it be more interesting to add a more minor character from the movie like, say, Mr. Ray? It would make more sense anyway because Ray was supposed to be a teacher about the ocean and it's different creatures. I'm usually adverse to shoehorning in existing Disney characters (Or Disney-affiliated comediannes) into attractions for rennovations, but somehow it's easier to bear if it's a minor character rather than the titual one.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Mr Disney
I just wanted to add my 2 cents. I can remember when my family went to EPCOT a loooong time ago (it seems) and we got to ride the Living Seas aquarium ride. This was before they had closed it down because of costs (obviously:D ) Anyways, I can remember the part where it's kinda like a U-turn and we were riding and then all of a sudden we just stopped and we sat there for an hour before the CMs came to get us out. This is why I have cause to believe that they closed it because it broke down all the time. :)

An hour?! Hard to belive an hour, (Disney wants you out and about spending cash, not sitting in a ride for an hour....but as you may or may not know....EVERYTHING breaks down :lol: )once in a while...look at TT...I would say on an average of what....3-4 times an hour?!

IMO, its just stupidity on Disney's part...I think they were just too cheap at that time (economy-was hidious) to refurb..and so they just shut it down.



New Member
I don't think they will just add Nemo. He's one of the more boring characters, anyway. I think they will add in different characters in different places. The only one that has been confirmed is Crush, the sea turtle, who will be part of the interactive "character phone" like they use at DL with stitch.

I think the biggest thing they need to do is cover up all the bland 80's looking carpet covered walls and "plasticy" sea base walls. They could cover them with fake rock and coral, and also projection screens.
They could make the first room, with the queue seem underwater by putting screens all over the place with fish on them and introducing you to the characters and the story. It would start over the water, with the pelicans and seagulls, then descend into the harbor with dory and marlin. The next room, which seems perfect for this, where you stand in the circle and wait and it's so boring, they already have the screen which would be really fun if they had dory and marlin swimming around it and telling jokes. Then, as a replacement to the hydrolators, you could board a simulator that would take you on a submarine down to sea base alpha. Once there, the ride would be open again, but narrated by Dory, who would swim along side your car, via projection. At the end of the ride, we would meet up with nemo, who would describe how cool the sea base is. The main part of the seabase could have different characters for different exhibits. One room would have crush and the other sea turtles, another could have a video narrated by mr. Ray, and another would feature Bruce, chum, and anchor, and some real life sharks. After visting the gift shop, you would board a hydrolator to return to the surface. What i'm trying to say is that it could be fun without spending tons of cash, but by simply replacing things like movies and exhibits with new ones featuring characters from the movie.


Anything New With TLS!!!

Does anyone know when this will happen i agree with what you Jussjuce it needs different Nemo Characters.



New Member
I am a fan of living seas but it definately needs to be updated. There is never any guests in TLS and it makes me want to cry:cry: The introduction of Nemo is agreat idea since its a very popular movie people will want to see it. All they have to do is have nemo and friends talk about the creatures in TLS and bring back (and probably update) the ride section. We can only hope that this pavilion will be updated. :(


New Member
Personally, Living Seas was my fave at EPCOT, but it's gone downhill fast. I'd like to see a Nemo play area themed around the Dentist's fish tank and an installment of 20,000 Leagues-Tokyo Disney Seas style. If they can plop Soarin' into the Land, why not do the same for the Living Seas?

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