lightning at Disney


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know this may be a stupid question, but I have never seen it discussed here. Has anyone ever heard of anyone being struck by lightning at Disney World? It rains a lot there, and sometimes the storms get pretty bad. I know they must have lightning rods, and what not, but has anyone ever gotten struck? I'm headed down to the World next week, and I was thinking about the storms that might hit there. BTW, please, no Strom Struck jokes. Thanks :wave:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Well, EPCOT got StormStruck a few weeks ago...:lookaroun

But yeah, I think EVERYTHING had lightning rods...There is a great pic of the Contemporary being hit SOMEWHERE out there...:wave:

Search is yo bff.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I was hiding in the doorway of Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe one day during an absolute torrential downpour and lightning hit a lightning rod directly across the "street" from us. It was amazingly bright, loud and close. Also pretty terrifying. That's as close as I've come to it and it was plenty close-enough.


Well-Known Member
Lightning strikes 'ME' every-time I pass my ticket through the turn-style and I walk in the Park. :) But I digress.

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