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Just my theory, but I think that “A lot of theming” vs. “A little theming” is probably the wrong metric. I said in an earlier comment - a place like Port Orleans can have a ton of theming but still come off as quite subtle because all of the theming is so harmonious. Whereas one random Frozen picture in rooms on the Wish stand out a fair bit, because a Frozen picture doesn’t seem to have a lot in common with the rest of those rooms.

My thought is that the right metric is probably “harmonious vs discordant”. I’m not entirely opposed to discordant elements. In pop culture slang, they can make things “pop”. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s entirely possible for things to be too harmonious, so that our eyes just sweep over them without a second thought. Contradiction makes us think. But too many discordant elements become a cluttered mess. There’s a kind of yin yang balance to be found there, I think.

I haven’t seen the Wish in person but my understanding of the complaints are that the layout is a bit too discordant because there was a desire to mix retail spaces with themed spaces in the hope of promoting shopping. I agree with you that the extra theming on the Wish is cool, but I also agree with people complaining that being in a lounge that feels like it’s in a mall food court is an ambiance killer.

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