Length of 1 day stay at SeaWorld?


Original Poster

We're looking to do a day at SeaWorld during our vacation at WDW. We will be using a towncar as our transportation and we would love to get your advice on how much time we should allot for SeaWorld. We plan to get to SeaWorld right at open (9am I believe) and we need to book a time for pick up. We've never been to the Orlando SeaWorld so we're not sure how much time we'll need there.

We don't want to be rushed and miss some of the attractions, but at the same time, we don't want to be waiting for hours until our scheduled pickup time.

Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



New Member
If you try to visit every attraction, show, and bar (it is an an AB park...) you could easily stay until closing. There are a few rides and some walk through attractions, but the reason you go is to watch giant fish jump to eat smaller fish. Since they are shows, there is a performance schedule and you will have to do some planning when you get there. I would say see at least the shamu show, dolphin show, Clyde and seamour, and sea lions tonight (Later Clyde and Seamour). There are two Shamu shows now, the regular one and a Shamu Rocks. If Mysify is still going, skip the second shamu in favor of this. The second show is much like the first, only with different lights and sound.

I think there are at least two or three other scheduled shows in the park. If each show takes a minimum of one hour (show and running to get there, depends how good you plan), that's seven hours of shows, plus food, bathroom breaks, other rides, attractions, etc.

I would plan on all day, but I'm the kind of person who gets to the park as soon as possible and doesn't leave until someone kicks me out (attendant, security, wife...).

Hope that helps a bit...


Well-Known Member
Last time we went, we saw every show we wanted to see (all the biggies), rode the coasters a couple of times, and we were through by 4:30. So, you have two different perspectives. I guess it's going to be how much you decide to put into the park.


Original Poster
Thanks for the feedback. 9hrs at SeaWorld should be enough as we won't need to see everything there.


Active Member
AT LEAST make sure to see The Shamu Adventure and Clyde And Seamore Take Pirate Island!

Those shows are my favorite of shows EVER!! ( I actually like Clyde and Seamore a tad more then The Shamu Adventure! )

Also, if you like big thrills try out Kraken and Journey To Atlantis, those are very fun! If you like mild but wild thrills try out Wild Arctic (very fun and nicely themed)

As for some Animal Exhibits I would try Dolphin Cove, Dolphin Nursery, Shark Encounter (whatever you do, DO NOT miss Shark Encounter) Penguin Encounter (Try your best not to miss this one either) and if you like to feed animals go to Pacific Point Preserve and you can buy a dixie cup filled with (I forgot what it was, but some kind of fish) and you can feed the SeaLions. I always pay a tribute to Turtle Point because it seems nobody visits it to much :cry: and turtles are my favorite kind of animal!

I got to the park around 11AM and didn't leave until 9PM (this was on Dec. 27 2003)

I think the only thing that I didn't like about SeaWorld Orlando was the Clydesdale Hamlet, that was probably the worst thing SeaWorld could possibly add to theri park and should get rid of it!

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